I finally got my first archery public land whitetail buck a few days ago. Just started hunting a few years ago and have had a steep learning curve. It’s been a rewarding experience. I appreciate the folks that have helped accelerate my learning in this sport.
I finally got my first archery public land whitetail buck a few days ago. Just started hunting a few years ago and have had a steep learning curve. It’s been a rewarding experience. I appreciate the folks that have helped accelerate my learning in this sport.
I finally got my first archery public land whitetail buck a few days ago. Just started hunting a few years ago and have had a steep learning curve. It’s been a rewarding experience. I appreciate the folks that have helped accelerate my learning in this sport.
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My goodness.......you couldn’t shoot a little one for your first
Congrats on a great buck
I finally got my first archery public land whitetail buck a few days ago. Just started hunting a few years ago and have had a steep learning curve. It’s been a rewarding experience. I appreciate the folks that have helped accelerate my learning in this sport.
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Awesome! Congrats. Any tips you can offer? This time of year is tough. Did you shoot him on a trail or near bedding? What was your plan of attack?
Awesome! Congrats. Any tips you can offer? This time of year is tough. Did you shoot him on a trail or near bedding? What was your plan of attack?
Thanks y’all. It’s really just a great spot overall. There are several groups of does that bed nearby and I saw bucks there in the summer and after a previous season when they were in bachelor groups. I hunted the area before during rut and late season when I had a permit there previously. This year I decided to sit it earlier. I’m hunting 4-5 different public land spots this year, so hopefully I can build on this. My goal is to punch all my tags this year. One thing that I feel has improved the number of sightings is to be as quiet as possible getting in, even if that means getting to my spot a little later than I would like. So many people stress getting in a hour or so before first light or so many hours before last light. I think I used to rush and spook more deer. Just my current opinion based on my limited experience.
be sure and tell everyone exactly what parcel of public land you killed it on so that way everyone has a shot .......and also if it is a drawn hunt, i am sorry but i don't consider that public land. Public land is land that anyone can access and hunt at anytime.
I'm sorry you feel that way. How about you contribute to the thread with some public land kills instead of telling people what is public land and what is not.