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Smart Ranch Exotics

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    Smart Ranch Exotics

    This is my annual rat and roach report!

    On the weekend of July 27th, myself and 3 other hunters were invited to a complimentary hunt at the Smart Ranch, near Kerville, TX. The invitation came from the ranch manager/owner and started out as a business meeting, of sorts, to see if our group could provide effective advertising for the ranch.

    Some pertinent facts:
    The huntable portion of the ranch is about 600 acres.
    That 600 acres is high fenced on two sides, effectively making the ranch free range.
    On the ranch website, they claim to have many different species of exotics, including axis, fallow, blackbuck, and hogs.
    The ranch accepts hunters 7 days a week.
    On another of the ranch owner’s websites, he boasts “if you don’t see deer, I’ll change my name”.

    So, I make the 5 hour trek to Kerville for a much anticipated hunt. When we all arrive, Dave takes us on a tour of the hunting area. We see a few groups of axis, all at distances of more than 80-100 yards, and all hightailing it as soon as they see the truck.

    We make our way back to “camp” to get ready for the evening hunt.

    Friday evening, I sat in a hang on tree stand overlooking a feeder. I saw one whitetail doe that came in, looked directly at the stand, ate for about 2 minutes and then went on her way.

    Saturday morning, I sat in a ladder stand next to a road. The night before, Dave’s “ranch” truck ran out of fuel, so the road feeder was on that truck, in another area of the ranch, so there wasn’t even any corn to stop the deer IF they did come through. As he dropped me off, he said “watch that fence back there, the axis usually travel that fence line”. Yeah, that’s all good except the fence is about 100 yards away and we’re BOW hunting! That morning, I saw a whitetail doe and 3 whitetail bucks. Although the ranch is “covered” in axis, according to Dave, I still haven’t seen an axis while on the stand.

    Saturday evening I sat in a box blind overlooking a different feeder. Two lonely whitetail doe came by, looked at the box blind, looked at the feeder, and went on their way. Now we’re up to 12 hours of hunting time, and still not a single axis.

    The box blind was the most comfortable blind that I had hunted, so I chose to sit there again Sunday morning. This time, I saw a huge jackrabbit. Now we’re up to 16 hours of hunting time and I still haven’t seen an axis, or any other exotic for that matter.

    I chalk it up as a learning experience, thank Dave for the hunt, and we head home. Yesterday, I decided to visit one Dave’s 57 websites and find an advertisement for the Smart Ranch that has the guarantee (that you read in the beginning of this report). Since I didn’t see any deer (I don’t count the whitetail because they’re not in season) I simply asked since I didn’t see any deer, when was he going to change his name. Pretty simple question, so I thought! My post was promptly deleted! Wanting an answer, I start a new thread and try to keep it short and sweet. The thread was locked and soon after, all but my original post were deleted … then I was banned! The thread doesn’t make much sense without my posts, but if you care to read it, here’s the link.

    I re-registered, to try to get an answer, and I was banned again! I now have an IP ban, on the very site that he calls a “fair, balanced, and unbiased forum”, AND he calls me a liar and a coward! What a joke!

    Here’s my point to all of this.
    The Smart Ranch is too small to be effectively run as a self sustaining low fenced exotic hunting ranch. The owner will run hunters through there like cattle at an auction ring, over hunting the small parcel and driving the animals out to neighboring ranches. All the while, he’ll tell you that he’s not in it for the money, but for the thrill of the hunt. The sales tactics used by the Smart Ranch are deceitful, at best, and totally dishonest.

    I know some of you will say ... "it was a free hunt, what are you complaining about?" ... yeah, it was free for me, but I'm just trying to keep "paying" customers from wasting their hard earned money.

    This is of course, my opinion, so you can take it for what it’s worth.
    If you enjoy watching birds and rabbits, visit the Smart Ranch.
    If you want to see exotics, drive on past!

    In my best Marvin Zindler voice

    Texas Taxi …. Eye … witness … news!

    Thanks for the heads up. Good, fair, honest report if you ask me.


      Thanks for the report. Texas is getting to many of these little **** ant ranches just trying to make a buck. The needs to be a governing body to help protect hunters and their wallets.


        Imagine that, this post is not deleted! Last time I asked a simple question about this place it was.

        Kevin, I can understand deer not comeing to feeders this time of year but I would have expected you to at least see some of what you were after. At least all it cost was time and gas, live and learn. thanks for the report.


          I know it!! With all the hype that guy was saying about the ranch. I know it was to good to be true!@!!h


            Legal Disclaimer: The TBH'er poster known as Smart and the Smart Ranch are not affiliated in any fashion............All likeness, intelligence and good lookin'ness of the TBH poster Smart and any relationship with the name Smart in Smart ranch are merely coincidences. The TBHer Smart reserves the right to defend himself in said conversations refuting this relationship and website members must listen. Members not listening to said conversation will be forced to spend eternity feeding grapes to and shaving the back of Rosie O'Donnel and Natalie Maines. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.


              Thanks for the report, Kevin.

              Everybody, I know it's an easy target after what has transpired in recent days (or months, as may be the case with Smart Ranch threads), but please respect that the Rate the Day Lease forum is not really the proper place to post banter not related to the actual report.

              As always, if you have hunted the ranch, and are not an owner, manager, agent or otherwise affiliated with the ranch (or married/dating one of the above), you are welcome to post your honest feedback and opinion about your specific hunt for others to review.


