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"OFFICIAL" Granger Hog Hunting Thread

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    You could also switch to hunting around gate 7, lots of hogs reported killed within 300 yards of the parking area there.


      I think me and a buddy of mine are gonna try it out this evening. It should be nice and will post when we get back.


        Went out this evening and the conditions were perfect. I went out at around 3 to try some fishing for a little before hunting. Got a few bites at fox park but nothing to brag about. After that went below the dam where it was dead calm. I saw nothing. Heard nothing and that is unusaul when it was as calm as it was. Usually I would heard some hogs running through the bloodweeds but I got nothing. I could sure use some meat in the freezer if anyone could help. Anyone know where the hogs are hanging around. Any help would be greatly appreciated.


          Originally posted by GrangerBoars View Post
          Went out this evening and the conditions were perfect. I went out at around 3 to try some fishing for a little before hunting. Got a few bites at fox park but nothing to brag about. After that went below the dam where it was dead calm. I saw nothing. Heard nothing and that is unusaul when it was as calm as it was. Usually I would heard some hogs running through the bloodweeds but I got nothing. I could sure use some meat in the freezer if anyone could help. Anyone know where the hogs are hanging around. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
          Was that yall parked down below the **** just north of the gates ( about 500 yards south of the Ranger station) near the natural prairie test area?


            Originally posted by GrangerBoars View Post
            Went out this evening and the conditions were perfect. I went out at around 3 to try some fishing for a little before hunting. Got a few bites at fox park but nothing to brag about. After that went below the dam where it was dead calm. I saw nothing. Heard nothing and that is unusaul when it was as calm as it was. Usually I would heard some hogs running through the bloodweeds but I got nothing. I could sure use some meat in the freezer if anyone could help. Anyone know where the hogs are hanging around. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
            In a light colored dodge?


              I'll be goin out tomorrow hoping to find them during the day perfect weather for it. I'll let ya'll know if I stick one.


                Man I would give up some spots, but then again It wouldn't be called a "Honey Hole" for nothin....


                  Pig Down..

                  Well me and a buddy of mine went out this morning in the pouring down rain thinking we were either really smart or really dumb. We didnt get out there till about 8 and it was raining pretty hard. We walked almost every area below the dam trying to staying in the thick trees so we wouldn't get soaked. Well that didn't help, we got drenched. We were walking back to the truck through some thick stuff and I glanced to my right by a group of fallen down trees. I saw a dark black object below it but didnt think to mention anything to my friend following behind me. Well about 5 seconds later he said, "whats that black spot below that fallen tree. I turned and told him I was gonna say something but I figured it was nothin, plus by this time i was so soaked I was just looking forward to getting back the the truck. Well I told him I was going to check it out. We were about 50 yards from the "black spot" and I started walking towards it while he stayed a little behind me. When I got to about 20 yards I heard a small grunt and a tail flicker. I knew it was game on from there. So I knocked an arrow and moved a little closer. Once I got up on them I saw that there was about 5 that were huddled really close together in the mud sleeping. None were facing broadside but decided to take a quarting away shot because I was not about to spook these hogs after being miserable in the cold rain. Well ill tell you what, we had no idea what we were about to get ourselves into after I released that arrow. Once that arrow hit its target I heard a loud squeal and it felt like an earthquake erupted. Well comes to find out, what we didnt see was what was on the other side of he fallen tree. So all of a sudden after i made the shot a group of at least 25 hogs (all decent size) come charging from all different directions. I was so shocked from all the hogs I had no time to move and or even think about reacting. Two pure russians ran right by me about 5 yards full speed. The next thing I remembered was my buddy that was behind me in the direction the hogs were charging. I turn around really quick to check on him and all I heard was a loud pop and see him holding what was left to a small tree he atempted to climb as they ran at him. At the moment it happened I was so pumped with excitment I didnt think much of it because I went chasing after one small group of hogs off in the distance. But after we calmed down and regrouped we couldn't stop laughing about him trying to jump into a rotten small tree. It was truly a sight I wish I would have had on video camera. I will tell you though draggin a 100 lb hog through the mud and the rain was definatly a challenge, but it made it eaiser laughing about how not only didnt we get charged by hogs like to see on some hunting shows but how he picked the smallest and most rotted tree in the woods to try to climb on. It was truly an experience I will not forget. We got some good pics that I will post later but Ill post the one I got on my cell phone here in a few.


                    Congrats on the hog, theres usually a couple groups that big below the dam this time of year, im waiting till a cold front comes in a kicks those ticks to hell....then its game time.


                      Awesome job GrangerBoars!! We spotted some yesterday below the dam but before I could settle the crosshairs on him he saw us and spooked. If we would have been to our sitting spot about 10 seconds sooner we would have been able to fill him full of lead. We are gonna try again this evening.


                        yea I hope some of yall have been out there. The weather has been nice. I would be out there myself but I'm so sore from carrying that **** thing a mile or so. Im definatley investing in a game wheel barrel thing. Ill get some pics sent to me from my friend soon and post them. Sorry the ones on my phone wont upload for some reason. Its a spotted white and black one.


                          Great Job!

                          Great job and great story Grangerboars! It has been months since anyone spilled some blood on this thread.


                            Great Job on the pig. Were you north or south of the river? If anyone needs someone to hunt with em out at granger let me know Ill PM ya my cell. Im in RR and am always lookin to head out. Crod let me know when your ready.


                              I've been reading this thread and was beginning to wonder if anyone ever shoots a hog there, congrats.


                                Originally posted by basscast View Post
                                I've been reading this thread and was beginning to wonder if anyone ever shoots a hog there, congrats.
                                Its getting to be that time of the year when they will be hitting the dirt.

