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"OFFICIAL" Granger Hog Hunting Thread

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    Ha! Gotcha crod! to be honest all I really knew for sure was the tracks looked like gator tracks, not having actually seen the gator. Oh, well, at least if they're in there it looks like they're not exactly in large numbers or large in size...just right to spice it up a bit without makin' my hair stand on end when I'm sneakin' around out there, lol. Which BTW, serjomtz, I'll be doing IF I don't get rained out this Thursday night/Friday Morning. I'll post on here after and let you know what if anyhting I saw, and hopefully an LDP I'm going to be gettin' down and dirty on the buggers this time around...gettin' tired and embarrassed at gettin' beat by what's essentially domestic livestock gone wild (feral hogs)...dang it all...learned to outfox the wiliest critters up in the northwoods, years of learning all the woodslore...only to move here and have barnyard animals gone wild beat me at every turn ....frustrating as he** I'm GONNA stick me one of these a**holes that've been laughin' at me from behind the bloodweeds every time I've been out there so far...grrr...gonna get all rambo'ed out on their piggly wiggly butts ...wait, that don't sound quite right...ummm...nevermind, I'm just gonna kill me a pig ( don't need no dang banjos playin' in the background, )...


      Originally posted by Bofly View Post
      This is a Granger gator picture from last year.


      Whats the story behind this do you know what year ext..


        man ya'll should've seen the boar i shot, i went up to it and i said boy does that hog reek, it looked like it weighted about 600 to700


          here is a picture of him , I killed him in Llano last deer season.
          Attached Files


            Nice pig mitchell2000!


              So I got rained out for my Thursday eve/Friday Morn pig hunt at Granger. Pouted and went in the backyard and shot the fsf7-9-10 thingy for the trad bunch. Oh well, it perked me up a wee bit. Gonna get back in there by the primitive campground or below the dam for SURE next Thursday eve/Friday morn nomatter what the weather's doin. I'll fletch me up some plastic fletched arrows as a backup to my feathered ones and hunt in the rain if I must. Must get pig....must get pig...must...


                Those hogs swimming the river had better watch out.


                  Cool photo of the little gator.

                  Is the fellow holding the alligator Trey Carpenter? I never met Trey, but have spoken with him on the phone. The fellow behind him is Mr. Caffey? I visited with him one time (very nice guy too) about hunting at Granger.


                    I didn't get his name kestimator, but I'm sure going to as soon as I can manage as I owe him a big thanks for his assistance in where to locate tuskers. The one holdin' the gator. Cool guy for sure! Maybe our friend who posted the pics can tell us? I'd like to know as well...thanks in advance!


                      Originally posted by kestimator View Post
                      Cool photo of the little gator.

                      Is the fellow holding the alligator Trey Carpenter? I never met Trey, but have spoken with him on the phone. The fellow behind him is Mr. Caffey? I visited with him one time (very nice guy too) about hunting at Granger.
                      No, that isn't Trey. And yes, Johnny is the gentleman standing in the background. He's the muscle of the operation out there!


                        Well I went to Granger after a porker Friday and got skunked (again). I arrived a bit later then I had wanted (about 0600 hrs) and byt the time I got my poop together and got back in there the pigs had apparently settled down firm in their bedding area (which I failed to locate BTW). There was all but a superhighway of fresh sign from the night before, and from the looks of it many, many nights before that too...seriously like a superhighway! The smell of them was strong there as well. Across the river from the primitive boat ramp to the West of the Primitive campground. Bit of a hike in, but good exercise, and fun. No snakes (or gators, lol kestimator)...but there were deer everywhere. Jumped some in their beds, and had some meander right by me as I was hunkered in a brushpile just off a trail with 5 yards (they KNOW deer season's closed obviously). All in all a good experience just to be out there, but I'm starting to get a bit steamed at being beat by what amounts to a barnyard animal gone wild ...just makes me all the more determined..gaining a lot more respect for the intellignece of these critters with each outing. I though they would be easy when I first started out hunting them. Not so much. If only Granger would allow night hunting, I think it would be a lot easier to score a hawg! But I'm stayin within the law as much as it's painin' me to do so. I'm going to see if I can get out there once more perhaps this coming Friday to check out either the Willis Creek unit, or the Pecan Grove area to the South of the San Gabriel River (only been on the North side of P.G to date). Then I better get started checking out what Somerville has to offer by mid August or so. This has been fun even w/o a pig. Sometimes, I am tempted to buy a pig on a ranch feeder/plywood box(blind) hunt, but I'm too stubborn I guess. Gonna keep on workin' the public lands available what little of it there is to hunt. Hope others have had some luck. I sure haven't seen any others out there when I've been it the heat, or time of year? Am I beating my head against a wall here?


