Haha! I’m hoping to get some more pics with an update in mid November. It’s been so dry out there over the past 2.5 months. Hoping to get the trail cam cards in the next couple of days to post some pics.
Quick update - We are hoping to shoot around 10 to 12 deer over the next 2.5 weeks to continue to reduce our numbers. We broadcasted and cultipacked winter wheat two weeks ago but still haven't gotten any rain so we aren't going to count on fall food plots this year. We will make sure that our timed protein feeders will always have protein available as well as offer bales of alfalfa as another source of forage.
Some of the projects we are working on over the next few weeks:
1. Purchased 4 acres worth of native seed from Turner Seed (i.e. TX Native Perennial Mix, Big Bluestem, Sideoats Grama, Little Bluestem, Indiangrass, Illinois Bundleflower, and Western Ragweed). We will find a couple of areas to do some testing - disk strips in certain areas, cutlipack, broadcast, and cultipack again. We will also do some hand cutting of cedars and will hand spread some of these native seeds in these areas and allow the fallen cedars to lay over and protect the seeds/seedlings. I'm curious to see which method produces quicker results. I would think the cedar skeletons will provide better results since they will drop needles (organic matter), keep the soil cooler in the heat, and prevent deer and other critters from eating the young seedlings.
2. Purchased 8 post oaks from Nativ Nurseries to plant in different areas. We are trying to increase the amount of native browse and see post oaks growing around us. Will install the tree tubes and will water them every time we are out there for the first year. We'll see how this works. If we see good results, we will then purchase 40 to 50 more trees.
3. We purchased 4 7-gallon plastic feed tubs that we are going to fill every time we are out there with protein, rice bran, etc. We found some of the old cattle tubs and put some feed in it and noticed that the fawns were all over it so we thought we could add some more for the fawns and younger deer that aren't able to get to the protein feeders as easily.
I'm hoping to have some more pictures and updates the week of Thanksgiving.
Awesome update! Yes that is an insane amount of protein since September. Definitely need to kill several deer
Are yall shooting that 10 or giving him one more year?
Our plans were to shoot him but we were only given 5 MLD buck tags this year so we may try to shoot 5 other bucks along with the 11 doe to help reduce our numbers. If he gets into bow range, then I may have to let an arrow fly!