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Two New Projects

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    Two New Projects

    First is a rod wrapper I am trying to finish to make my own rods. Still have a few final touches like adding pegs for a tension band to hold the rod down and magnets to hold razor blades. Made of oak, stained & poly. Extra stand is for use when working on one end and the rod extends way out past the base. Adjustable by loosening the knob and sliding along the gap in the base. Thread bobbin holder uses springs, washers, and a bulldog clip for tension. Only made one rod, but it sure was fun.

    Second project is boat seats. Can't afford new seats or upholstery so I will have to live with some nicks in the vinyl. Some previous owner used plywood for the backrest and bottom sections, but did not seal the wood. The two rotted pieces in the pic are all that is left of the back and bottom panels. I used 3/8" ply with a fiberglass & resin coating to waterproof and strengthen. Previous owner used heavy plastic (fertilizer bags) between the foam and vinyl. I suppose this is to keep water from seeping into your britches when you sit down. Thought it was a good idea so I am going to do the same. Got stainless t-nuts and screws to connect seat back to the seat frame. Going to try to pick up stainless staples today to secure the vinyl to the boards. Wish me luck.
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    I've been down the boat seat re-upholestry route before and it can get expensive real quick to pay a shop.
    I will be watching this thread!


      Yeah, and new seats...forget it! The cheapies were about $250 each. And I am dealing with a wife who doesn't understand that things need upkeep. This is a '94 Stratos. There will be some cost involved in maintaining something that old. If you had a '94 vehicle I guarantee you would be spending some money on it.


        rod building can be addictive, it really is a lot of fun to catch fish off a rod that you have made. Here are a few pics of the first 2 that i have made. I have done 4 total so far and each one keeps getting better and better.
        these pics are not finished pics, but i added length markers for redfish, trout, and flounder on one of them with the shorter handle for a wade fish rod.
        on the last one the i made i used recoil micro guides on it, and that paired up with my Shimano Core, it is so light, can cast and fish all day long without getting tired
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        Last edited by Chief; 03-10-2011, 01:18 PM.




            I love the green color of that blank. What is it? I have only made a simple spinning rod, but want to make a split handle baitcaster with microguides. If you don't mind pm me the details of your components. I am probably quite a ways from that level of work, but eventually I want to try it.


              Pm sent


                when are you gonna start selling the rods?


                  Finally got the thing done and back in the boat. I had to hurry and get it done since I had a tournament on guntersville this past weekend. I put the new backboards in the seat bottom and backrest. I stapled the seat bottom vinyl in place and reinstalled in the boat. I then placed the backrest in place on the fiber seatmold and ran a drill bit through the existing screw holes that hold it in place. The old version used screws that eventually pulled through the wood as it rotted. The drill bit made a scuff mark on the new seat back. I removed the wood from the seat back again and drilled holes where I had marked. On the inside that sits against the foam I used stainless T-nuts and tapped them into the holes with a hammer. I then stapled the vinyl in place. I replaced the wood screws with stainless bolts and went through the seatmold and into the T-nuts pulling it tight against the inside. Holes were not perfectly aligned, but with a little convincing it lined up and installed. Works like a charm. Oh, and we came in third in the tournament with 14+ lbs. Winner had 18+. We did get big fish when my partner landed a fat 6lb 2oz LM. The water was up about 10 ft. We were litterally fishing in what was the woods a week ago.


                    you think rod building is addictive, try tying flies. its an expensive habit of mine.


                      I used to tie my own flies, but have not been fly fishing in years. Let's see, my oldest son is 9 so, yea, 9 years since I have been fly fishing. Still have all my stuff. I loved catching stuff on my own hand ties, kinda adds to the moment for me. Had fun with the dries, but catch more with the underwater stuff as I learned. The 'purests' would stick their nose up if you weren't using dry flies, but I was there to catch fish. Hare's ear, beaded pheasants, and craw imitations were my favorite. Wooly buggers were okay, too.

