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Shnf 16-17

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    I just wish someone would tell the 12 I'm targeting tomorrow it's safe to walk in front of me just after the rain !


      So let me see if I get this right.

      You walk up on a group of grown men sitting around a camp fire talking and minding their own business. The first thing you say to them is, there is only one rut, no such thing as a 2nd or 3rd.
      When everyone looks at you like you're an alien, you then say, you can't take anyone here serious if they believe in moon phase.
      When the people at the camp fire start asking you

      Who the hell are you and who the hell even asked you.
      You then begin to regurgitate studies that you have 100% knowledge of as being FACT....because someone told you so. ( I'm assuming your professor)

      Let me give you one fact for sure, everything changes. Including rut times and dates.
      Sure deer may want to rut, but heavy rain will surely slow them down. Dramatic heat will keep them limited to evenings, and there won't be as prominent of a rut. Just to name a couple.

      I asked a couple of times and you have yet to answer.

      If a doe is not bred in the "rut" and comes into estrous 28 or so days later and a buck chases and eventually breeds her, what is that called?

      Do you even know or have an answer?

      because to the lay person, the buck demonstrates the same behavior as he did during the "rut" which would to the lay person, be a rut.

      You say you're not trying to confrontational, yet look at how you have come across. You walked in and started spouting off telling everyone how wrong they are and how much you know.

      Great way to make friends and get them to listen to you.

      As I said before, I don't know you. Couldn't pick you out of a crowd. But I do know most of these guys. Have known some for more than 6-7 years. I'll listen to what they have to say,

      They have EARNED that from me.

      They have made themselves known and have been around. They haven't walked into a room ( per se) and started calling everyone out saying how much they know more than everyone else.

      I see your name is Jon.

      That's a start. Where do you go to school? Who is your professor?
      What year in the program are you in? Where is your study ranch?
      You've hunted the Sam all your life, how is it we've never seen you on a thread before?

      In case you didn't notice, I started this thread and have for years. I don't mind new comers, but I am going to ask you to have some manners around here. Slow your roll and let us get to even know you. Then, and I can't stress this enough, then and only then, will we even begin to listen to you. I haven't had time to even look at the links posted above. I just know for a FACT, that you coming on here like you have has rustled the feathers of several members. ( I have several texts to back this up)

      You almost got there. Try again.

      Sent from my XT1585 using Tapatalk


        Damian with the hammer! I actually appreciate this guy coming on here and opening up dialog. Been a fun read this morning. Nice deer by the way, hope you get him.


          i feel like this would be a good idea....

          Take all those studies evaluate them... then apply what you learned from them to your season this year and the ones to come. Keep a detailed log with picture and video recording. Then take that research you did from this time on untill you graduate and compare those studies to yours. Then share what you have found with backing your studies with pic and video proof. in doing this you will learn from time a to time b the true story behind where we hunt and if your studies are even close to what you were taught.

          Dont take what we are saying as a way to push you away or as if everyone dont like you, as stated before most of us have put countless hrs and time in the forest. i being one of them. im all about hearing new opinions and understanding new studies especially if it increases my odds in killing a deer in the most pressured set of woods in tx. The best advice is right here in this thread with the guys giving live feed updates etc. but thats just my opinion.

          Hunting out there is all about confidence and perseverance, if those studies make you feel more confident in hunting a certain set up at a certain time then i get it. i get that here from this green screen...not to mention i found some pretty sweet spots out there in my time.

          all in all good luck man. hope u get ur 12


            Well let's start with I'm 24 worked the oil field 4 years got laid off in February decided to start school again since quitting after my first year I'm at lone star college and will be transferring to A&M my junior year. And yes heat will typically keep deer on a more nocturnal patten. If a doe cycles with out being breed then she is breed at a later date that's just a singular breeding event within the rut. Observed rutting behavior will vary year to year based on heat weather etc. as you have stated but the the peak of breeding activity will occur with in a few days of each year but may be at night due to temps or hunting pressure. The reason the studies I quoted are observed as fact is that they were done by an accredited school or by biologists working for the state. Not some company like extinguisher deer calls that wants to sell you some moon chart or product that will make you more lethal. All you need to kill more deer is more knowledge some will gain this from the school of hard knocks some will get this from reading an article based off of 1000s of data points. You all can believe what you will but for the new guy to hunting I would like for them to have this information to develop their own belief about the rut, moon phase, deer behavior etc. Not some passes down information that could be wrong. I see the same thing in the fitness industry some big guy at the gym told me protein is going to make me 20lbs heavier so it must be true cause he's big. I just want more good information being passed around. I don't have anyone feeding me this information I did the studying myself so I could fully understand the animals I love to hunt.


