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"OFFICIAL" Granger Hog Hunting Thread

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    Don't know for sure, heard rumors of about a hundred or so . . .just rumors, though ..


      Would like to hook up with some of you folks and see if we can harass some swine this weekend. . . . .let me talk to "my people" and figure out when I can make it, but will try to be flexible . . .most likely sat eve or sun morn or mon morn . . . ..let me know what works best for y'all . . . .


        Anybody that wants to hook up and go hunting let me know I just joined the thread and don’t have enough post to use all the features such as personnel messages and what not so shoot me an email at I am planning on giving it a go on Friday if anybody wants to work something out and head out together.
        Thanks For Reading
        Last edited by Muzzy100; 02-10-2010, 10:53 PM.


          I went out yesterday to the area I been finding hogs at. Right when I got into the blood weed I heard crunching around. Got excited and thought to my self this is too good to be true. Could see some black moving around in there. Walking very very very slowly focused only on what I could not see in the blood weed but could hear. Got real close and snapped a stick under my foot. To the right and just beind me a hog jumps up and runs into the blood weed. I did not see him cause I focused on the noise in the blood weed that was a freaken BLACK COW.. errrrrrrr that was the only hog I seen. I did find the one me and blacksunshine tracked forever. Most of the area I am hunting is now underwater. Worse than last tirp. Time to explore anothe area. I think I can get out sat afternoon. So count me in almost for sure. What time and what unit?


            I am heading out tomorrow rain sleet or snow, I am going to try an area that I have been seeing a few hogs. I am banking on that the weather has had them kind of cooped up the past few days and that early at dusk they will be moving around feeding. Most likely going to try sitting still instead of walking around at least till an hour or two after light, I will let yall know how I did.


              FYI I am thinking about heading out this coming Monday if I can get a group together for a push or something anybody wants to hook up shoot me an email.


                I headed out today, I was originally planning on sitting and planning an abush till at least 2 hours after the sun came up. I unfortunately got a late start and it was already full blown daybreak by the time I arrived in the field. So I changed my game plan and headed into a set of thickets that the only way in is on your hands and knees I call this area the “tunnels”. After about 100 yards or so in the tunnel I jumped up the group of hogs that I was looking for I was lucky enough to not spook them they merely milled around me and I patiently waited for a shot. After about 45 minutes of waiting I decided to try to move a little closer I had to take off my backpack to avoid from snagging brush and making noise. After my backpack was removed I proceed to move through the tunnels about 45 yards when suddenly one of the bigger sows I have ever seen jumped up and took the heard with her they moved off to my left. I pretty well thought that the hunt was over but the sow circled around and came running in full speed at my backpack she actually worked it over for a good solid minute I thought to myself great I am next. I have hunted hogs for years and never really got worried of a confrontation but today I had my fears. After mutilating my pack she headed off, I stood up to leave thinking the hunt was over when I noticed a red hog off to my right bedded down sleeping I crawled up to about 10 yards away stood up and let one fly he was up and out of sight in a flash. I spent more time looking for him than I did hunting the entire day I followed blood about half a mile when it just ran out. I found my arrow and it had some blood on the vanes but was more greasy than bloody. All I can think is maybe or most likely I goofed on the shot and got into fat or something I was terribly disappointed, most likely will sulk about it the rest of the weekend. I guess I should have thought twice about shooting at it lying down.

                Thanks for Reading
                Last edited by Muzzy100; 02-12-2010, 12:26 PM.


                  good job muzzy. sorry that you didnt find your hog though what a bummer! kinda scary when they come after your pack like that just be glad it wasnt you. i have had several face to face encounters out there put they always turned and ran.


                    Thanks for sharing. I love hearing the details of a hunt. You just left out the cords.... Just kidding. Crazy sow went for the pack. YOu got lucky. I refuse to go out there after hogs with just the bow. At the very least I will have my 9 for back up. A sow with babys will defend here babies to the death. I have been chased a few times. Man now I wish I was out there right now...... Sat are you here yet...


                      Todd thanks for teh number. I called and left a message. I sure hope I get a call back. Going thru the thick stuff my barrel on the super black eagle keeps getting caught up on everything. That little 18 incher ought to do the trick perfect with out all the hang ups. Worst case senerio I can get a plug maybe.


                        That sounds like an adrenaline rush, long as she got the backpack and not the body. I may have to start carrying my .45, that is the first I have heard of one circling back around like that and I am usually out by myself. I am just getting back into town from a work project and really hope to get out tomorrow, pretty sure Sunday hunting is out this week unless I plan on moving to the lake and living off wild hog.


                          Blacksunshine and I had them circle around us. That is what gave use the shot. However they were not coming for us. Thank god. I did not want blacksunshine hear me scream like a little girl and jump on his back.


                            I can go in the mourning if anyone eants to meet up?


                              Originally posted by Dirtymike View Post
                              Blacksunshine and I had them circle around us. That is what gave use the shot. However they were not coming for us. Thank god. I did not want blacksunshine hear me scream like a little girl and jump on his back.
                              Well if that ever happens I hope someone is video taping, that would be hilarious.


                                Crod how long do you plan on heading out for tomorrow, would like to go but I unfortunately I can’t be gone all day if you want some one to head out with you shoot me an email and let me know what time you are looking at if you are going to be out there all day no worries maybe next time.

