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Need advice picking grass

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    Need advice picking grass

    Our property has a good number of deer on it and there are a lot of deer in the vicinity but it's only 24 acres and I want to do some improvements to make it better and even more attractive to deer. So, I'm going to start clearing a good bit of the junk brush, leaving all the Guajillo, persimmon and mesquites, and plant some sort of native grass varieties. It's a tedious process clearing selectively like that but I've been doing it with a bobcat in a test area and I kinda have it figures out. Going to use a very small disk and grain drill that can be pulled behind a 4-wheeler. This allows me to plant while leaving the area still relatively 'brushy.'

    What I'm wondering is: are there some native perennial grasses that are more palatable than others; or some that are particularly high in protein?? This is in the north part of S Texas. Anyone have any advice?

    I would be careful planting grass seed with a grain drill. The seed only needs to be 1/4 in the soil. If it ends up deeper than that it will never make a stand. Ur better off using a broadcast spreader and dragging a cattle panel behind it or something of that sort.

    If you are wanting to get more deer on your property you might consider planting a couple acres to wheat in the fall and some sort of summer legume in the spring. That will draw more deer in than grass. Grass is not a big part of a deer diet.


      Native grass for your quail if you have any, but for deer I would make small plots or lanes and disc in later winter (February or March) and get some forbs for spring then plant wheat like kritters said above cheap and draws deer. Dove love the croton and sunflowers for start of season and they don't mind the small amount of exposed wheat seed from planting this time of year


        Columbian Gold. They'll keep eating and eating and eating.


          Klein grass .


            Panama Red So I here, What about Buffalo grass, not sure, but it might work for your needs as I here is drought resistant.

