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Ginsburg is Dead

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    Originally posted by Rcole1310 View Post
    I’m a Bush 41 republican. I’ve voted republican since 1988 (except once) and I won’t be doing it again this year. I like some ,actually many, of trumps policies, I’ve made a lot of money while he was in office. But he’s packed the federal courts and the SCOTUS, as far as I’m concerned, mission complete, see ya! Why, because we need a leader who won’t see everything as a personal attack that they have to punch down too. The country needs to pull back from the precipice it’s on, not fan the flames. We don’t need an attack dog right now. If Americans can only agree on 15%, then we need to focus on working on that 15% for now. That’s going to take a leader that isn’t an A**hole. Also, there just too much drama surrounding trump. The narcissism, the crazy talk, his family (sister) spilling the beans on him. Him standing up in front of a church holding a bible up in the air taking photos, probably can’t tell you one thing in that book, that’s not a prop. Just freaking tired of all of it. The country, heck the world, needs as much calm as I can get right now. I have what I feel are legit policy reasons for not supporting him as well, I even have some tin foil hat reasons, but at the end of the day, I just don’t like the guy and how pernicious he is and in America, that’s all the reason you need to not vote for someone.

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    Cole, the troll. Join in with the losers that don't vote TRUMP, you make a good fit. I don't believe you voted for TRUMP in 16, you been spouting your anti-TRUMP carp for some time now. Let me explain to you so you can understand how TRUMP is going to win big, 40+ states big. First, he won in 16 and 99% of his voters are going to vote him again and he already won with their vote. But, then, there is the ind and moderate repub who didn't know/trust him and voted Peterson, 3rd party, who will now vote for him, I have talked to many. Next, there are many, many dems who voted in 16 who won't vote this year. TRUMP got 8% black vote in 16 and should get 24% this year.
    Do not believe the crooked polls, there are many reasons why they are wrong. The Hildebeast was up double digit at this point and through to election day on some. You are a leftist trying to come across as a disgruntled TRUMP voter while all you are is a leftist wannabe. Bush sucks, he crossed over to the loser side, your side. GO TRUMP 2020.


      Voting by emotion and feelings over substance/results?'re definitely a certifiable democrat.


        Here's the description of hypocrisy & why folks get TDS...only report one side of the story:

        Freak'n amazing.

        Senator Ted Cruz on Tuesday confronted CBS News for hypocrisy when the network’s morning program only showed Republican lawmakers who have flip flopped on whether a Supreme Court vacancy should be filled in an election year.  


          Originally posted by LWC View Post
          If the dems try to start blowing up the system and adding "states" to give themselves a permanent will see a civil war in my opinion. The 90% (or whatever it is) of red counties aren't going to sit around and be ruled by some nefarious takeover. They had better just wait on illegal immigration to turn TX and AZ blue. That would be a much wiser play.
          they have to be in POWER to do these things; vote their azzes out.


            Originally posted by Rcole1310 View Post
            First, as I said in other post. I think mail-in ballots are a bad idea except for extreme cases. Dems want it, because many of their voters don’t have resources to get to polls, many are afraid of CoVID. Especially elderly minorities. I lost my grandfather to COVID, my 90 year old grandmother will barely leave the house, she will NOT vote in person. That’s the case for many dem controlled areas. Dems know it’ll take numbers to defeat trump, they have to maximize their base turnout which means making it easier for folks that may not show otherwise. Young people, they may not go stand in line at a poll but they may take 5 mins to drop a ballot in the mail. Think about it, Trump has already laid the expectation for voter fraud. If it happened (it definitely could) it would be the worst thing for Dems and validate Trump. Especially now that the SCOTUS is firmly in Trumps hand. As I said before, if the trump campaign was smart, they’d make dang sure there actually were some fake ballots and that they knew where to find them. I hope I’m wrong but I think this ballot stuff is going to be a mess.

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            Nope , that ^^^^^^^^ has nothing to do with why they want mail in voting


              Originally posted by Ironman View Post
              Here’s the deal. The Dems are the ones who “poured the gas”. The Dems want to change this country. Stack the courts, do away with electoral college etc. all to be able to hold power FOREVER, which should absolutely scare the hell out of everyone.
              As far as calm goes, it’s been the Dems who have done any and everything possible to stop, run off, impeach or any thing possible towards Trump since BEFORE he was even inaugurated. If you have a problem where the country is right now, then it’s more than obvious that it’s the Dems doing the dividing.

