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"OFFICIAL" Granger Hog Hunting Thread

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    Check with the Ranger. did you accidentally (just trying to be helpful here) violate any of the TPWD prohibited acts such as:

    constructs or emplaces a hunting blind, stand, tower, or
    platform within 50 yards of any designated road, marked unit
    boundary, or designated campsite
    • constructs a permanent blind, stand, tower, or platform
    (except as provided to maintain existing permanent blinds on
    Caddo Lake Wildlife Management Area);
    • leaves a hunting blind, stand, tower, or platform in place for
    more than 72 hours


      Highly doubt the rangers out there removed the stand. There have been stands out there for years.


        Its sad, but don't put anything on public land you don't want to lose.


          No, I didn't voilate any of those. I was drawn for the deer hunt and they went over those rules in detail at the orientation. Bottom line, someone came across it and decided to make it theirs. Looks like I'll be setting up my celular wireless camera system out there to monitor all foot traffic from now on. This way, I'll get pics sent to my phone and pc as they are taken. Someone will be caught stealing if this continues. Thanks for the information guys. Good luck out there.


            How is this weather effecting the hog movement???


              Not sure yet as i was out there today didn't see any hogs however it is just one day, they still have to eat.


                Thinking about making a trip out to fox bottom middle of December. Pigs and ducks will be on the hit list...


                  My first trip will probably be early January, after deer hunting opportunities (as slim as they may be) are done.


                    Out this morning. Saw three Bobcats and some doe. No hogs today. Nothing within shooting range.


                      Pretty cool man. I have never seen any cats out there. Plenty of coyotes though.


                        This cool weather should be getting the hogs moving. Reports for those of use living too far away to visit regular.


                          I was in a tree this morning and another hunter started walking my way. I waved my orange hat and whistled at him and he saw me and turned around and went back the other way....anyone on this message board?


                            No Hog Friday night

                            I hunted for hogs Willis Creek Friday night. Spot and Stalk. The main stem of the creek is dry as a bone. A little water is coming in from the Granger tributary. Saw at least 8 does (well, i saw their tails running away anyway), saw about 4 ducks, but no pigs.

                            That area is really getting thick. The cattle that used to keep trails open are gone, and of course the trails they used for the old draw hunts are no longer kept mowed.

                            No ticks, no mosquitoes, and no snakes.

                            Bowhunting is the flyfishing of hunting
                            Last edited by NightStalker; 12-01-2012, 12:26 PM.


                              Went out this morning in the cold. Saw several does. Had a pretty cool experience. I somehow stalked up onto a fox. Not sure if he was just preoccupied with whatever he was chasing or I was being so loud walking through the frozen leaves that he assumed I was some kind of wounded animal. I got within good shooting distance, but couldn't get a shot. The grass was too tall. When I angled for a better shot he heard me and took off. Was a fun morning even though I still haven't seen a hog for awhile.


                                Originally posted by Neano View Post
                                Went out this morning in the cold. Saw several does. Had a pretty cool experience. I somehow stalked up onto a fox. Not sure if he was just preoccupied with whatever he was chasing or I was being so loud walking through the frozen leaves that he assumed I was some kind of wounded animal. I got within good shooting distance, but couldn't get a shot. The grass was too tall. When I angled for a better shot he heard me and took off. Was a fun morning even though I still haven't seen a hog for awhile.
                                Was it a red fox or a grey? Forever all I ever saw around Bell and
                                Williamson county were grey foxes. But I saw my first red fox two months ago.