              My Flickr Photos


                Ok M


                  Originally posted by TXOUTLAW View Post
                  Imagine that, this post is not deleted! Last time I asked a simple question about this place it was.

                  Kevin, I can understand deer not comeing to feeders this time of year but I would have expected you to at least see some of what you were after. At least all it cost was time and gas, live and learn. thanks for the report.
                  Please allow me to provide clarification on this and to rebut some of the misinfomration made recently in regards to what is, and is not, permitted on this Rate the Day Lease forum. As mentioned in the previous post, the RTDL forum is designed to be a place where hunters can get honest, unbiased feedback on day leases throughout the state from other hunters who have actually hunted the property. In order to maintain the integrity of the RTDL, we prohibit ranch owners, managers or "affiliates" (people that receive free hunts in exchange for bookings, advertising, etc) from posting about their own ranch in an attempt to simply garner free advertising for their ranch.

                  Obviously, it's difficult for moderators to tell the difference, at times, but when we see blatant abuse, the thread is removed. Such was the case with this ranch on multiple occasions, both with the owner of the ranch, and subsequently by a user simply posing to be a unaffiliated hunter, that turns out to be either the girlfriend or wife of the owner, asking for information about her first upcoming hunt. There also appeared to be a couple of other bogus usernames that were created to drum up discussion about the ranch, and those were deleted. After multiple violations, all subsequent posts about the ranch were looked at with a skeptical eye.

                  I hope this clarifies your question.

                  My Flickr Photos


                    and are not an owner, manager, agent or otherwise affiliated with the ranch (or married/dating one of the above),

                    Am I the only one that laughed when he read this?

                    Thanks for the report. I've been wanting to hunt axis for a while. This helps narrow the field of choices. Very well posted report.


                      Michael this is your site and you run it as you like. I was merely stating fact about my post being deleted. I knew some of the TBH's were going there to hunt and I had been looking at this ranch for a possible booking. When I looked for their reports I saw no post from there because any mention got it deleted.
                      that being said, I also know what you mean about bogus posts just to get the hype up. Problem is, from what I was told by the obvious person is, he had never hunted there before. I thought that was crazy for someone to post so much on a ranch he had never hunted.
                      so be it, I'll still look here and post occasionally as I will on other sites until that privlage is taken away.this post is getting way off base from RTDL so maybe you should lock it anyway.
                      Nuf said!

                      Losthawg, I laughed too!


                        Originally posted by Texastaxi
                        Dale, I would go with your theory, but Tim, Bj, AND Dave Johnson didn't see anything either ... at least nothing that stood still long enough to be identifyed as an axis!
                        I talked to Tim and Bj Sunday on there way home and talked to Dave this afternoon.They pretty much said the same thing.Although the did say they saw several nice whitetail bucks.I got the impression that the place was being over hunted.



                          Soooo. I guess this means your group won't be providing effective advertising for the ranch.



                            Kevin is right, we saw one small herd of Axis doe Friday afternoon to far to even joke about taking a shot at. I was lucky enough to see one small Axis doe/fawn the rest of the weekend. Still then it wasn't from a stand but we just happened to walk (since the guide ran out of gas ) up onto her. I did see a couple of nice whitetail buck while in the truck but they are not being hunted so they weren't as skidish as the Axis. The entire weekend I only had 2 whitetail doe come within shooting range, one before it was light enough to shoot had it been season. As for the fallow, rams and other exotics he swears he is covered in we never saw a single sign as to them being there.

                            Originally posted by Texastaxi View Post
                            I know some of you will say ... "it was a free hunt, what are you complaining about?" ... yeah, it was free for me, but I'm just trying to keep "paying" customers from wasting their hard earned money.
                            I was first to say that and bit my tounge! I was wrong in saying and doing so. Everyone has the right to hear the entire story before they choice to hunt or choice to not hunt a ranch.

                            Originally posted by Texastaxi View Post
                            I decided to visit one Dave’s 57 websites and find an advertisement for the Smart Ranch that has the guarantee (that you read in the beginning of this report). Since I didn’t see any deer (I don’t count the whitetail because they’re not in season) I simply asked since I didn’t see any deer, when was he going to change his name. Pretty simple question, so I thought! My post was promptly deleted! Wanting an answer, I start a new thread and try to keep it short and sweet. The thread was locked and soon after, all but my original post were deleted … then I was banned! The thread doesn’t make much sense without my posts, but if you care to read it, here’s the link.

                            I re-registered, to try to get an answer, and I was banned again! I now have an IP ban, on the very site that he calls a “fair, balanced, and unbiased forum”, AND he calls me a liar and a coward! What a joke!

                            As for what happened on TDL I recieved total blame for everything that had aspired there by MDave. (totally wrong in my book!) There are suppost to be 3 rules over there 1) no **** 2)no dishonesty 3)no disrespect. Those rules obviously don't aplly to the staff, they are only for the people that don't 100% agree with their way of thinking.

                            Originally posted by Texastaxi View Post
                            Here’s my point to all of this.
                            The Smart Ranch is too small to be effectively run as a self sustaining low fenced exotic hunting ranch. The owner will run hunters through there like cattle at an auction ring, over hunting the small parcel and driving the animals out to neighboring ranches. All the while, he’ll tell you that he’s not in it for the money, but for the thrill of the hunt. The sales tactics used by the Smart Ranch are deceitful, at best, and totally dishonest.

                            Point very well made!!!


                              Thanks for the heads up. I will warn my buddies in the hunting community.

