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Small HF Property, Pro-Con

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  • Sika
    "whether you get bored on 110 acres?"

    It can be boring seeing the same deer all the time. But it can also be really fun growing them. And they can be very challenging to hunt, especially if you go bow-only or go to traditional bow, as I have done. Fwiw, I ended up shooting some whitetails with a rifle this year just to reach our harvest goals. The axis herd is wild and they are very difficult to bow hunt. I'll probably have to shoot a couple of them with a rifle this year too or trap and sell some just to keep the numbers in check. I bought some fallow with the intention of hunting but decided to get in to raising them instead. I got some really nice breeder fallow and they are really fun to watch. If you just want a lower maintenance place for hunting and not interested in raising deer, you will probably become bored with it.

    "the other is that don't get to see a lot of deer? " When it's really green we might be see 1-5 deer per sit but some days you can see almost every deer on the place. Just depends on range conditions and cover. Our place is very thick and has a lot of varied terrain. There are very few areas you can see more than 125 yards.

    "and then do the deer become pets?" Our fallow can be fed from the Ranger. Everything else is wild as hell. I have some deer I haven't seen in months except on trail camera.

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  • KactusKiller
    Originally posted by Throwin Darts View Post
    High fence places usually trade for a higher price per acre. At $10+ a foot for the fence cost sellers recoup some of that cost on the sale.

    I rather have 200 acres low fence than 110 acres high fence.

    and no way would I tear down a high fence and pay for a low fence.

    I think I’d keep looking
    This exactly. Also one thing to keep in mind is during major drought yrs your gonna have to feed an extreme amount of supplemental feed if you have any variety of game on their. I hunted on a 100ac HF place near Greune many yrs ago and it was by no means a gimme hunt but would I want to hunt that everyday, no. Like said above I'd rather hunt 100-200ac low fence, heck I'd even hunt 50-75ac low fence preferably if it has bigger neighbors than 100ac HF. I'd keep looking as well.

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  • jason86
    Originally posted by Sika View Post

    200 acres low fence IF surrounded by a large or a couple of large ranches.
    We fenced our place and have no regrets. We started with about 15 native whitetails and added some axis and fallow.
    We have 320 acres that has about 12 smaller places around it, can’t wait to put up a fence

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  • Sika
    Originally posted by Throwin Darts View Post
    High fence places usually trade for a higher price per acre. At $10+ a foot for the fence cost sellers recoup some of that cost on the sale.

    I rather have 200 acres low fence than 110 acres high fence.

    and no way would I tear down a high fence and pay for a low fence.
    I think I’d keep looking
    200 acres low fence IF surrounded by a large or a couple of large ranches.
    We fenced our place and have no regrets. We started with about 15 native whitetails and added some axis and fallow.

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  • RMW
    Forgot to add I know a guy that has 100 deer in a 100 acre high fenced pasture, he’s got it stocked with northern genetic deer and the place is 80–90% wooded. He runs bow hunts off of it and sells around 20-30 bucks and whacks a few does also. Gets anywhere from 2500.00 for a management buck to 10,000.00 + for a 300 inch monster. Sells his hunts fast every year and it’s pretty much by word of mouth. The deer do fine by just feeding protein and eating native forbs.

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  • RMW
    Here at my home I’ve got 50 acres high fenced, about 1/2 is heavily wooded. I’ve got pure berry south Texas genetics whitetail. I feed protein and cottonseed and also put in about 5 acres of foodplots in the spring and fall. I enjoy raising them as a hobby, my neighbor has 250 acres next to me and would love to purchase one day if he decided to sell, I have another property that’s 400 acres that’s 5 miles from me that I’m going to high fence part of probably 100 acres, going to stock axis and whitetail.

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  • TeamAmerica
    Could be a sweet place. I agree with you on the shape. 1000 ft wide is not much. I'd rather have a wider place. Even if low fence.

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  • Huntingfool
    I HF 600 acres some years back - killed all of the native deer and restocked with 3 bred does and 3 young bucks - added blackbuck, oryx, etc. It was a lot of fun but remember that the herd will multiply quickly and it takes some work to keep the numbers in control. Your feed bill could also end up pretty high - good luck to you

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  • Archereject
    I hunted for a particular buck in a 100 acre HF for several weekends and never saw him. Several other hunters tried with a rifle and they never saw him either.
    And axis can be more reclusive.
    I purchased a hunt for 2 axis bucks. They were thought to be the only deer in this 20 acre hf property. By the time the hunt was over we took 2 axis bucks and found 3 doe and 2 bucks in the 20 acre pen.
    What I’m get at is 100 acres is plenty for them to hide and you never see them.
    Throw you some axis and whitetail and have a blast Bowhunting them.
    Just my 2 cents

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  • Dave W
    Interesting, I thought I would get bashed.
    making it an axis only is a new thought
    i don’t know if it has other game such as pigs . I might miss those

    the reason it hasn’t sold is because the deer herd is poor , and it’s only 100 acres

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  • bloodtrailer28
    Keep the fence don't put so much thought into it and enjoy yourself!! We have 150 acres hf and absolutely love it.

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  • mjhaverkamp
    You could raise and sell exotics to other ranches, maybe sell a few bowhunts

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  • DeerGeek
    Don’t take the fence down. I would remove all whitetail next season and make it an Axis only place. Year round hunting, they are hard to bow hunt, and the meat is great.

    Trap 2 Axis bucks and 12 doe and let them do their thing in year 1. After year 2, start taking out some of the axis doe. A healthy herd multiplies quickly.

    You will need to keep free choice protein feeders going year round on any high fenced property.

    Hopefully adjoining tracts will become available in years to come and you will one day be able to expand and can then introduce whitetails back to the larger property. Good luck!
    Last edited by DeerGeek; 02-17-2024, 07:06 AM.

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  • Throwin Darts
    High fence places usually trade for a higher price per acre. At $10+ a foot for the fence cost sellers recoup some of that cost on the sale.

    I rather have 200 acres low fence than 110 acres high fence.

    and no way would I tear down a high fence and pay for a low fence.

    I think I’d keep looking

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  • Txhunter3000
    How many pigs and coyotes inside ? Can they get inside?

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