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"OFFICIAL" Granger Hog Hunting Thread

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    Originally posted by bloodtrailer28 View Post
    ? What does funding have to do with the GW doing their job? They would literally rather take a buck that is dead and put out out on the road to write people tickets for cutting the horns rather then go take care of a poaching problem or problems by the way it sounds.

    How old are you?


      Carnage you folks be slaying some hogs. Congrats on the kill and thanks for sharing.


        Originally posted by RickyS View Post
        How old are you?
        WTH does that have to do with anything? and with the GWs doing their job?


          Originally posted by CARNAGE68 View Post
          Me and my friend's son Ricky (my trainee) went hunting yesterday. In the morning we went to the "spot" and saw two hogs but no shot. We came back in the afternoon and park at gate #7 and headed southeast. When we got to the area which we call it "condominium" we split up about 70-80 yards apart. All of a sudden we heard gun shot by the river, deer and hogs start to run east towards the creek. I saw Ricky followed the two large hogs. I was about 60-70 yards along the creek. The animals went at the edge of creek including the two hogs, at that time I was about 40 yards from the edge. I saw the hogs and they stop in front of me, they know I was there and they are know I won't be able to make the shot because still kind of thick to drive my bolt to them. Ricky came, I told him to intercept the hogs a little further by the edge of the creek. The hogs moved towards Ricky but did not hear him shoot, so I decided to go in and saw one of the hog bed down at about 35 yards. Got closer at about 20 yards and the other hog got up and ran. Raised my x-bow and shoot the one that still laying down, only shot that I could make was a hind leg shot. The hog ran for 70 yards and laid down exhausted and almost running out of blood (we had to walk on the side of the blood trail so we don't get blood stain on our pants). Ricky is a 17 years old, 6 feet and 3 inches high, 240 pounds.

          congrats! So you shot it in the ham on purpose? Never seen one die from that shot! Makes you wonder about some of those pigs out there... have seen some that looked like they were hit **** near perfect and track them for over a mile and never find em then I see them get killed with a ham shot. crazy animals! Did you hit a artery?


            Originally posted by bossbowman View Post
            Just trying to scare you off, they tell the WMA hunters not to hunt the fencelines and be good neighbors even though most the private landowners have no intention of reciprocating the favor. Worse thing I've seen there is holes cut in the corp fence with hog traps on private land actually butted up against the fence, ridiculous.

            I told him I was just walking down to PC. Had my orange on. Wasn't even wearing my wrist strap. I told him my brother and I are both in the military. He will be headed to Quatar for a year soon and we just wanted to do some hog hunting and camping before he leaves. The guy went on about how his 16 year old son hadn't shot a buck yet and they had been sitting there all day. That I had ruined his hunt. I had to fight back laughter. Man I'm 30 and have shot one buck in my life. His kid has no idea how good he has it having a stand 10 feet from his back porch. His back yard is 10,000 acres of land to roam. What a joke. I tried apologizing and told him I had no intention of ruining his hunt. I understood his frustration and told him I shared his frustration with all the poaching and such. He calmed down some, but not much.


              Neano - you did a much better job of holding back your laughter than I could have. I guess he forgot what the "public" part of public land means.


                Originally posted by Birddog66 View Post
                Neano - you did a much better job of holding back your laughter than I could have. I guess he forgot what the "public" part of public land means.


                  Originally posted by bloodtrailer28 View Post
                  congrats! So you shot it in the ham on purpose? Never seen one die from that shot! Makes you wonder about some of those pigs out there... have seen some that looked like they were hit **** near perfect and track them for over a mile and never find em then I see them get killed with a ham shot. crazy animals! Did you hit a artery?
                  Yup, shot him at the ham. It was the only part of the pig that wasn't cover by the log he was hiding from. I believed I hit a main artery. I figured ham shot will slow him down and enough to keep up and stick another bolt, just like the other three hogs that I harvested out there at Granger. Look at my album in here, one picture show a shot at the ham and a finishing shot on the head.


                    Originally posted by Tracker0721 View Post
                    Awesome job!


                      man carnage your living up to your name...Im gonna make it out in the morning if anyone wants to meet up, was thinking top of 7 and heading NE


                        Hey I may be out there. Wife is kinda wanting to do something else so I may not make it out anymore. If I go I'll be parking at 6.


                          Cool let me know....ill walk towards 6....gonna try and hit the ground by 7-715


                            That was about the same plan I had, head toward 7 at about that time. Hopefully if I go I can scare some hogs your way. I'll know for sure tonight.


                              Originally posted by CARNAGE68 View Post
                              Yup, shot him at the ham. It was the only part of the pig that wasn't cover by the log he was hiding from. I believed I hit a main artery. I figured ham shot will slow him down and enough to keep up and stick another bolt, just like the other three hogs that I harvested out there at Granger. Look at my album in here, one picture show a shot at the ham and a finishing shot on the head.
                              that's crazy man...would have never thought! you shot all three of them in the ham and then got them?! My buddy shot one from a stand the other day said it looked perfect but had an awesome blood trail. you could follow it at a fast walk and I would have swore to you it would be dead in 75 yards or less. Tracked that **** thing for over a mile and a half and never found it. Bleeding the whole time... ended up going on private land so couldn't follow it. congrats again


                                I should be on the ground by 0730 starting at gate 6. Will be moving towards 7. Plan on spending some time moving old man speed trying to play tag with the hogs. My scent should hit them before I do so good chance if something is there they will head to the river or back towards 7. I will have a radio on channel 2. Hope to run into hogs and fellow TBHers.