              Originally posted by Jmichaelm View Post
              Well let's start with I'm 24 worked the oil field 4 years got laid off in February decided to start school again since quitting after my first year I'm at lone star college and will be transferring to A&M my junior year. And yes heat will typically keep deer on a more nocturnal patten. If a doe cycles with out being breed then she is breed at a later date that's just a singular breeding event within the rut. Observed rutting behavior will vary year to year based on heat weather etc. as you have stated but the the peak of breeding activity will occur with in a few days of each year but may be at night due to temps or hunting pressure. The reason the studies I quoted are observed as fact is that they were done by an accredited school or by biologists working for the state. Not some company like extinguisher deer calls that wants to sell you some moon chart or product that will make you more lethal. All you need to kill more deer is more knowledge some will gain this from the school of hard knocks some will get this from reading an article based off of 1000s of data points. You all can believe what you will but for the new guy to hunting I would like for them to have this information to develop their own belief about the rut, moon phase, deer behavior etc. Not some passes down information that could be wrong. I see the same thing in the fitness industry some big guy at the gym told me protein is going to make me 20lbs heavier so it must be true cause he's big. I just want more good information being passed around. I don't have anyone feeding me this information I did the studying myself so I could fully understand the animals I love to hunt.

              www.dirksoutdoors.comPeter Fiduccia is one of the most recognized names in the outdoor community. He is a leading authority on white-tailed deer and has writ...

              a lot of what you are talking and referring to this guy says the same. he did have a lot of sweet advice but i have to say not all is on point. at least not for here. apparently after the first signs of scrapes and rubs we can count 21 days and the rut will be in full swing..... i have yet proved that theory in my 8-9 years in the sam. but thats just me bud. i have read a lot... a lot. i am 28 come from oil field just like you been laid off for two years and have become a fishin guide sense then. just like hunting i read a lot of articles to point me in the right direction when i felt stumped...but i soon realized not one time have i read a article and it be on point. i went out and found this out first hand experiences. now i have read articles that got some things right and some things wrong. but given situation (time of year, rains,dry spells, etc) i only learned what those fish do in our bay sytems by going out and logging my own log book. i wont write a article but a lot of times when my buds ask me a question then they come back with coolers full and sweet stories saying you were on point it makes me feel good. you have given good advise. some of it pertains to the sam and the deer out there but only way to know id by going and doing your own logs and data collection to back those articles and your theory up.l


                Originally posted by dmack View Post
                And I agree with the rooster also.
                But do you agree with John


                  I have seen ground scraps in September. I don't know who that guy is but I mainly watch growingdeertv the host has a doctorate in deer biology he explains everything and gives science based studies to back what he claims plus it's just a great show very informative. It's not just videos of big deer getting shot. Midwest whitetail is another great show they have a public land division and they explain good strategy for talking on public land.


                    Originally posted by Jmichaelm View Post
                    And yes love hunt post can be invaluable in any given area as it is very site specific information as one area my have does come in to heat a few days before a spot across the road. The main reason to know the average peak of the rut for this area is if someone needed to take one week off to hunt it should be that week (the second week in November for our area +or - 7 days ) as peak rutting activity will occur this week. You may not have observed this as some areas are better late in the season due to hunting pressure moving deer to a different area etc.....
                    Ok so your basically saying the peak of the rut is a week long in mid November and varies +or- 7 days so in reality it's narrowed down to the peak being just under a month. And that is just the peak . That being when it is the strongest Then others may start earlier . So I'm going to go out on a limb and say during that 3-4 peak time period that the Temp and moon phase may factor in there somewhere as to when they really are active and chasing during the day !!! Hmmm


                      look him up man hes pretty well respected deer biologist up there with the people you watch on shows and tv or you could watch all the videos he posted i thought you were reciting his videos there for a min just figured since you like hearing about studies and instructional stuff hes on point with you


                        I need to introduce myself too. My name is Cahir Doherty, "care", and I love to hunt,camp,scout and be in a national forest. nice buck John!!


                          Originally posted by forest-hunter View Post
                          I need to introduce myself too. My name is Cahir Doherty, "care", and I love to hunt,camp,scout and be in a national forest. nice buck John!!
                          I dont think i ever properly introduced myself over the few years i been on here as well. im Rudy Peralez guys. I know you come a long way from austin to hunt out here Cahir or am i mistaken?


                            Hi Rudy! I do make the drive so I try to stay a few days if I can. I like to be able to hunt where I want over a big area and I like the SAM


                              Originally posted by forest-hunter View Post
                              Hi Rudy! I do make the drive so I try to stay a few days if I can. I like to be able to hunt where I want over a big area and I like the SAM
                              next time your in town feel free to pm me ahead of time i live down the road! ill put ya in the woods hope you dont mind the long hike! where you usually hold up and camp? stubblefield over flow?


                                Thanks! Don't mind a hike, Either there or Kelly's pond.

