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CDC says vaccinated teachers/students can go maskless

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    CDC says vaccinated teachers/students can go maskless

    LOL What happened to "follow the science" ?

    They are- If you teach them young they will be ready to follow all instructions.


      Their next phase is to ostracize unvaccinated kids, then begin encouraging those kids to pressure their parents to have them vaccinated so they can stop being teased and singled out.


        Originally posted by JFISHER View Post
        Their next phase is to ostracize unvaccinated kids, then begin encouraging those kids to pressure their parents to have them vaccinated so they can stop being teased and singled out.


          Illegal in TX to mandate masks in Texas schools for over a month now.

          CDC = Irrelevance


            Originally posted by Ætheling View Post
            Illegal in TX to mandate masks in Texas schools for over a month now.

            CDC = Irrelevance
            Yes sir. Until the Fed’s make vax/masks compulsory to receive federal funding


              “It’s about submission,” he said. “There’s never been any evidence of spreading events in the schools. The kids do very well with this. The idea that we’re going to put masks on the kids, and then we’re going to punish the kids who, for their own medical decision-making or their parents, decide not to submit to this mandate. To me, it’s the biggest, basically advertisement and encouragement to get out of the government schools. Go to private schools, if you can afford them, teach your kids at home. But don’t submit to the state, don’t submit to the government.”

              “Not only they are making you worry unless they’re going to indoctrinate you with Critical Race Theory,” Paul continued. “So, it’s a win-win if you leave the schools if you’re able to. And there’s been more of an exodus from the government schools this year than any other year because they’re not following science. They just want you to be your – you’re part of the collective, you’re part of the hive, do as you’re told, don’t think, your kids don’t belong to you, they belong to the state. These are all arguments for trying to flee the schools if you can.”

              --Rand Paul

              The States should find a way to reobtain THEIR/OUR school districts.


                Commiefornia is telling the cdc to cram it...masks for every student regardless.


                  Originally posted by JFISHER View Post
                  Their next phase is to ostracize unvaccinated kids, then begin encouraging those kids to pressure their parents to have them vaccinated so they can stop being teased and singled out.

                  This can easily be avoided. Raise your kids how I was raised. Stand up for yourself and beat the chit out of any bully. And don’t stop until someone pulls you off. That way there will be no doubt that he will think twice or three times before starting more crap with you. And you know, it works quite well.

                  Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


                    Originally posted by JFISHER View Post
                    Their next phase is to ostracize unvaccinated kids, then begin encouraging those kids to pressure their parents to have them vaccinated so they can stop being teased and singled out.
                    Private school or home school……****’em.


                      Originally posted by Playa View Post
                      Yes sir. Until the Fed’s make vax/masks compulsory to receive federal funding
                      I doubt they will only for the reason that Texas has a massive teacher shortage. The entire country would lose millions of teachers over it. I left a “lucrative” career (OnG Accountant) to become a teacher. Former Military and Federal LE, I was serving most of my adult life and had to get back to serving for my own ethos. Id be gone as would millions.


                        and completely ignore the fact that those of us that have had the rona have natural immunity to it vs vaccination, Rand Paul said the same thing over him having had it.

