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    What do you think?

    Yesterday evening I got tied up at the house and didn't have time to drive to my deer lease, so I decided to go to the Angelina Nat'l Forest and give it a try. I've never hunted there but knew where an oak ridge was. I went there and stumbled upon a dead deer that had been shot that morning or the night before. It was a nubbin buck. I walked another 40 yards and found someones hunting spot with their stool still there. The more I thought about it, the madder I got. In this area, the deer had to be close enough for the hunter to know that it was illegal. Do you think the hunter killed it to just shoot it or did they make a mistake? I marked the spots with my GPS. Should I report it to the GW?

    Report it to the gamewarden especially if the chair is still there. You never know what happen ot the situation that is the GW job to find all that out but with out any info they cant so let someone know!


      if the hunter used that chair to kill that buck,and he realized he made a mistake more than likely he will not return to that area again this season. going to be hard to catch this idiot.


        I agree, inform the GW - but the guy won't be back there if he knew he was in the wrong. When all else fails, do the right thing.


          Just curious why would a nubbin buck be illegal in angelina NF?, can you not shoot antlerless deer there, I'm not familiar with the regulations there, othere than they have the 13 in spread rule in place, but this deer should still have been legal.
          Last edited by BillfromFtWorth; 11-10-2008, 08:04 PM.


            I beleive the point is that this guy with the stool had killed this nubbin buck and left him there un claimed to waste.Not that he had killed it!!!!!!!


              Why does he say this then?
              In this area, the deer had to be close enough for the hunter to know that it was illegal.


                Someone else could have shot the deer and it ran into that area. Alot of people leave there stuff in the woods. I don't think if he shot the deer that he would have left his chair there for some one to find. Would report it and let the GW figure it out.


                  Bill, to answer your question. I've never hunted the National Forest before and was under the assumption that you couldn't shoot does without a permit. I looked where I found the deer and didn't find any sign that the deer had ran to the spot and collapsed or drug there. The deer appeared to have fallen where he was shot. I was angry because it is my belief that the hunter with the stool had shot the deer and left it there. I reported it to the GW yesterday and he is going to check it out.


                    didnt you say it was a
                    "It was a nubbin buck."
                    and now you say it was a doe so I dont think he needs a permit for nubbin buck and there arent any antler restricitions. But he does need a doe permit to hunt does.


                      It's horns had not broken the skin, therefore must be tagged as an antlerless.


                        ahh ok. Appreciate the clearification.

