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cannon rebel help

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    cannon rebel help

    I have a Cannon Rebel that I bought late last year, and have posted a few pics up taken with it. I love it. We (wife, son and I) are taking a week long vacation in the camper to Big Bend in a few weeks during spring break. I want to try to get some black and white images, and some time lapse nighttime pictures while there, but don't know how. I would like to know if anyone in the cen. Tex area that has one knows how to do this and if they are willing to meet for a few hours. I'll pay the gas and beer/food!!!!!!!!!

    Black and white can be done later in software after you take color shots. Or, you can set the camera to process black & white JPEGs. I prefer to take RAW color shots and do b/w in post processing though.


      Originally posted by Shane View Post
      Black and white can be done later in software after you take color shots. Or, you can set the camera to process black & white JPEGs. I prefer to take RAW color shots and do b/w in post processing though.


        Software will deal with the Black and White parts.

        As for the time lapse a tripod will be needed and not all! I would also say use RAW for the images as well and use software to minipulate that exposure etc... if memory space is limited then try using AEB with a + 2 or 3 and a -2 or 3 thus giving you three shots of the same thing with three different exposure settings allowing you to match the best ones. Fixed shutter speed might help with auto ISO and maybe even a fixed focus if the Rebel has that ability.

        I am no pro and there are others here far more knowledgable than I but this is what I have done with my Minolta and will be doing with my Canon 50d here shortly.

        I would be interested in what the "Pro's" have to say on the time lapse part as well.


          Shadow you may not be a pro but you managed to lose me by line two of the paragraph! I have a tripod. What software is necessary? I am more green than the TBH background!


            Silly me... I assume you have a digital Rebel correct? If so your camera should have come with some photo software like zoom browser and RAW image converter etc... if not you can down load them from Canon's website for free. That or Photoshop would work well. For quick and simple stuff I use Microsoft Digital Image Suite (stupid simple, click easy).

            Here's an example of manipulating the same picture using software that came with my Canon.
            Attached Files
            Last edited by Shadow; 03-02-2009, 01:16 PM.

