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THE Official Twin Buttes Reservoir Thread

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    **** it! I'll see what I can do Sunday or Saturday night... In Odessa till Saturday sometime....


      We pulling out Sunday afternoon, 7 hr drive back home but enough on that lol. We know the general area but what road do you take off knickerbocker to get to area 3


        Over dam... Cross bridge... First entrance on the right... Go straight for 3/4 mile that's all area 3....


          Thank ya sir! We drove right by it


            Been alot of movement out there guys! Friend killed a nice 7 point and I had a nice 8 in front of me yesterday! Redemption tomorrow morning hopefully!


              Hey y' here. I moved from Missouri last year to work in the oilfield. Ive been a diehard bowhunter all my life. I've been creeping this thread in hopes of finally getting to hunt (It's been over a year) and wanted some good info on Twin Buttes. I went to area IV yesterday evening and scouted out a spot to hunt this morning. My bow didn't make the trip with me so I opted for the shotgun and buckshot to at least get me out hunting. I set up my blind about 2 hours before daylight and settled in. About 15 minutes after first light, a nice tall wide 6 came walking straight at me from about 80 yards out. I picked up the Browning and took the safety off and setup my shot. Well...he must have been trailing a doe because he veered to my right, nose glued to the ground and stayed just out of range. Saw several doe an hour or so later, but nothing presented a clean shot. I was surprised by the lack of people there this morning, planned on a bunch of noise, vehicles and people walking in on my set up. But it was a great morning in the blind. I plan to go back soon, I work just down the road from area V, so i'd like to hunt it after a little scouting. Hey JD....if you are reading this, I'd like to take you up on one of those tours you talk about!! I'll by the cold frosty ones. Good luck and be safe to all those hitting the field tomorrow.


                Reading this... When do you wanna go? I'm always down for a drive around with some cold barley pops!


                  Everything my group has saw has been out of range also. Saw some studs on the highways though


                    To the two guys driving around in area 4 last night driving the old maroon chevy truck shooting deer out of the truck. If you shoot towards me or my wife while we are out there i will shoot back, and not with buckshot. You drove by us 4 or 5 times with guns hanging out the window.... You have been warned!!!!


                      That sucks, we saw an old red z71 but no guns


                        Who was driving the newer white Chevy with the camper shell pulling a trailer with three coolers ? You passed us on 67 nb then I saw the sticker. We were in a orange 4 door jeep


                          Originally posted by Mlenderman32 View Post
                          To the two guys driving around in area 4 last night driving the old maroon chevy truck shooting deer out of the truck. If you shoot towards me or my wife while we are out there i will shoot back, and not with buckshot. You drove by us 4 or 5 times with guns hanging out the window.... You have been warned!!!!

                          Probably no one on this forum... Sorry bout ya...


                            I know it wasnt anybody from here but if you see em let them know


                              Unit 4 had about 40 people out there on saturday, crazy town on the weekends


                                JD...I'm good just about any day of the week. It helps when you can make your own schedule! Not hard to believe people were seen road hunting out there this weekend, it's a huge place with terrible roads. I can see why it's hardly patrolled. That's why I parked and walked quite a ways back in to my spot. I never heard or seen a soul, minus some shooting off in the distance. I hunted my place this morning and evening (I live on about 50 acres) had a small 4 point come in about 30 yards out but my horses decided to come and investigate the intruder, so I just sat back and laughed at the "standoff." Tomorrow will be much colder and should be a good day to be in the blind, deer are moving and I have seen bucks chasing does.

