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Mandolinman pulls a "Slick Trick" on a 'Yote

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    Mandolinman pulls a "Slick Trick" on a 'Yote

    My son Matt and I went out Thursday evening to see if we could take out a doe or two. At around 5:20 3 does busted out of the woods with their flags waving high and had a coyote on their tail. Another one came out pulling up the rear. The second yote got to the other side of the pasture from where the feeder and stand are and Matt remembered I had told him to squeak with his mouth and the yote did an about face. He came to within 20 yds and Matt smoked him with the Razortec with a Gold Tip headed by a 125 gr Slick Trick. Matt picks a mean mandolin and a mean Hoyt too.

    This was the first time Matt ever shot a video hunting.

    Matt's Bow 'Yote

    Nice shot on the coyote, and nice job on the video.


      Great Video, and great shot on the yote..


        Thanks y'all, took him a minute to catch his breath. LOL


          GOSH....That is awesome!
          Man...I totally want to poll axe one of those dudes someday!

          A big Congrats to him!


            gotta be quick with those suckers heheheh
            great job on the shot and video


              nice job with both shot and vidoe


                Thanks folks. This video stuff is fun!

                I have submitted a new and improved version of the video HERE

                The programs canned music kind've sucks but it works here.

                Check it out and let me know what you think.


                  Very nice! Congrats, Matt!

                  My Flickr Photos


                    Bill - I couldn't get the link to work. Did you already remove it?


                      Sorry Tracey, I guess that was the old link. I did a little more work on the video and had Peyton remove the other, didn't realize it.

                      Here is the new link. Matt's Bow Yote


                        nice shot how far was that


                          About 20 yds. I hunted that stand Friday evening and it's alot closer than it looks in the video.


                            man that looked like 30 or 40 yards nice shot how far did it run?


                              Matt is just learning to video so he had the field pretty wide but in this case he couldn't have done anything better since it happened so fast.

                              He ran about 40 yds. About 30 into the woods.

