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Aransas Wildlife Refuge

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    Went to the refuge on tuesday they said the packets should be out the end of the month or first 2 weeks in August. They had no other information. On the tour loop seen plenty of deer and a few pigs. A couple of really nice bucks 1-10 point and a good 8 other than that the regular small racks and does with little ones. All looked to be in good shape. The love bugs are also really healthy.


      Went one time and spent the most miserable 3 days I ever had on a hunt. The mosquitos are unbelievable. We had to wear a bandanna or mask to breath. When you got in the tent at night you spent 30 minutes killing bugs and then you did not dare unzip the tent the rest of the night. Good luck.
      PS: Watch for snakes and gators. No kidding!


        The secret to the bugs on stand is a Therma Cell and hunt the wind. I have learned after 12 yrs respect the snakes and avoid the gators. The snakes seem to be every place so just wear snake boots and hunt.


          Sounds like the snakes are much worse than when I used to hunt it some 15 years ago. I have not been back. I keep telling myself I will but man is it rough. It is an experience all bowhunters should do at least once.


            What is the best kind of stand to hunt out of? Tripod, Popup, etc.???


              Trophy7, Both will work but if you're using a ground blind the use of a Thermacel is pretty much a given.

              Light weight 5'-7' Tri-pods seem to work best, do not overlook hunting the tall grass.

              As far as snakes go I see them on the roads almost every day but see very few while out hunting. Maybe one or two water moccasins a year/hunt and in 40yrs of hunting the Refuge I've only seen one Rattle Snake crossing a road.

              Something of a heads up if you do make the hunt. Their biologist does a road-kill count every day during the hunt to document the adverse effect the archery and rifle hunts have on the Refuge. So if you see a Firestone wounded critter laying in the road lets move him over into the shade/brush so he can have time to recover and crawl off.
              Last edited by Thumper; 08-04-2007, 09:33 AM.


                Finally got my packet in the mail so here is the new stuff.

                Aransas Archery Season:
                Archery Season is Saturday, September 29th thru October 7th road and other conditions permitting.

                Archery Hunt Permits:
                Issue 400 permits on a first come first served basis. Must either receive or have applications and fees postmarked by September 15, 2007 for these applications to be valid.

                Archery Hunt Fees:
                Charge $60 for nine day Archery Hunt.

                Youth Hunters:
                In or to foster the sport of Archery , we allow one youth hunter, age 16 or under, to accompany each permitted adult hunter during scouting and hunting for no additional charge. The youth hunter will be automatically covered by their sponsoring adult hunter’s permit. The youth hunter is the sole responsibility of the adult hunter, and must remain within normal voice control of the adult hunter at all times. Youth hunters must possess a Texas hunting license and abide by all Refuge regulations.

                Scouting Access:
                Permitted hunters may scout and place blinds and stands in the Hunt Area, September 22, 23 and 28, from 07:30 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. Non-permitted individuals may not accompany the hunter. Bows may not be readily accessible during scouting.

                Bonus Scouting:
                Hunters enrolled in the Aransas National Wildlife Refuge sponsored 2007 International Bowhunter Education Program ( IBEP) class and permitted hunters with valid IBEP card may scout and place blinds or stands on September 15 and 16 from 3:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.

                To enroll in the IBEP class you can contact me on my cell at 361-222-1152. Just leave a message and I will call you back.


                  Called down to the refuge last on Thursday to have my name put on the mailing list. I'll be waiting for my packet for sure!

                  Bonehead are you running the IBEP class?


                    I will be one of the instructor's for the class.


                      Good deal BoneHead, hopefully I'll get my permit and see you in class.

                      Thumper, thanks for the info on the type of blinds to use...I see a new project in my near future


                        Trophy7, I make my tripods out of hurricane fence top rail no taller than 7'. But cheap enough to build a 5, 6, and 7' pod. For steps I use the screw in steps made for trees. They are plenty wide you just drill a little hole and screw them in and cut off the extra. I'm 230lbs so the rail is plenty strong. The stands are light and easy to carry. You can make the legs collapse or pin in place. Hope this helps some.


                          We had 16 seasoned students and the instructors I think did a pretty darn good job of keeping them interested.

                          I was able to get several stands ready for opening morning. The grass is high and there is a fair amount of water but there were almost no mosquitoes, NONE. Maybe 130 permits sold this year which is good for this hunt but bad if they cut back the number of permits accordingly for next year like they have in the past.

                          Saw a good many critters and several good deer "traveling". I was working the whole time I was in the field and did not get to sit any on a stand, though they have always produced deer in the past.


                            Chris ,
                            I want to thank you,Danny , J.J. and TIm for the class this weekend. Trey and I had a great time . Just hope we don't loose the popups. Trey was going to tell Danny that when he gets to hot we will come and take him up on the help carrying out the big one. LOL. No really you guys are a great addition to bowhunting. THANKS


                              I also enjoyed the class. Seen some really nice animals during the scouting. We had a doe come out and feed near one of the tri-pods while we were about 100yds away at another. She was eating acorns about 2 feet from the tri-pod. Sure hope we don't get any rain before the hunt it couold make getting to the stands messy. Hope to see ya"ll at Hoppers friday evening or on the refuge during the hunt. Just look for me at the cleaning rack. Oh and yes J.J. will be glad to help you. See ya soon.


                                Did anyone scout the Refuge this last weekend?

