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Brisket question- frozen

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    Thanks for all of the help. I cooked one Sunday and cooled in a cooler. Sliced 3/4s yesterday for supper last night and wrapped the rest in freezer paper and into the freezer. This weekend we'll try it and see how it works out.


      vaccum bag th cooked brisket along with some of the drippings. when you wan to serv put the vaccum bags in a pot of boiling water for 30-40 minutes. comes out hot and moist.


        Originally posted by boomer453 View Post
        vaccum bag th cooked brisket along with some of the drippings. when you wan to serv put the vaccum bags in a pot of boiling water for 30-40 minutes. comes out hot and moist.


          We don't have a vacuum setup, would heavy duty ziplocks work? I was also thinking about a large crock pot we have, put em in once thawed/sliced, top with some drippings/BBQ suace. Work?


            I smoked a brisket on sunday and did not eat it until late yesterday. I put it in a pan and covered with foil then put it in the fridge after it had cooled. Monday I uncovered the pan and put a can of beer in the bottom and covered it really tight and put it on the top shelf of the gas grill on 200 for about 1 1/2 and then sliced it. Tasted like it just came off the pit. I did not wrap the brisket when I smoked it. just my 2 cents
            Last edited by T-Bone; 05-29-2012, 05:49 PM.


              This weekend is the anniversary party. I have two briskets now in the fridge thawing, spent about three weeks in the freezer after smoking, and one on the smoker as we speak. All total @45lbs of meat. My parents invite/rsvp list kept growing so I thought I'd better cook another one. Should be around 80 folks, most around my parents age (mid-70s), hopefully with the extras we'll have enough food.

              Two are going up whole, we'll warm and slice/shred Saturday am, the one I'm cooking today is going to be shredded.

              Thanks for the help!


                Smoke em vacuum seal them then freeze when ready to eat throw the vacuum sealed meat into boiling water they taste just like they came off the pit


                  Originally posted by Tubby View Post
                  If I were in your shoes, this is what I would do. Not saying it's the best way or the only way, but just the way I would go about it.

                  I smoke mine then wrap in foil and put back in the smoker to get more tender. (let's not get into the "foil/no foil" debate here). Once they're ready to pull off, they go into a foil pan (with the brisket still wrapped in foil) and then placed in a cooler to "rest". Let them cool completely. Once cool, remove the foil and let the juices run into the pan, put the brisket in an vacuum seal bag, seal it and freeze it. Take the juice and put in a ziplock bag and freeze it.

                  When you're ready to leave, remove from freezer and put in a cooler with a small layer of ice in the bottom. No need to have too much ice as your'e wanting these to thaw while traveling. Take foil pans and a roll of foil with you. Once you arrive, Give yourself at least 2 hours to prep and reheat them. Remove the brisket from the bag and place in the foil pan, pour in some of the natural juice, cover the pan with foil tightly and place in the oven. If it's not fully thawed (brisket and/or juices), place in a sink (while still in the bag) with the stopper in and fill with lukewarm water. 250ยบ for 30-45 minutes. Remove from oven, slice and enjoy.
                  is exactly how you do it.




                      Originally posted by cut'em View Post
                      Slice them and then vacuum seal,you can then freeze them. Heat them up in a pot of boiling water still in the bag. They will come moist and want be dried out like they would be from the microwave.
                      This is how we do it. I cooked up a bunch a few weeks ahead of time for our family and then we took them frozen vacuum sealed in the Yeti to Florida. It is a lot easier doing it this way.


                        I've got another traveling with brisket question.

                        We are going to Dallas this weekend to visit some friends and I had thought about cooking a brisket here (Houston) on Thursday afternoon/night and then taking it with us to eat Friday night for dinner.

                        My thoughts were to let it rest once it comes off the smoker and then refrigerate it overnight once it cools and haul it up there in an ice chest and re-heat it in an oven before we sliced it and ate it Friday night. Would heating it up 24 hours later in the oven dry it out or would this be an ok way to do it?