              Conservatives want to uphold the constitution. The Dems want to destroy it. It’s that simple. Vote wisely or your “calm” will disappear forever.
              Ironman pretty much nailed it. If you want to really see who poured gas on the fire and started the nonsense you dont need to look any farther than the democrats/liberals. I would think anyone with just a little bit of common sense could see who's fanning the flames.
              Last edited by bloodtrailer28; 09-22-2020, 07:34 PM.


                As stated before, we would love to hear how Cole thinks Biden’s policies are going to calm the country. Put your money where your mouth is. Typical Democrat, can’t have a logical conversation about any topic. No substance, no solutions. Just hate Trump, even though he’s put more money in your bank so you can feed your family. C mon man.....were waiting........ nothing but crickets. Not the first thread where you wouldn’t back up your words with logic.


                  Originally posted by Rcole1310 View Post
                  Agreed. The demographic math is in Dems favor. Just a waiting game at this point.

                  Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
                  so we should let illegals vote???

                  what other country in this world allows this s+!t????

                  i'll be quiet and wait for an answer.


                    Ginsburg is Dead

                    Look guys, I’m tired, my wife is home, and I’ve already tried to give my perspective as someone that did vote for Trump but won’t again. So I’m not going to go back and forth. I get it, anyone who doesn’t vote for Trump is an idiot and their post are the worst ever. 🤣 You can disagree, it’s cool. Who knows who will win, or how things turn out. I believe that ultimately Gods will will be done and we all need to pray for the country.

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                    Last edited by Rcole1310; 09-22-2020, 07:51 PM.


                      Tuck tail, man.


                        Originally posted by Chew View Post
                        Voting by emotion and feelings over substance/results?'re definitely a certifiable democrat.

                        Hit the nail right on the head.


                          Originally posted by Rcole1310 View Post
                          Look guys, I’m tired, my wife is home, and I’ve already tried to give my perspective as someone that did vote for Trump but won’t again. So I’m not going to go back and forth. I get it, anyone who doesn’t vote for Trump is an idiot and their post are the worst ever. 🤣 You can disagree, it’s cool. Who knows who will win, or how things turn out. I believe that ultimately Gods will will be done and we all need to pray for the country.

                          Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
                          You will not vote for Trump, so are you not going to vote or vote for Biden? If you are going to vote for Biden, give me FACTS and why he would be better than Trump? FACTS please. Never had a single sole respond to me on any social media sight with facts!


                            Originally posted by Mudslinger View Post
                            You will not vote for Trump, so are you not going to vote or vote for Biden? If you are going to vote for Biden, give me FACTS and why he would be better than Trump? FACTS please. Never had a single sole respond to me on any social media sight with facts!
                            don't hold your breath waiting for a response from anyone.

                            they never really have any hard hitting response; you know why?
                            because their aren't any reasons that they can explain to you.


                              Originally posted by Rcole1310 View Post
                              Look guys, I’m tired, my wife is home, and I’ve already tried to give my perspective as someone that did vote for Trump but won’t again. So I’m not going to go back and forth. I get it, anyone who doesn’t vote for Trump is an idiot and their post are the worst ever. 🤣 You can disagree, it’s cool. Who knows who will win, or how things turn out. I believe that ultimately Gods will will be done and we all need to pray for the country.

                              Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
                              Gods will was done 4 years ago and will be done again in a couple
                              God created this country......the only one like it on earth and he sees it headed for down a path of destruction. If Biden wins, it’s because he has given up on us. If Trump wins........well we still have hope


                                Originally posted by Rcole1310 View Post
                                Look guys, I’m tired, my wife is home, and I’ve already tried to give my perspective as someone that did vote for Trump but won’t again. So I’m not going to go back and forth. I get it, anyone who doesn’t vote for Trump is an idiot and their post are the worst ever. 🤣 You can disagree, it’s cool. Who knows who will win, or how things turn out. I believe that ultimately Gods will will be done and we all need to pray for the country.

                                Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
                                Just like I said......can’t back up his words. All I hear are crickets chirping as he logs off once again. Troll

