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Where are we headed???

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    Originally posted by WItoTX View Post
    That is an oversimplification of the situation. What we have in this case is a very specific region that has wanted to be part of Russia, and is demographically 85% Russian or Russian supporting, yes they should be allowed to break off from Ukraine. Now should those 85% of people first break off from Ukraine, become sovereign, then ask to join Russia? In an ideal world, yes.

    If you and I know he won't, Russia has already confirmed he won't, and will press on.

    I miss the mean tweets too. And $2 diesel. And less outrageous truck prices.
    I'm certainly no foreign policy expert, but don't forget about the fact that Brandon's domestic policies absolutely emboldened Putin to get us where we are today. Took one year with potatobrains running the show. Putin loves the covid mandate drama, 40yr high inflation, the fact that millions of American's won't work because they are used to living off the government tit, antifa/blm/racist/white supremacy unrest, and on and on. Good ole' Brandon flipped the petro switch his first day in office, taking us from energy independence to energy dependent. Putin knows what our oil prices will do by invading Ukraine, and that the American people will scream even louder given what inflation is doing to our economy now and for the foreseeable future. Brandon botched the Afghanistan withdraw and embarrassed the US on the global stage. None of this even takes into account that he is cognitively impaired and unfit to hold office. Just my uneducated take on the issue.


      Originally posted by jshouse View Post
      maybe i just missed it before but you sure have become salty since your shot.


        Originally posted by oktx View Post
        Well, we’re waiting. What are you doing about it that Changes one thing? Nothing…
        So you're suggesting no one do anything?

        Do our votes count?

        If media teaches braindead people wrong does it help when millions try to teach them the truth?


          This is “Build Back Better”


            Originally posted by jshouse View Post
            and dont get me wrong, i am one that enjoys the differing opinions of guys like you and JJ, TF, SH, GG, i have never and will never block someone, i like keeping the pot stirred, so keep on, i am just pointing out that i dont remember you being in that group before the jab/vaxx nonsense started.
            I was pretty quiet until some here started posting more fake news than CNN. LOL! The thing I find hilarious is if someone disagrees with someone, they bring up the shot as a comeback or call them a liberal. It’s pretty stupid. But I see you think it’s cool…


              Heaven in the end.


                Originally posted by RiverRat1 View Post
                So you're suggesting no one do anything?

                Do our votes count?

                If media teaches braindead people wrong does it help when millions try to teach them the truth?
                I have voted a straight Republican ticket since I was 18 and that’s all I know to do. Does spreading conspiracy help? Nope.
                Last edited by oktx; 02-25-2022, 12:47 PM.


                  Into another great depression.


                    Our politicians care so much about Ukraine because Ukraine is a puppet for the USA. Russia attacked Ukraine because they are a puppet for the USA. I don't blame Russia. If Russia tried to do something like that in....say Cuba?.... I don't think we would let it fly either.


                      Originally posted by muzzlebrake View Post
                      Anybody seen any input from those who want Texas to break off become it's own nation once again?
                      Would USA then invade Texas and kill the governor and his family and blow DFW, Houston and San Antonio off the map? Notice I didn't include Austin. Nobody from there would be in the fight anyway.
                      Who would stand on the banks of Red River and fight to the last man?
                      Not sure why you think Dallas, Houston and San Antonio are any different than Austin. Yes I live just north of Austin but I believe all 3 cities listed voted dem in the last election. I'd probably group them as Austin and Dallas have highly educated, well-paid dems where Houston and SA don't.

                      I have no confidence in this administration to pour **** out of a boot with instructions on the bottom. Someone should tell Joe that Russian troops blew up a soft serve factory in Ukraine so he'll get mad.

                      But the party who believes climate change is our number 1 threat, is not got to lead us to build back better not matter how many times they mess up saying it


                        Beans and bullets. We are in for some hard times


                          Originally posted by Playa View Post
                          It isn’t an oversimplification, it is a valid question based on lessons from history. This logic is precisely what Hitler used when he invaded Sudentenland in Czechoslovakia, where 3 million Sudenten Germans living there and supported the acquisition. Hitler didn’t stop. Will Putin?
                          Again, different circumstances. Sudetenland was Czech from the 9th century until the Germans in the 1930's, nearly 1000 years. Eastern Ukraine (East of the Dnieper River) has been eastern Ukraine for three or four decades. Those Germans were ~30% of the population in the Sudetenland. In eastern Ukraine, 85% of the population wants to be part of Russia.

