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    Doc, my w.a.g. is 158. That is being a little conservative, or generous. Gave a little longer tine length to pad just a tad. Even if you give most of a tolerence of +/- 4" that's could cost you an extra grand


      Doc, i am going to go with the under on this. I think his Beams are 22-23 and that his mass will come in right at 30 +/- 1"....he will be under 100 down. Accordingly, he'll be close, but will gross under 160. Green Light GO!Can't wait to see the LDP's.


        touch the release already...


          if you like him then let him have it. you said you wanted the biggerbuck this year , you can cut back a little next year. ( I just really want to find out the actual score)


            It's not the fact that I'd have to cut back, it's just the 500 per inch. It's hard enough for me to accept 300 per inch. I mean it's ONE inch. 500, whew.

            I've gotten him from 153 at the lowest to 158 at the highest. If he is bigger in a couple places and breaks 160, then I won't cry. I'll be jumping around like an idiot and worry about the extra later. Besides, I haven't zoned him in yet. It may take some more scouting and a couple more blinds before I figure out where he's spending his days. He fed a lot in daylight here, so when they start moving, I'm betting he'll show, but can't sit back and wait.


              tuthdoc --- I have him at 158


                Originally posted by Encinal View Post
                This deer has kinda a similar shape with shorter points... honestly dunno how much it will help but all measurements are there...

                It's Sam Elliott!

                All this talk is like women window shopping! haha.


                  pull the trigger on that stick gun & let one fly


                    I would show the pictures to the guy at the cash register....and make him do a price check before I turned one loose!

                    But I think he'll be just under.


                      Doc, Hey I think you should shoot him.... I've got him right at 160... He is one of the best looking bucks I have seen off of the cameras, and if not a neighbor might set up on him


                        I have sat here with a calculator and added him up about 5 times (VERY GENEROUSLY) and can not come up with a gross number bigger than 158" and the 158" addition included what I thought looked like about a 2" split on his right brow that blended in, but then you said his right brow was not split. I really don't see that buck any more than 156", BUT as QZilla said, some of us are not used to scoring big bodied protien fed south texas deer so I could be wrong.


                          Originally posted by tuthdoc View Post
                          Here are my thoughts.

                          His "up" is his strong suit. His 4 on the right being short helps keep him down. If it matched the left, forget it. Only the left brow is split. He started to grow splits on the right, but he must have broken it early. I'll argue we have no proof of them being there. I give him 63 up.

                          His down is what I hope keeps him under 160. His mass isn't very strong. 30 to 31 inches. Beams dont look that long, so I gave him 46. He's just outside his ears. I gave him 18 max. That's 95. 158 is what I'm guessing. Gives me a couple inches in case I'm under on something, but I think I gave him max numbers.

                          One thing I've learned over the years. Beams are hard to guess and mass in trail cams almost always looks less than what it is.

                          I may be over a little in spread, especially the way his right side seems to turn in sooner than the left. Also, with his beam length, I may get back an inch or so. Very little wiggle room.

                          If I make the decision to shoot him and he's a little over, I won't cry, but I would like to avoid 500 dollars an inch.
                          TD, I have him right a 60 up and 95 down...I think you are pretty safe. That split brow and long tines gives him a lot of character.


                            they don't have any 159" 8 points do they?




                                Might be the first post I have seen that someone was wanting a buck to not be too big. LOL Good luck I think you are safe.

