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How the Heck do you quit smokeing

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    How the Heck do you quit smokeing

    how the h--l do you quit smoking without killing your spouse who is also trying to quit?

    When I figure it out will let you know
    I am going nuts


      Chantics worked for us!!! Haven't had a cig since Aug 11


        Originally posted by gargetter View Post
        how the h--l do you quit smoking without killing your spouse who is also trying to quit?
        Have a heart attack. Haven't had a cig since March 26th. Don't ask me how I know.


          I came close when I was on the patches. The largest dose worked. I was down to one a day when I changed to the medium patch, started smoking more and more.
          My excuse is pain but I know it really isnt an excuse.
          I hope you are able to make it.


            Don't compare your quitting success to hers. I quit cold turkey twice but my wife never did and when I would compare my success it would just make her mad.


              Just keep telling yourself you don't smoke. I also don't believe in counting days, that just seems like your seeing how many days you can go without one. Good luck!


                According to my brother have a major health problem. Still waiting on my first big scare. Hope it's a ways off. LOL!!!


                  I took chantix also. I hear it makes some people have weird dreams, no side effects for me. You can do it !


                    toughest thing I ever done was quit smoking, but when you cant breathe anymore more it makes it a little easier


                      Wish I could help. I smoked for 38 years and tried several times to quit including hypnosis, nothing worked. then in Oct 2001 I woke up and decided I was'nt going to smoke anymore. I still carried a pack in my pocket for a week unopened. Havent had or wanted one since. Guess I was just ready.


                        Just quit like I did I smoke and dipped for 15 years and the I turned 30 I decided that was it its time to get right. I quit both in the same week and every time I started to want either one I just tell myself no you are stronger than that. Now it's been almost a year and I haven't touched one since. BTW dipping was MUCH harder than smoking to quit.


                          I tried chantix, wierd wierd dreams, restless so I had to quit them. I tried the gum, the patches, nothin.

                          So then I got brave went to a hypnosis place, seem cool until the doc started comparing what he does to capt kirk and spok and I was out of there.

                          I am still trying to just quit but with no luck , good luck to you!


                            Learn to spell 'smokeing' first


                              Originally posted by lesson 101 View Post
                              Just quit like I did I smoke and dipped for 15 years and the I turned 30 I decided that was it its time to get right. I quit both in the same week and every time I started to want either one I just tell myself no you are stronger than that. Now it's been almost a year and I haven't touched one since. BTW dipping was MUCH harder than smoking to quit.
                              I quit smoking a couple of time but dipping was hell

