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Low fence supplement?

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    Low fence supplement?

    Would it be more beneficial to use mineral rocks/blocks and salt licks on smaller 2-300 acre low fence ranches vs trying to feed protein? Or would there be any benefit at all? Thanks in advance.

    I feed protien on 25 acres. I think it all helps.


      Heck, use both. I'm of the opinion that anything helps.




          more beneficial... ehh probably protein if your talking about free choice feed. With that small a place unless your putting up a BUNCH of feeders your still just adding a fairly small supplement to there diet... they both help, i'd do protein if I had the money.


            yes, the more you feed the more deer will travel to and thru you property giving you more opportunities


              Originally posted by WBA2000 View Post
              Would it be more beneficial to use mineral rocks/blocks and salt licks on smaller 2-300 acre low fence ranches vs trying to feed protein? Or would there be any benefit at all? Thanks in advance.
              200-300ac spots wont "hold a herd" so to speak but I don't see why they can't be a main part of a home range and a little haven for them. Especially if you have good sources of food water and cover. Mineral and protein can go hand in hand to be honest. Protein will help body growth/development/maintenance and in antler development. Minerals also help antler development as well as provide minerals/vitamins that help in other bodily functions. If you are wanting to feed protein I would throw out mineral at the feeding locations to. If nothing else they are both attractants that will keep deer coming in and maybe keep them healthier and in better condition. This can be a can of worms also just fyi lol. Lots of varying opinions on here.


                One of my ranches is 313 acres and I have 2 feeder pens that I feed protein and mineral rocks year round and turn on corn feeders in August. My fawn crop the last two seasons was pretty good.


                  What is the best type of mineral to use?


                    We have 1,200 MLD low fence and we don't feed protein. It can get pretty expensive feeding deer that can walk into your neighbors shooting lane at any given time.

                    Will it benefit the overall herd? Yes. Is it economical? I don't think so.

                    We do plant food plots but the cost is much less than protein and attracts more deer than protein, IMO.
                    Last edited by HoustonHunter; 12-18-2014, 08:43 AM.


                      I do a little bit of everything. I keep protien out year around, sling corn year around, food plots, & minerals. My main goal is improving the heard, and drawing in every deer I can.

                      I have already had one neighbor question what I am doing, and guess what? He is feeding protien now & planted a really nice plot this year.


                        So what is the recommended protein to feed? Any particular brand or?


                          Originally posted by Bear82 View Post
                          What is the best type of mineral to use?
                          First thing that comes to mind is a cheap one lol I have seen and heard a lot of good things about trophy rock mineral and it does seem to get hit pretty hard when I have put it out. I would just look into it and see what you find there are other threads up about minerals that had a ton of comments. Loose mineral or blocks work the same from what I have seen. Some you mix in with the top soil to create a lick.


                            Originally posted by Brian77429 View Post
                            So what is the recommended protein to feed? Any particular brand or?
                            Anything your deer will eat....try it all


                              Originally posted by Brian77429 View Post
                              So what is the recommended protein to feed? Any particular brand or?
                              gingib could have a point. Lots of varying opinions on that. I would start by calling around and see what is available in your area and then ask whatever feed store or whoever around there what is the more popular feed. Only thing I would say is don't go off letting some one try and sell you some feed they claim is 50% CP and stuff lol. Most research says deer are able to optimize their bodily functions with around +- 16% CP in their diet but knowing the amount of feed they eat and the CP% in their forages its hard to say exactly what is best. The more CP in a feed the more $$$. Most are around 20% if you find one higher than 20% that they will eat and it isn't god awful expensive then cool.

