Here is a little porker I managed to get yesterday. The little boar weighed around 40 lbs. Sorry about the pic with me in it I had to set it on a timer and take it myself.
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"OFFICIAL" Granger Hog Hunting Thread
Well first thing yesterday morning me and my wife went to Georgetown for my wifes ultrasound. She is five months pregnant with our first child and we found out that we are having a a boy. We are very excited! Since I took the day off I decided to go to Granger. I put my boat in at the primitive boat ramp and crossed the river. I already had it planned out that I was going to hit a certain briar patch first. When I made it to the briar patch there were two hunters sneeking up on some hogs, they got there before I did. They're stalk was unsuccessfull, so we talked for a while and I found out where they had already been, and decided to go where they havn't so I walked in about a mile and decided to start sneeking aroung on the edge of the woods and bloodweeds. The birds were in the bloodweeds making lots of noise which ended up helping me out. I only stalked for about 15 minutes at the new spot before I got on a group of 5 hogs and took the first one that offered me a shot. The shot was at 15 yards broadside, I nailed him and he only went 20 yards.
Originally posted by NightStalker View PostI hunted #7 for about an hour from 5:30 to 6:30 pm today. I prowled the thickets on the north side of the river, north and NW of checkpoint III. Nothing seen, but I flushed several mallard ducks off of the river. Can you hunt ducks with a bow on Granger right now?
Originally posted by crod888 View Post#6,
nightstalker, the pigs I spooked hit the private field and I watched tem for a bit head southwest to 7, I thought someone over there would've seen them.
I spooked them at about 4pmnot sure where you ran them to private land unless they ran into open feilds where did you see them??
I know #6 and #7 where the primitive ramp area is gets alot of attention in the spring by fisherman, and the game warden and guys who run the WMA so make sure you guys have the $48 permit and follow all the rules to a T, they catch alot of illegals and migrant workers from mexico fishing that area and issue alot of citations.Last edited by BillfromFtWorth; 01-31-2009, 11:37 AM.