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    As some of you know, I am still new to deer hunting. I have a question and was hoping GS can help me out here.

    T.C. shows two possibly third does (looks to be 2-3 y.o.) during April, May, and some time in June around the feeder, haven't seen any activities since then. I am sure drought has something to do with this. Water tank is about 300 +/- yards from the feeder in the same property line. This may be the reason why the deer activities are less on the t.c. during the summer months.

    I've seen many t.c. showing bucks around the feeder during different times from different counties on GS from other members.

    I've not seen any bucks on my t.c. now does this mean, I won't see one at all for the whole season or what? I walked around the property when I first bought it and have been looking for rubs, other things for buck's presence, and don't think there's any. I could have overlooked but like I said I am still greenhorn on this whole thing.

    I moved the t.c. back to same tree/trails that captured does back during the early months and will go out this weekend to take a look @ what kind of activities my feeder's getting.

    Any advice from GS experts to help me lure the bucks out to my property would be greatly appreciated. (Bought mineral block, bags of apple scented acorn rage to mix in with Corn/Milo in the feeder.)

    Water tank trough will be put in soon, hopefully this weekend, this is taking longer than I'd like for it to happen but that's to be expected when you buy the raw land with lots of needed improvements done to it.

    Does hogs prevent deers from coming in at all? Or they are able to coexist?

    I appreciate it! Thanks in advance. Sorry for long read!

    Deer don't like being around hogs. Build a feed pen around your feeder and the pigs won't get in and the deer will get the feed you want them to get.


      Originally posted by crazy8 View Post
      Deer don't like being around hogs. Build a feed pen around your feeder and the pigs won't get in and the deer will get the feed you want them to get.
      Interesting...I guess it's time to build another feeder and put it out where I think will be a good place to set it up. Away from the feeder where hogs frequent to it. The one I have now is right by the dry creek where all the hog traffics are. I appreciate your advice.


        All deer are in their summer patters right now. Some will still come to feeders but not as many that will be coming by this winter.

        They'll be back.


          Originally posted by Tubby View Post
          All deer are in their summer patters right now. Some will still come to feeders but not as many that will be coming by this winter.

          They'll be back.
          Really? Alright...Sure hope so! I'm gonna keep trying until it shows up! I'd love to have my first buck during my first bow season/rifle season as well. Only time will tell...


            If your cameras are focused on feeders and you're not seeing bucks come to the feeders don't worry. Some bucks, especially mature bucks, will simply not go to a feeder. I would suggest setting your cameras up on trails and baiting the immediate area with corn. This will give you a better idea of what you have. Water sources would also be a good option to hang a camera on. If you have does, you will have bucks looking for them at some point.


              Water is the main key right now for attracting wildlife. Put a camera near a water source and see if any bucks are present.


                what I have noticed is some places are good summer places and some are good dear season places. What I mean is bucks will stay aroudn areas with high protein sources which will be different during season. They will then turn to carbs/corn during season for energy. If you have water that will help


                  I bet you will start to see bucks by the end of Sept or first of Oct when it starts to cool off.


                    I've seen hogs push deer out of an area with tomuch hog presher. But the deer always come back when hogs move out.


                      Two things too try. Fence the pigs out of your feeder area. My feeder is in a 10 yard wide by 20 yard long pen. Four foot high will keep the pigs out and deer will jump in. Make the top wire barbless or put split PVC water pipe on top of hog panel if you are worried about fawns getting cut up trying to jump it next spring. After the pen is built dump a bag or two of corn out on the ground in the pen like when doing a deer survey. When it is available 24 hours a day for a few days or so you will be surprised how many doe and bucks show up. I run my cam and feeder all year round. I had 3 unknown bucks on my survey last week.


                        Certain parts of Caldwell county don't have many deer, but the bucks are there. Where in Caldwell is your land?


                          Its between Lockhart and Luling. Stairtown? Not sure if you know this place. Its proximity of place between two.

                          I will build the pen to the point where I feel confident enough that it will draw more deers away from where hogs frequent the first feeder. Its surrounded by woods but has huge clearance in the middle and still got trails coming and going thru it. Will follow the pointers as instructed by others. Will go out and buy plot watcher. Saw in the ads from Cabelas on sale for 99.00 from Primos. Worth giving it a try!

                          If any luck would allow me to capture any worthy bucks, will post up some pics. Thanks fellow TBHers!

                          Silent Assassin a.k.a. TexMav

                          Sent by Samsung 4G via TapaTalk



                            Good news! I took my cousin out for his first hog hunting Friday night. He bought a Russian Noslin, I think, with a brand new scope. Unfortunately, his scope was a bad scope, the recticle just lit up from inside preventing from him seeing what's front of the scope. Instead it lit up so bright from inside to where the eye relief is. So there was no way he could see when I saw the hogs in my scope for him to shoot. I didn't take the shot because I wanted him to shoot his first hog.

                            So, we gave it a try in the morning. we sat in the blind, looking out to the feeder. As luck would have it, buck walked to my left side, where I said I think where the deer trails were. A pretty 6 pointer but looks to be 2 y.o. won't be a shooter this year. He looked right at us and stared at us for a while. Strutted off back where he came from. After the hunt, I immediately set up the new t.c. along the trail deep inside the woods along with mineral block and acorn rage in front of it. I should know what kind of activities when I go back in two weeks.

                            Now what y'all have said, were spot-on! I am going to build where I said I would. I appreciate all of your expertise. I couldn't have done this without your help! So, Thank you, guys.


                              Help!!! Doe picture taken.

                              Ok, guys. I pulled SD card, the elusive buck didn't show up for the photoshoot appointment! Mmhmm...The doe still look skittish as usual. Too skittish and I wonder why? She always look like that on most of the pics taken on her. any idea?

                              Ok, here's the picture. I know most of people wouldn't take doe down. Let me ask your opinion. Ive heard that you can't take doe during Archery Season, is that true?

                              Now, I don't think I will be taking down any deers this year. She looks to be young to me, unless I am wrong? Tell me what do you think? I know it's not that important to fill my tags as much as manage the herd and reap what I sow in few years. I know there's two does on the property maybe three so...

                              I am moving my t.c. to another location to try to capture buck's movement.

                              Appreciate your guidance on this one.
                              Attached Files

