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Laguna Atascosa NWR 2022-23

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    Originally posted by Clay6x45 View Post
    Any pictures?
    I'll see if I can get him to register and post.

    Watching a bull and a cow now. They're in a triangle between the amigos.

    ...and a different herd of 4 cows.
    Last edited by justletmein; 01-09-2023, 12:24 PM.


      Originally posted by justletmein View Post
      I'll see if I can get him to register and post.

      Watching a bull and a cow now. They're in a triangle between the amigos.

      ...and a different herd of 4 cows.
      When one TBH'r spots another TBH'r on the way in from fishing.
      Attached Files


        Man yall are all over them. Exciting hunts at the very least. Congrats to the successful hunters


          Man I'm a bit defeated right now. Coast guard heli just buzzed a herd feeding 125 yards from me and they bolted. It was only a matter of time before their feeding circle looped out to me. That ****er was ridiculously low too. That was the herd I posted about earlier between us, they've been there the whole time moving back and forth.

          Originally posted by Tiburon1 View Post
          When one TBH'r spots another TBH'r on the way in from fishing.
          I was hoping it was still there! Lol... Catch anything? Boat traffic has been slow today.
          Last edited by justletmein; 01-09-2023, 02:15 PM.


            Man this tick hit something weird burying into my hand, felt like a wasp sting. Never had that happen before usually they're stealthy.


              Originally posted by justletmein View Post
              Man I'm a bit defeated right now. Coast guard heli just buzzed a herd feeding 125 yards from me and they bolted. It was only a matter of time before their feeding circle looped out to me. That ****er was ridiculously low too. That was the herd I posted about earlier between us, they've been there the whole time moving back and forth.

              I was hoping it was still there! Lol... Catch anything? Boat traffic has been slow today.

              I took that pic on Saturday afternoon. I didn't want to post it until today in the event you were in a "secret spot".
              Yes, we caught a bunch of redfish.


                Oh right on, thanks for the delay. Probably wouldn't matter due to how far back we walk in but appreciate ya being safe! Redfish will work. We haven't fished at all just watched some kids around camp catch a few puppy drum and a thousand hardheads. Every now and then there's some hooting and hollering from the pier.


                  I’ve enjoyed reading everyone’s post and being a part of 2022-23 LANWR hunt. I haven’t hunted here since the late 90’s. As always, priorities change and life gets in the way. I and my hunting buddy were lucky to get drawn. He had an unexpected death in the family on Thursday so I had to accept that it was going to be hard, solo hunt. Day 1 was exhilarating as I saw 21 Nilgai with 3 being possible shots. But it’s hunting and nothing goes as planned when you think of quick strategy.
                  Day 2: unexpected hunter sits 45 yards in back of me which made me nervous. I didnt want to get shot so i made my presence known. He stuck it out till noon and left. Afternoon was boring
                  Day 3 Saw a bull and cows start to make their way towards me but were intercepted along the way. No worries…we all deserve to be out here and try to make a shot. Gave me great joy when I saw a dad and his young son get up from their cover and retrieve their bolt. Brought back a flood of memories when my dad brought me for the first time some 38 years ago. He gave up his hunt to allow me to hunt and miss several times. Great times. That cold front with light sprinkle felt like i was being pelted by small ice cubes so I walked in the brush for cover. Had great view in all directions but didnt see or hear a thing. Left after 2 to get some R&R.
                  I had decided before the hunt that Monday morning would be the last hunt. I would have to work the next day. So today arrives and i get to the stand before daylight. I started to hear and unbelievable hum. Kept getting louder and I realize that it sounds exactly like bees swarming. It’s to the point that it drowns out every noise and all i can think is that I cant outrun them and I don’t want to go out like this. I block of my ears thinking it was tinnitus setting in but it wasn’t. I’m looking in every direction and there’s just enough light to be able to see if there are bees nearby. Can’t see bees. Decide to slowly get down from stand and walk behind my background tree when i see a hog has crossed the field and is about 80 yards from crossing my area. Get back to my bow and start ranging every tree in that general direction. Sun hasn’t come up but there’s enough light to make out everything. Victim 1 steps into bow opportunity and is zig zagging its way to me. I’m at full draw when it stops at 28 yards and is looking right at me. It’s now or never and I send it. Arrow enters the front chest and it runs 60 yards and expires. WOOOOOWWW!!! What a rush. It’s only 7:15. I look into the field again and I see victim #2 on the same path of death. It enters at 50 yards and zig zags its way to me. But it gets to a point where the other hog spewed blood and he stops behind a tree. I guess it decides this is death alley and makes its way back out they way it came in. It stops what i think is 50. Align my sight and I send it! At that moment, it started to walk and I hit the spine midway back because its 48 yards and not 50. Great, now its screaming up a storm and I’m thinking PETA is about to step out with cameras because of all the noise its making. It’s not moving, so i walk within 10 yards and put an arrow in the back of head/neck. Both have expired and it’s now 7:21. It crossed my mind to continue hunting but that moment of absurdity was quickly dismissed as I realized I HAD A LOT OF WORK AHEAD OF ME. I knew I was in trouble when I went for the first one. Had to stop every 10 yards when dragging. This was not going to be good. Got them both back to the area where I decided I would field dress. Five minutes each and several pounds lighter now. Still wasn’t enough when I started the dreaded 400 yard pull back to road. Took all of 10 minutes to cover that distance and all I could think of was “oh goodie, I get to do it again”. I’m sure anyone watching me had a laugh. Get both hogs and my gear to the road. Hook up my homemade trailer to the bike and realized this is going to be a double hall. Only 1 pig at a time because of size and weight. Now, I’m a mountain biker and triathele but the half iron mans I have done were a cake walk compared to 1.81 mile bike and 400 yard drag x 2. Drop off the first one and dead lift this gargantuan beast into the back of my truck. Once again, “oh goodie, I get to do this again” sets in. As I made my way back the second time, I realized I wasn’t jealous of the hunters that killed before me. I was jealous of those that had help. I don’t know how i did it but I did and give thanks to the good Lord for his protection and strength. By the way, I prayed that we all have a safe hunt everyday so that we may get back to our families. I would also like to thank Sawyer’s for great permithrin and OFF’s unscented DEET. Not one tick, chigger or skeeter sting. The buzzing went away after the 1 shot and never got to find out what it was.
                  This hunt will wear down your strength and mental fortitude. But to do it solo is at a whole different level. It has been a journey to this point with all the preparation that was done. These 2 kills and effort will be remembered forever and it’s an honor to be part of the small harvest percentage statistic. I met some very nice folks at the parking area. I cant wait for the amnesia of this hunt to kick in so I can get excited about applying again.
                  Attached Files
                  Last edited by gonzaleziam; 01-09-2023, 04:54 PM.


