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old etrex legend....

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    old etrex legend....

    got my gps out and to my suprise it wasnt working.the screen had horizontal lines on it when i would power it up. after messing with it for awhile i went online and found that it needed a firmware update. havent done it yet because the cable i have is 232 and my pc dosent have a serial port. have to order a cable. anyway thought if anyone else had this problem this might help.....

    Have had that problem and still get it from time to time. It isn't firmware on mine. It is the video cable. The cable doesn't seat real tight. Turn if off and give it a firm wack on the bottom end of the unit. Turn back on and see if it works. If not try hitting the other end. I found a link once on how to take it apart and fix this problem but never tried it myself.


      i saw a link on it where they took a piece of rubber band and wedged it between the batt terminal/clips and the housing. it was from some mountain bikers who found that vibration was knocking the batteries around and they were losing connection for a split second.


        could be why smackin it works.......on mine to. btw. thats the first thing i tried. got mad enough i almost permantly fixed it with hammer.


          Mine usually only needs to be told once every month or so.

