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Buying a camera...questions

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    Buying a camera...questions

    So, I'm a newbie when it comes to digital photography...used to shoot a lot of 35mm film. Looking for a nice entry level camera and lenses to shoot outdoors and my sons soccer games. Looking at the Nikon D3200...good, bad, indifferent? Thanks!

    Good camera, but what you really need to decide is what your priorities are. I'd never buy a 3200 personally because they are aimed at the soccer moms who know nothing about how to work an actual camera. I want more control at my fingertips than that body will offer. It also won't work with older MF Nikon lenses, while many of the older pro and prosumer bodies (like the D200, D300) will. The D200 and D300 will be faster (frames/sec.) too.

    The 3200 has the newest sensor and software, so the IQ 'may' be slightly better, but you're limited in lens selection and it's a slower overall body with less control. Nikon geared the 3200 toward users who were looking for the green box auto or one of the cartoon-like picture modes on the dial.

    Not that it isn't capable of taking great photos. It certainly is. I'm just thinking if you've worked a real film camera for any length of time, that 3200 would feel like a toy before long and you'd get frustrated with it.

    I had a D200 for a while that I was very happy with. I used older manual focus Nikon lenses on it and took some of my best photos (nature, sports and wildlife) with it.

    Just food for thought. The D200's and even the D300's are going dirt cheap these days.


      Thanks for the info, brother! I'll keep that in mind. Shoulda mentioned that my wife is wanting to be able to use it as well...


        I have a D3100 and it does pretty good. I'm a newbie myself so I don't really know what I'm missing with a pro body. I'm getting some good lenses slowly and may upgrade the body later on.


          The thing that always frustrates me about cameras like the D3100/3200 or Rebel 4/5ti series is that they promote the # of MP (megapixels) and dumb-down the controls.

          What 90% of camera owners these days don't realize is that anything over about 10-12 MP is a complete waste for all but a tiny % of users.

          In fact, it's worse than a waste because all that extra data takes up file space in your computer's hard drive or on memory cards when it's totally unnecessary.

          You'll never hear a pro talk about MP, but rather about image quality (which has little to do with MP after you reach that 10MP threshold) and the speed with which they can get the camera to do what they want it to do.


            I shoot a pair of D300's (not D300s) It's a great camera.
            I bought my backup off of Craigslist.
            Here's one now. $325 for the body.
            If you add the battery pack, it will run 8fps.

            Last edited by scotty; 11-17-2014, 06:04 PM.


              Now THAT's a camera.

              I wouldn't hesitate to jump back to Nikon for the D300 and drop vintage MF lenses on it again. The image quality is unbeatable.


                The D300 still does a good job.
                All these were shot with 2.8 glass.


