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How do I photo the moon with EOS Rebel XTi?

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    How do I photo the moon with EOS Rebel XTi?

    I was trying to take a picture of an awesome red moon recently with my EOS Rebel XTi/400D and I couldn't do it. Every time I tried to focus on the moon, the camera wouldn't focus on it- it'd zoom in on it, fail to focus and then zoom back out to bring the tree (in the foreground) into focus. Actually, I was trying to take a picture of the moon through an opening in a mesquite tree- it was absolutely beautiful!

    Can someone who's familiar with the Canon digital SLRs tell me how i could have gotten the camera to focus on the moon? I wish I had a way to manually focus the camera.

    Also, can I get some hints as to settings I would need to take a picture of the moon- how to setup the camera? I don't imagine the 'auto' setting would work well and I couldn't get any of the pre-programed settings to work at all.

    I'm a real novice, so take it easy on me, will ya?


    That will be a question for Casey. He can point you in the right direction. He is the moon guy.

    I figured I had better capture a decent full moon image while I had my hands on the 400mm f5.6L. I've been told that a full moon photograph is less dramatic due to the flat appearance from the direct lighting. I think that would hold true when you compare this shot to my one from last week. What do you think?


      Gee, thanks, Texag. I learned all I know about it from the internet. Google "moon photography" and you'll figure it out. You might have to go to manual focus instead of automatic if you're shooting through trees. Also, depending on the results you're after, you might need a LOT of zoom. My best pics came from a 400mm lens with a 1.4x teleconverter for 560mm. I also think a tripod is a huge plus.

      Google it and you'll figure it out.

      Here is my favorite shot from a while back. I don't think the full moon photographs as well as other phases, by the way.

      Click the pic and you can go view the "All sizes" to see it large for more detail.


        Originally posted by Casey View Post
        Gee, thank, Texag.




            That's the very site I found when trying to figure it out a few years ago. Great link.

