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"OFFICIAL" Granger Hog Hunting Thread

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    OUCH, please dont use those traps. As far as the doves I was out sunday. Got a few. Was in the wrong spot. They were flying but just out of range. Came home to find more ticks than i did dove. Not real happy about that.


      Originally posted by Austinhunter30 View Post
      hey folks - dove season started the other day. Anyone been trying their luck. I got 6 on Saturday... nothing great but kept it interesting. I walked around during the hot part of the day and scouted some looking for hogs, saw some tracks and some spots that look good. I might sit on a few of them next time im out there when the doves arent flying.

      Anyone ever do much trapping? I have a bunch of old spring type traps I was thinking about setting along some of the game trails I saw on Saturday. Might be good for taking a few coons or foxes. Anyone know if you are just trapping and not hunting, if blaze orange is required?
      I don't believe you're allowed to trap out there.


        I dont think so either, and sure hope not. Never looked into cause I would hate to be the one responsible for the dr bills and lawyers.


          Im new to cannon afb on eastern new mexico and i love to bow hunt. Id love tp shoot a hog down here while i have the chance. Where is granger exactly and would love to meet up with people to see how its done. Also i drew a mule deer tag unit 33 in new mexico from roswell to the texas border if anyone has any info itd be much appreciated thank you


            Im from wisconsin so its very diff hunting lol dont hold that against me


              Granger is a LONG way from NM it's just north east of Austin Tx


                Ok thanks i appreciate the info. If anyone knows about something closer pm me please


                  Cannon AFB is high desert hunting. Almost just exactly like Wisconsin. Look at maps and find some springs or water sources. As far off the beaten path as possible.


                    Any luck with Doves out there lately? I went out Monday and got skunked. Any hot areas I should be looking for?


                      I went out and got some. Most were just out of range. I did however see what the little birdies were up to. Sorry cant tell you exactly where I went cause I want to be able to go back. Bad part is I also have become tick food. And now have large nasty bites on me. My boots and pants were sprayed but my shirt was not. They hitched a ride on my shirt and set down at the dirtymike buffet till my wife found them on my back and back of my arms. I was impressed with the number of dove compared to last year. I will say it was a ways back and in the sore finger unit is where you want to go. Not sure if they will be flying the same as they were that day. I spoke to another hunter and he mentioned that he noticed the same thing as I had. So hopefully they will be doing the same thing when I go back this evening if I can make it or friday. Your welcome to join me but just not going to post it up. As a wise old "RAT" said, "you got to go to know" Your not going to get a limit, but you can hunt. I will be using a machete and shotgun this round.


                        DM, get those tick bites taken care of don't want you getting Lyme's disease. "Rat" wisdom is good stuff. Just traded for a MORA knife and I know it is going to probably bump number one down a notch. Sounds like you need to bath in DEET before heading out to Granger.


                          I went back out yesterday. I treated all my cloths the night before with pyrthren (spelling I dont givea...) Got two dove. It was super hot and no birds flying. I did spot a bunch of ticks as I was waiting for the dove. I even blasted a cluster of them with my shotty out of boredom. Came home stripped down and not a single tick. That stuff works. Been using it on my hammock for about a year and the skeeters dont get me as I sleep anymore. Guess I will retreat after every couple washes cause those tick bites got nasty and itchy for a while. They good to go now. Gives me the heebejeebes.... Nasty little buggers.

                          And love me some mora's. Tough as nails, easy to sharpen and less than 20 bucks.

                          You going to get in on the post card wud?


                            Mora is awesome knife and scary sharp. Probably no post card, hunt Camp Bullis and Jourdanton.


                              Look again wud. there is a thread here somewhere has details.


                                Is hunting along comanche bluff trail ok? I know you can t hunt close to the park but on the map is shows the trail as green indicating park. All the way even including the primative camp which I know we hunt hogs at. Just wanted to make sure. I could not find anything to say you cant hunt the trail. Just figured better to make sure cause it is green on the map indicating park.