                          Originally posted by Idaho TradBow View Post
                          Well I went to Granger after a porker Friday and got skunked (again). I arrived a bit later then I had wanted (about 0600 hrs) and byt the time I got my poop together and got back in there the pigs had apparently settled down firm in their bedding area (which I failed to locate BTW). There was all but a superhighway of fresh sign from the night before, and from the looks of it many, many nights before that too...seriously like a superhighway! The smell of them was strong there as well. Across the river from the primitive boat ramp to the West of the Primitive campground. Bit of a hike in, but good exercise, and fun. No snakes (or gators, lol kestimator)...but there were deer everywhere. Jumped some in their beds, and had some meander right by me as I was hunkered in a brushpile just off a trail with 5 yards (they KNOW deer season's closed obviously). All in all a good experience just to be out there, but I'm starting to get a bit steamed at being beat by what amounts to a barnyard animal gone wild ...just makes me all the more determined..gaining a lot more respect for the intellignece of these critters with each outing. I though they would be easy when I first started out hunting them. Not so much. If only Granger would allow night hunting, I think it would be a lot easier to score a hawg! But I'm stayin within the law as much as it's painin' me to do so. I'm going to see if I can get out there once more perhaps this coming Friday to check out either the Willis Creek unit, or the Pecan Grove area to the South of the San Gabriel River (only been on the North side of P.G to date). Then I better get started checking out what Somerville has to offer by mid August or so. This has been fun even w/o a pig. Sometimes, I am tempted to buy a pig on a ranch feeder/plywood box(blind) hunt, but I'm too stubborn I guess. Gonna keep on workin' the public lands available what little of it there is to hunt. Hope others have had some luck. I sure haven't seen any others out there when I've been it the heat, or time of year? Am I beating my head against a wall here?
                          Keep putting the miles in and ull get ur shot. I prolly walked 50 milesout there before I even got a shot at one. Once the crops get pulled and the pecans start fallin, the the action will begin!!!


                            Thanks crod! It's good to have some encouragement. I've definitely been payin' my dues re miles hiked...and near heatstroke on more than one occasion. Which reminds me (lol, here goes...) of a tip I'd like to mention to anybody out there who may have blood sugar issues and can't do Gatoraid and/or similar drinks to replace electrolytes/sodium/potassium when hydrating. I found this stuff on the shelf at H.E.B. which came in a little packet just right for one water bottle that had NO SUGAR or anything which would mess with a hypoglycemic like myself. I wish I had thought of it earlier, 'cause it made a WORLD of difference in how well I got along out there in that upper 90's heat. Didn't have any close calls like I had a few times before where I had to hunker down in shade and hydrate until I recovered enough to continue. What a difference! In this heat, water alone isn't enough if you're really loggin' the miles. The name of it is "Replenish"...a NO SUGAR "sport drink". It's the only one I've tried that didn't all but make me flirt with going into insulin shock. So before now I'd been only doing water alone. Friday I used the Replenish in every other water bottle, and it was a real miracle as far as I'm concerned. I could go further, faster....jump small buildings...jk...not to get off topic too much, but dang, I HAD to put that out there if there happens to be anybody that has blood sugar issues and can't do regular sports drinks. It is a savior no doubt about it!
                            Thanks again for the tips on the harvest/pecans stuff crod...much 'preciated


                              Hydration is an issue at Granger in the warmer months. Hope to get up there again after deer season. And for the Xtreme hunt.


                                Gater Hog conflict! TPWD says that "feral hogs will locate and eat the eggs of ground nesting birds and reptiles". Guess we know why Granger is not the home to numerious gaters, the eggs all get eaten by the hogs! Bet those few that have made it into the WMA traveled upstream from areas with smaller/zero hog populations. Of course after a gater gets a few years on it, the tables will turn, and IT will have the ability to take young hogs.

