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Well deserved consequences

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    Well deserved consequences

    <p>You aren't going to like this article, but frankly I don't care.  I've never written an article with a single bit of concern as to whether people would like what I had to say; <em>any so-called "journalist"

    AZT anyone? It did not save a single AIDS patient from death. The intentional blocking of Bactrim, which was part of getting AZT through, killed about 30,000 Americans far sooner than they would have otherwise died. Bactrim, a combination of cheap, off-patent antibiotics, was known to prevent PCP recurrence; this had been discovered 10+ years earlier in leukemia patients. AZT, a failed attempt at a cancer drug was, at the time, the most-expensive prescription drug ever sold. Who was involved up to his neck in pimping AZT while blocking Bactrim? A man by the name of Anthony Fauci. Yes, that Anthony Fauci.

