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Ramcats and Tightspot Quiver

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    Ramcats and Tightspot Quiver

    Okay maybe its just me, but is there some sort of magical way to make them work with a tightspot?

    I have tried loading them in the 1 3 5 spots, with no other broadheads loaded in. No matter how hard I try, I wind up snagging them in the quiver hood. It kinda freaks me out, with it being this close to the season and all to be having this issue, but I cant get the #1 arrow removed without the blades folding forwards.

    I'm no expert, but the thought of a ramcat blade being loose on the shot makes me uneasy...

    contact tight spot they have awesome customer service

    Posted from App for Android


      Sounds like they made the tight spot a little too tight up top. From the way it sounds, I believe that quiver might just be too tight for those blades. If it were me, this close to season, I would go buy another quiver or find some alternative until next week when you have more time to mess with it.


        A quiver that fits the Ramcats just fine and made by a good ol' Texas boy is EW Bateman. He makes an 8 arrow bow mounted quiver along with an 8 arrow hip quiver. Lots of other accessories also. EW Bateman & Company.


          They just changed the inside of the hood this year from a soft foam to a hard rubber. If you have a 2013 model they may be able to send u one of last years foam inserts. The soft foam should fit anything... I think


            Thats common with lots of quivers they are just a large cut. I push mine up to where just the very tip hangs out

