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Success South West of Dallas

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      It has been a good year for the Lee Boys. Has Mark got anything this year?

      Let's see some pics.


        Congrats Tuthdoc...looking forward to reading the story on the 12pt.


          Awesome and congradulations to a couple of fine bucks


            That is just way too awesome! Great phot sequence as well,Congrat's on a job well done,and well deserved!!!


              My bad, he got the Acorn Rage Buck.


                Maybe you should start huntin'em with a knife?


                  I told you that 12 wasn't getting away! What an incredible season you have had Doc. I am patietly waiting the stories and pics.


                    Can't wait to hear the story and see the pics! Great year TD!

                    Speaking of hearing the story, do you reckon one day at Bownanza will be long enough to get them all told?


                      Awesome!!! Congrats on the three bucks. Great story telling.


                        Can't wait to see the details on the Junco buck John...congratulations on a great year!!!


                          I've been a member of this forum for less than a week and all I can say is "you guys are awesome"! These pics and success stories are the bomb. Good work and congrats.


                            Originally posted by tuthdoc View Post
                            The trifecta is complete. My Junco buck is down. 12 pt, 151 0/8. Story to follow. 158 10 pt, 150 6/8 11 and 151 12 pt. It's been a great year.
                            Holy moly, what a season! Absolutely great reading and 3 tremendous kills! Great job!

                            I've got one question after reading this thread. Does your county even have a GW in it and if so, how the hell does that kind of poaching go on? That is horrible to say the least.

                            Again congratulations on one hell of a year!


                              James, he also killed a mid40's Plain Jane 10 off the Junco.

                              Our poaching problem, we believe, is an "internal" thing. It's a sensitive thing that we will have a hard time doing anything about until we catch them red handed. I'm just happy that these two survived. We have had the heart shot out of our good bucks the last three years. I know a few might have crossed borders and died, but the main bucks that we protect are internal deer that have a history of staying on the place and they just up and disappear. With all our cameras, it's just a matter of time til we catch them. We've had three or 4 cameras stolen and the cards taken out of several that might have shown the deed being done.


                                It would be hard, almost impossible to put up with that on a lease. Suprised those two bucks made it.