                          Will Putin stop? I think the argument can be made that eastern Ukraine asked Russia to come in. So is that truly "invading"? And what is the impact to western Ukraine if Eastern Ukraine joins Russia? For example, can western Ukraine feed itself?

                          I personally think the US shouldn't be involved. That said, I understand the implications in the region to our allies. We don't need to make any huge sudden moves. This means we make small steps in a certain direction to be ready in case Russia keeps rolling into western Ukraine, or China moves to take Taiwan.


                            This is where the world is headed, in the words of Johnny Cash!


                              Originally posted by oktx View Post
                              I have voted a straight Republican ticket since I was 18 and that’s all I know to do. Does spreading conspiracy help? Nope.
                              You're here trying to tell us how great you are by voting republican, yet by voting straight republican with no rhyme or reason you are actually part of the issue. I would be willing to bet that by voting in such an ignorant manner ever since you were 18 has resulted in you voting for more than one person that should have never been in office.


                                Originally posted by Bowanta View Post
                                With Russia moving into Ukraine and China acting up with Taiwan, Where are WE (USA) headed? I have ZERO Faith in the leadership of our country.
                                What are the thoughts of the Greenscreen???
                                Does history repeat itself?

                                History is replete with people wanting to take over the world or dominate world influence. I was trying to use my simple history version (like on YouTube) to explain it to my Korean wife several months ago before all this really cranked up.

                                Whether it was the Romans or Genghis Khan’s dynasty or the British Empire or Japan or Hitler….

                                It is almost easy to understand it 1000, 2000 or 3000 years ago. What is strange in my opinion is that it is still going on in modern times like in the last 110 years or so. As examples, Japan conquered and annexed Korea in 1910. in a few years later they moved into Mongolia. Oh well, we might as well move into China after that. Then it was the, Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere where Japan claims that they just wanted to rule over all of Asia.

                                Then we have Hitler and Germany. As part of the Treaty of Versailles. The Rhineland was supposed to be non-militarized buffer zone. Germany was forbidden there but Hitler said to heck with that and invaded. They were Germans after all, right? He promised that was the end of his conquest and he was just reuniting Germans. So a couple of years later, might as well take Austria since they had a majority of German speaking people. Heck, since that worked out so well, we might as well go ahead and take the Sudetenland which was part of Czechoslovakia but they generally spoke German so again, he was just reuniting German people.

                                In taking over the Rhineland, Austria and the Sudetenland, Hitler kept promising that this was the last. British Prime Minister Chamberlain went to meet with Hitler to express his and the world‘s concerns. Trust me said Hitler, I will not do this again. it was much the same with Japan annexing Korea, Mongolia, China, Vietnam…….

                                Each step of the way they were warned, do not do this again. On September 1, 1939 Germany and Russia invaded Poland. France and England saw where the dominoes were falling and decided that to continue to ignore the threat would be a folly. Even though these conquests have been going on for years, many people claim that World War II started on September 1. That is when the world have had enough or at least what was later the Allies.

                                Just like in the last several thousand years, they were megalomaniacs wishing to take over the world.

                                So my wife asked, does that still exist today. I answered absolutely and it would not shock me if China and Russia at some point repeated the steps of World War II.

                                So here we are today. Is this history repeating itself? Will Putin accept the defeat of Ukraine and crawl back into his hole for the rest of history or is he going to try to expand? Is Xi Jinping just wanting to invade and retake Taiwan which was part of China? Will the Chinese be happy with that and call it a century?

                                Each time prior to World War II cranking up for real, the decision was made that if Germany or Japan or Italy was allowed to take that just “one more piece” of land, those peoples would be sacrificed for world peace.

                                So here we are today. If Taiwan is reannexed by China and the Ukraine is reannexed by Russia, can we have another hundred years of world peace? If that is true I guess it is worth it to just back out and let the chips fall where they may.

                                I have a suspicion that this will eventually not go well and history will in fact repeat itself. The only question then is, will it ever go nuclear?

                                That does not answer your question but it’s just a more expanded version of your question. But again, will history repeat itself with inaction by the world?