                    Originally posted by gonzaleziam View Post
                    I’ve enjoyed reading everyone’s post and being a part of 2022-23 LANWR hunt. I haven’t hunted here since the late 90’s. As always, priorities change and life gets in the way. I and my hunting buddy were lucky to get drawn. He had an unexpected death in the family on Thursday so I had to accept that it was going to be hard, solo hunt. Day 1 was exhilarating as I saw 21 Nilgai with 3 being possible shots. But it’s hunting and nothing goes as planned when you think of quick strategy.
                    Day 2: unexpected hunter sits 45 yards in back of me which made me nervous. I didnt want to get shot so i made my presence known. He stuck it out till noon and left. Afternoon was boring
                    Day 3 Saw a bull and cows start to make their way towards me but were intercepted along the way. No worries…we all deserve to be out here and try to make a shot. Gave me great joy when I saw a dad and his young son get up from their cover and retrieve their bolt. Brought back a flood of memories when my dad brought me for the first time some 38 years ago. He gave up his hunt to allow me to hunt and miss several times. Great times. That cold front with light sprinkle felt like i was being pelted by small ice cubes so I walked in the brush for cover. Had great view in all directions but didnt see or hear a thing. Left after 2 to get some R&R.
                    I had decided before the hunt that Monday morning would be the last hunt. I would have to work the next day. So today arrives and i get to the stand before daylight. I started to hear and unbelievable hum. Kept getting louder and I realize that it sounds exactly like bees swarming. It’s to the point that it drowns out every noise and all i can think is that I cant outrun them and I don’t want to go out like this. I block of my ears thinking it was tinnitus setting in but it wasn’t. I’m looking in every direction and there’s just enough light to be able to see if there are bees nearby. Can’t see bees. Decide to slowly get down from stand and walk behind my background tree when i see a hog has crossed the field and is about 80 yards from crossing my area. Get back to my bow and start ranging every tree in that general direction. Sun hasn’t come up but there’s enough light to make out everything. Victim 1 steps into bow opportunity and is zig zagging its way to me. I’m at full draw when it stops at 28 yards and is looking right at me. It’s now or never and I send it. Arrow enters the front chest and it runs 60 yards and expires. WOOOOOWWW!!! What a rush. It’s only 7:15. I look into the field again and I see victim #2 on the same path of death. It enters at 50 yards and zig zags its way to me. But it gets to a point where the other hog spewed blood and he stops behind a tree. I guess it decides this is death alley and makes its way back out they way it came in. It stops what i think is 50. Align my sight and I send it! At that moment, it started to walk and I hit the spine midway back because its 48 yards and not 50. Great, now its screaming up a storm and I’m thinking PETA is about to step out with cameras because of all the noise its making. It’s not moving, so i walk within 10 yards and put an arrow in the back of head/neck. Both have expired and it’s now 7:21. It crossed my mind to continue hunting but that moment of absurdity was quickly dismissed as I realized I HAD A LOT OF WORK AHEAD OF ME. I knew I was in trouble when I went for the first one. Had to stop every 10 yards when dragging. This was not going to be good. Got them both back to the area where I decided I would field dress. Five minutes each and several pounds lighter now. Still wasn’t enough when I started the dreaded 400 yard pull back to road. Took all of 10 minutes to cover that distance and all I could think of was “oh goodie, I get to do it again”. I’m sure anyone watching me had a laugh. Get both hogs and my gear to the road. Hook up my homemade trailer to the bike and realized this is going to be a double hall. Only 1 pig at a time because of size and weight. Now, I’m a mountain biker and triathele but the half iron mans I have done were a cake walk compared to 1.81 mile bike and 400 yard drag x 2. Drop off the first one and dead lift this gargantuan beast into the back of my truck. Once again, “oh goodie, I get to do this again” sets in. As I made my way back the second time, I realized I wasn’t jealous of the hunters that killed before me. I was jealous of those that had help. I don’t know how i did it but I did and give thanks to the good Lord for his protection and strength. By the way, I prayed that we all have a safe hunt everyday so that we may get back to our families. I would also like to thank Sawyer’s for great permithrin and OFF’s unscented DEET. Not one tick, chigger or skeeter sting. The buzzing went away after the 1 shot and never got to find out what it was.
                    This hunt will wear down your strength and mental fortitude. But to do it solo is at a whole different level. It has been a journey to this point with all the preparation that was done. These 2 kills and effort will be remembered forever and it’s an honor to be part of the small harvest percentage statistic. I met some very nice folks at the parking area. I cant wait for the amnesia of this hunt to kick in so I can get excited about applying again.

