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% of deer on camera

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    I have pictures of every mature buck that has been killed on our ranch at a feeder. Now with that being said I know of 2 other mature bucks that have been seen that I don't have pics of. Most pics are early in the season but a few have been in December.


      I don't put any feeders out but I do have some mineral licks I keep fresh. I hunted one last Saturday in a higher traffic area that I have a camera on. I saw 8 deer in that 3 acre opening and I think 3 of them were on that camera.

      Our deer don't lack for much feed typically, so it's hard to get them on cam. I do put out sweet feed in buckets during the summer and probably get 60% of the bucks I end up seeing during the year on the cameras. That's a guess. I have a large turnover year to year so it's really hard/impossible to keep track of them.


        Down in Harper I get mature bucks all the time. Based on years of observation I really think all of the mature bucks hit them at least a little. At the farm in east Texas they only show up if they are following a doe.



          I have mature bucks and does that will not come to a feeder in front of my house. I do have pictures of lots of deer at the feeder, but not a buck over 3.5. I have a spot I hand cor behind the house, I have pictures of several does and bucks that have never been to that feeder, day or night. they are maybe 400 yards apart. i never have never had a picture of a mature buck at my house until mid Oct. and i have some younger bucks that roll out mid October and i don't get pics of them again until spring.


            Through summer up to first of October I can get mature bucks on Camera pretty consistently @ feeders, after that they are mostly there in passing or with a doe. They will show up again in December(mostly at night).


              We have 450 acres with very light hunting pressure and rarely see a "new" deer with the exception of the occasional mature buck we see during the rut. We kill 6-8 deer a year and most with a bow so they aren't that spooky.

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                Every buck i have killed was no where near a feeder or did i get pictures of it there. Just does. Except for my first buck. A 2 year old 8 point. Frequented our feeder everyday and got pics of him. proud to say hes my favorite one i shot since my dad was with me and was my first deer. Yes im proud of that 2 year old baby!


                  My experience in east Texas, Brady, southeastern oklahoma, and Kansas. Close to 90% of the mature bucks will hit our spin feeders during the day and 100% at night, during the summer. Come season, that number drops significantly during the day, but most still hit them at night. But we always feed protein next to our spin cast feeders and that increases the number a significantly.


                    every try a tube feeder? We see bucks at this feeder that we never see at a spin feeder


                      Protein year round makes a huge difference for us and our deer are pressured. Seems to keep the older bucks moving in daylight and much more comfortable than around corn feeders. Also had luck with hand corn on the older deer during the season as well.


                        I see them sometimes in the late summer but never in the season even during the rut. I've had my success hunting hand corn down wind of the feeders. Big deer and hogs seem to come down wind to check on receptive females.


                          I think it depends a lot on your deer population in relation to carrying capacity and available food sources. If your deer are hungry - they are more likely to show up at the feeders.

                          The acorns hit the ground in Parker County, and I have corn piling up under feeders where last year I had 25 deer each sit. In 3 weeks, the pigs will have the acorns cleaned up, and all the deer will be back.


                            East Texas, and 100% of our bucks come to spin feeders. They may not come running as soon as it goes off, but they all come in to feeders.

