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Millet for a plot

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    Millet for a plot

    I’m thinking about running a couple of millet types on my pond dam and in an area for ducks. Wanted to see if y’all ever used brown, foxtail or any other type as a plot/erosion control and what y’all’s options? I’m finishing up with the pond this week and wanted to start seeding next week.

    Could mix with rye. I know ducks love them some millet


      I’ve used it in the oilfield for erosion control. It works ok, but I’ve never planted it this early. We will have some more frosts and it might not even germinate now. Wheat would probably be a better choice.


        Rice if its wet area


          If I remember in the outdoor booklet. Millet is only crop you CANNOT hunt on first year planting for waterfowl. Had to be regrowth (which is super low with varieties I’ve tried)

          I’ve done pearl head & browntop. It’s slow to start and being rain season is from now-may I don’t think you would get much “erosion usage”. Rye would be best option


            Millets are a warm season "grass" and won't germinate until the spring.

            Right now I would plant elbon rye (cereal grain) on your dam for erosion control. It will germinate down to 34 degrees and will start growing now.

