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Millmans new ranch (long term project)

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    Originally posted by Tx_Wader View Post
    I have followed this thread from the beginning and always admired how hard you guys worked to get the place to where you want it and now this happens.

    Doesn't mean much but I'm sure sorry for the loss of your deer herd.

    I have a bunch of doe to kill this year if you need any meat. I'm happy to share with you.
    This is extremely generous. Thank you.
    We still have a few deer to sit in the blind and look at. Who knows what will happen when the rut kicks in.


      This has been one of my favorite threads to follow. I hated to read your above post about the disease that has wiped out allot of your herd.

      Please keep us posted on any data you receive on the cause of the dye off.

      Again, can't tell you how much it is appreciated that you let us follow along.



        Well under the circumstances we have been dealt we spent the Thanksgiving week doing ranch work. Inoculated, branded and ear tagged some calves. Bought a new toy for fence line clearing, road building, tearing up things in general and the war on cedars(oh and lifting blinds).

        Built right at a mile of fence

        Did some pig patrol

        Spent a couple evenings looking at what the future holds. Although the die off was tough and a reminder we are never in control I am glad to say we have some real nice young bucks to start over with. Our deer numbers are about half what they were a year ago and on 6 square miles I don't think we have 3 bucks over 3 years old. Staying positive......I think we now have more 10's than 8's....not bad when all the bucks are under 3.

        And as always we ate good! Drunken pheasant is definitely something to try!
        Attached Files
        Last edited by millman; 11-29-2016, 09:14 AM.


          Man that looks good lol.

          I like your attitude and like my Dad used to tell me when stuff happened..."It will all work out, it always does."

          Wishing ya'll nothing but luck.


            Any updates for 2017?


              Originally posted by jason86 View Post
              Any updates for 2017?
              It’s a huge update! I’ll let Millman tell y’all.


                Originally posted by Brett C View Post
                It’s a huge update! I’ll let Millman tell y’all.
                The suspense is killing me.


                  Come on Millman! We want to know!


                    Yes updates are needed and I STILL want to see pictures of the house you acquired


                      Originally posted by Brett C View Post
                      It’s a huge update! I’ll let Millman tell y’all.
                      It is a huge update! Game changer for sure Congrats Millman!


                        Yes sir. Today is the big day!


                          Can someone spill the beans already?


                            Originally posted by breese View Post
                            Yes sir. Today is the big day!
                            No wonder he hasn’t chimed in yet





