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Oats vs. Rye?

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    Oats vs. Rye?

    I'm planting just shy of an acre, and I'm following a recipe that elgato on here recommended to me with some slight modifications. I will be planting the following:

    100# winter wheat
    5# Durana clover
    10# crimson clover
    1# chicory
    50# bob oats or elbon rye?

    The last one is what I'd like opinions on. If you were going to choose one over the other, which one and why?



      oats oats oats


        oats, no doubt!


          Rye is probably more winter hardy; the deer probably like oats better. If you are planting around the Houston area I would plant oats.


            I was leaning toward oats, because they seem pop up fast and the deer are on them quicker.


              Bob oats for sure! Just curious, that is a lot of seed for "just shy of 1 acre", was curious why you are over-seeding to that extent? Not a problem with it, just didnt want ya to spend too much $$ on seed that you really don't hafta have. Broadcast "seed rate" for bob oats alone is bout 100 lbs to the acre. So in your recipe you have a 50 lb sack of bob oats, which by itself will basically do a 1/2 acre coverage (once again broadcast) . Then when you add all the others of your mix, you have a lot of seed! Not being a smart butt, just curious of the overseeding. Good Huntin, and God Bless, Rusty


                Oats all the way...... we planted oats for 3 years in a row and had 30-40 deer everyday out there. The fourth year was rye, and we quit seeing the deer. The 5th year was oats again and they all came back.


                  Originally posted by spidermonkey View Post
                  Bob oats for sure! Just curious, that is a lot of seed for "just shy of 1 acre", was curious why you are over-seeding to that extent? Not a problem with it, just didnt want ya to spend too much $$ on seed that you really don't hafta have. Broadcast "seed rate" for bob oats alone is bout 100 lbs to the acre. So in your recipe you have a 50 lb sack of bob oats, which by itself will basically do a 1/2 acre coverage (once again broadcast) . Then when you add all the others of your mix, you have a lot of seed! Not being a smart butt, just curious of the overseeding. Good Huntin, and God Bless, Rusty
                  It's a legitimate question, so no problem there. I'm still fairly new to this process, and I guess my thinking was to overseed to make sure I have a full plot. Do you think that I could/should back off the wheat to just 50#?


                    Thats what I would do
                    50lb wheat and 50 lb oats and all the rest of the smaller seed. You would be good to go on one acre. Just make sure you get a good seed bed. I would broadcast the oats and wheat together and cover, then broadcast the smaller seed on top and maybe drag a section of chain link fence or just a chain across it after you broadcast the smaller seed.


                      Oats and wheat.

                      I know I will get shouted down for saying this BUT I have never seen a deer it rye.
                      My uncle would plant acres of it every year. I never saw a deer eat it and had had a lot of deer.


                        Over seeding that thick will choke out your clovers and chicory most likely


                          I would get rid of all the wheat and rye and go 100% oats in their place...


                            Oats. Google DR. Kroll buck forage oats.


                              I'm not an expert on fall/winter food plots but I've had tremendous success with feed store wheat. $12/50# sack. That's all I plant now in my fall plot and my deer prefer wheat to oats. I planted both the last couple years and will be doing wheat alone this year. You don't need fancy seeds. Just go to the feed store and buy a sack of feed oats/wheat and it'll grow.

