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thoughts on bear bows...

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    thoughts on bear bows...

    my wife bought me a bear charge RTH last xmas and i am looking to upgrade.

    what is the view of current bear bows? i know they went through a couple of "bad" years but it seems like they have gotten their act together the last few years.

    the reason i ask is that i have a local bow shop that sells bear and hoyt, i would like to buy something local and that anarchy looks very appealing. but they have the hoyt vector hanging right next to it, sooooo....

    well theres gonna be a major price difference though. anarchy is a good bow but shoot them both and let that decide. get the one that fits you the best.


      I have a Bear Charge as well and have loved it. I have not had a single problem with it. I do wish I would have paid a little more money to begin with to get some of the nicer equipment on the RTH packages and a little more speed. I have shot both the Anarchy and Carnage and I personally like the Carnage. If I upgrade, I will be getting another Bear!


        I have a Carnage and my son has an Attack. Both great bows. Nothing bad to say about either of them.


          Most bows on the market will perform better than 99% of the people can shoot and Bear is one of them. Shoot both of those models and others if you can and let the bow pick you. Do not be swayed by the ads in magazines, on hunting shows or even the shop techs. It is your money, you pick the bow you like the most, enjoy shooting and handling the most.


            I have the Charge RTH and have been very happy with it. My only issue was a fletching clearance issue and I solved it by installing a drop away rest and rotating my flights out of the way of the cables. I shoot my Charge almost everyday and it's been a great bow. Since I purchased it on clearance from Academy for under 200.00 and have put an additional 100.00 into it, I think I got a great deal.


              I have a bear truth (2007 model) and it still shoots great. When I upgrade it will be to another bear bow.


                I have the Bear (Done Deal) I love it ,It shoots Great


                  I love my Bear strike. I added some strings from Korbin and it shoots great.


                    Hoyt carbon element no but bear has came out with a decent line up this year


                      I would go with the mathews. (just a joke, no wadded up panties please)


                        ive heard the carnage is a sweet shootin bow... never shot it personally, but im going to be upgrading in the next year or so, and im def not going to count bear out.


                          Bear has been around along time, they make some good bows. I would love to shoot the Carnage or Anarchy. The mauler is a nice bow too.


                            Bought my grandson the Charge last season and he loves it. I was impressed with it's speed and quietness. I went and shot the Carnage because I wanted a faster bow. I'd never shot a "speed" bow before and did not like the way it felt compared to my older Mathews and my Diamond Black Ice. It was very fast and very quiet though.


                              I have the Carnage and it is a sweet shooting bow.

