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Turkish Elections

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    Turkish Elections

    It is mind boggling to me that the country is evenly split between the autocratic Erdogan and the democratic republic party candidate, Kiliçdaroğlu

    Turkey Headed for Run Off Election

    Turkey’s position on the international stage — at a crossroads between the West and the Middle East — was also an important factor in the election. Erdoğan is a key ally of Russian president Vladimir Putin, and his defeat would prove thorny for the Kremlin but comforting for the U.S., among others. Kiliçdaroğlu has promised to take Turkey down a more democratic and secular path, strengthening frayed relationships with NATO and the West more generally.
    Are the communist and dictators of the world correct? Do people really prefer to be enslaved and ruled over? Why is it that after 200 years of the US setting an example of how to govern freely and the benefits thereof, that people still choose socialism and dictators?

    Originally posted by Dusty Britches View Post
    It is mind boggling to me that the country is evenly split between the autocratic Erdogan and the democratic republic party candidate, Kiliçdaroğlu

    Turkey Headed for Run Off Election

    Are the communist and dictators of the world correct? Do people really prefer to be enslaved and ruled over? Why is it that after 200 years of the US setting an example of how to govern freely and the benefits thereof, that people still choose socialism and dictators?
    My wag is that lots of lazy arse folks believe they can live of the hard work of others. Just like it started happening here in the US.


      Originally posted by Dusty Britches View Post
      It is mind boggling to me that the country is evenly split between the autocratic Erdogan and the democratic republic party candidate, Kiliçdaroğlu

      Turkey Headed for Run Off Election

      Are the communist and dictators of the world correct? Do people really prefer to be enslaved and ruled over? Why is it that after 200 years of the US setting an example of how to govern freely and the benefits thereof, that people still choose socialism and dictators?
      I honestly don't think they consider that point... it's at least an after thought. What they DO want, is for the people they envy to suffer and have nothing.

      Equal shares of nothing & shared misery.


        Originally posted by Dusty Britches View Post
        Why is it that after 200 years of the US setting an example of how to govern freely and the benefits thereof, that people still choose socialism and dictators?

        I can assure you the rest of the world does not share this sentiment. They know how corrupt and oppressive (to the rest of the world bar NATO) our government truly is. We are one of the most hated countries in the world and in aint about jealousy. There arent many regions outside of NATO we havent bombed the **** out of.


          Originally posted by Dusty Britches View Post
          It is mind boggling to me that the country is evenly split between the autocratic Erdogan and the democratic republic party candidate, Kiliçdaroğlu

          Turkey Headed for Run Off Election

          Are the communist and dictators of the world correct? Do people really prefer to be enslaved and ruled over? Why is it that after 200 years of the US setting an example of how to govern freely and the benefits thereof, that people still choose socialism and dictators?
          A lot of assumptions in this statement. A) that people realize they have a choice. B) That they know how to organize against communism. C) Ignores that that these folks can live their lives relatively peacefully and not put up a fight vs fight communism and be sold out by their neighbor for a lifetime of suffering. D) That culturally, mid east countries are generally tribal, and someone coming for your neighbor is not your enemy. E) That Turks actually see what America is like. F) That Turks understand communism.

          And that's after 3 minutes of thinking about this question. I hate to say it, but there are countries out there that simply can't handle the freedom we have in America. Culturally, they just can't do it. If we could waive a wand and Afghanistan was "free" like America tomorrow, there would be absolute anarchy. Women being murdered. Tribes killing tribes. Absolute anarchy.

          This is why we left Saddam in charge for so long. Same with Gadaffi. Both evil men. But they kept society somewhat together.