                    Nice job! [emoji109][emoji1018]

                    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


                      Originally posted by gonzaleziam View Post
                      I’ve enjoyed reading everyone’s post and being a part of 2022-23 LANWR hunt. I haven’t hunted here since the late 90’s. As always, priorities change and life gets in the way.
                      Your trailer looks like it started out in life like mine. Was it a kiddee trailer before you re invented it? Nice shooting btw.


                        Originally posted by Huntindad View Post
                        Your trailer looks like it started out in life like mine. Was it a kiddee trailer before you re invented it? Nice shooting btw.
                        It’s a very simple design. Took angle iron and welded a rectangle. I used 3/4” axle with wheels from an old cart. I was praying the wheels would hold. I used 1” square tubing for axle holder. I welded more 1” square tubing closer to center for another option to love axle closer to center.. And it was needed. When I moved axle closer to center and centered the weight over the axle, it made it easier to pull. I then welded expanded steel for flooring. Took aluminum tubing and bent an angle toward bike. Welded square tubing underneath frame for the aluminum tubing.
                        Attached Files


                          I love reading all these stories! I am so jealous but happy to hear the news and still be connected to the hunt in some way.

                          My lucky streak came to an end this year. after 4 straight seasons of going steady, LANWR told me she didn’t love me like she used to and wanted to see other people…. [emoji20] technically, it was worded “pending second draw”, but that’s what it meant. I wish I could be down there with you boys! Give it Hell! Hunt to the last minute, whatever else you have waiting back at home or at work can wait. It will still be there when you get back. Enjoy every bit of the suck and mud and bugs and especially the god **** catclaw while you can! When it’s over, it’s over and you have to wait an entire year and hope for another golden ticket. I’m hoping she’ll take me back this Fall!

                          Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro


                            Well I took a shot at a bull tonight, arrow went way low and left of where it was supposed to.


                              Originally posted by FlyGuyy View Post
                              I love reading all these stories! I am so jealous but happy to hear the news and still be connected to the hunt in some way.

                              My lucky streak came to an end this year. after 4 straight seasons of going steady, LANWR told me she didn’t love me like she used to and wanted to see other people…. [emoji20] technically, it was worded “pending second draw”, but that’s what it meant. I wish I could be down there with you boys! Give it Hell! Hunt to the last minute, whatever else you have waiting back at home or at work can wait. It will still be there when you get back. Enjoy every bit of the suck and mud and bugs and especially the god **** catclaw while you can! When it’s over, it’s over and you have to wait an entire year and hope for another golden ticket. I’m hoping she’ll take me back this Fall!

                              Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro
                              Sorry that's my fault. This was my 4th year applying and first time to draw.


                                Originally posted by Clay6x45 View Post
                                Any pictures?
                                He registered but the forum isn't allowing him to attach pictures, doesn't have the button. Here's the one he sent us when he found her.
                                Attached Files

