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Covid vs Influenza

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    Covid vs Influenza

    I have come to the conclusion that comparing the flu to COVID19 is like comparing apples to oranges. The one similarity is lung infection. Just a simple search on the Texas Department of Health web site will lead yo to the same conclusion. Search influenza in Texas.

    The way COVID data is reported is virtually impossible to compare to the way flu & pneumonia are reported.

    Case counts
    Covid - all positive tests are reported, even if the person is asymptomatic.
    Flu & Pneumonia - only positive tests from hospital labs are reported. Which means, positive tests from regular doctor's offices are not reported. And, most people who get the flu do not even go to the doc. (At least I never did.)

    Covid - if the patient has Covid, even if they had underlying terminal conditions (co-morbalities), they are counted as a Covid death.
    Flu & pneumonia - only people whose primary cause of death is flu get reported as a cause of death.

    So for anyone to say flu outnumbers Covid or vice versa, is like someone saying a house boat is more stable than a site built home. It is if there is a flood.

    The other thing is, the more errors or intentional mis-reporting by states and the CDC, the less credibility they have in responding to this so called pandemic. They totally dropped all credibility and respect when they are constantly adjusting figures. The latest one for me was the young man in Florida who died in a horrific motorcycle accident and tested positive post morbidity for C19. The medical director who reported it as a Covid death said, "well we talked about it at the administrative meeting and who is to say the wreck wasn't caused by Covid." what the double L ??

    The only constant is the number of deaths. For the period of September 1, 2019 - January 29, 2020, Texas reported 2,650 flu & pneumonia deaths. For the period of February 20, 2020 to July 20, 2020, Texas reported 4,020 Covid 19 deaths.


      Of course you can't compare numbers because the numbers are all rigged big time to make COVID look as bad as possible. Which is what you point out several times.

      But the fact is COVID is just like the Flu. We have virus all the time. Every year. Just because we focus 10,000x more on COVID doesn't make it any more different than every other virus each year.


        Originally posted by Dusty Britches View Post
        The only constant is the number of deaths. For the period of September 1, 2019 - January 29, 2020, Texas reported 2,650 flu & pneumonia deaths. For the period of February 20, 2020 to July 20, 2020, Texas reported 4,020 Covid 19 deaths.

        How many of those were actually flu deaths, heart attacks, or.... motorcycle accidents?


          JFish. I would have argued with you a week ago because I felt medical doctors had a higher moral and left politics out of their profession. After having my kid tested and he is negative but the Dr reported as positive because of symptoms. Kid got on allergy meds and inhaler and he is cured from Corona in less than 48 hrs.


            Originally posted by glen View Post
            JFish. I would have argued with you a week ago because I felt medical doctors had a higher moral and left politics out of their profession. After having my kid tested and he is negative but the Dr reported as positive because of symptoms. Kid got on allergy meds and inhaler and he is cute from Corona in less than 48 hrs.
            Shared that story with my wife... she was not really shocked.


              Again, they no longer refer to them as "Covid deaths", they are Covid-related deaths... They've even put in wiggle room in the name of the "what"...
              The initial precautionary reactions, I can agree were worth taking until we figured out what was going on, but then the gubment stepped in and incentivized it and the left wing DemoKrauts weaponized it, so there's no chance in hell it's going away until all the incentives are played out and the election is over... Then and only then will we be able to move on from this PlanDemic. All the dang charts and graphs and cussin' and discussin' all boil down to this right here.


                ^ ^ ^

                You and I think exactly alike, SSlick.

                Early on , no one knew what we were up against. Didn't know if it was some kind of germ warfare the Chinese had sent over here or what. After all the horror stories about what they were doing to their own people I wouldn't put anything past them. Now it's OUR gov. and media that I'm being cautious about.
                Last edited by Pstraw; 07-21-2020, 10:26 AM.


                  Originally posted by Pstraw View Post
                  ^ ^ ^

                  You and I think exactly alike, SSlick.

                  Early on , no one knew what we were up against. Didn't know if it was some kind of germ warfare the Chinese had sent over here or what. After all the horror stories about what they were doing to their own people I wouldn't put anything past them. Now it's OUR gov. and media that I'm being cautious about.
                  I call BS10. Our government knew in Nov/Dec what was going on. Heck by Jan. this country boy figured most of it out by watching China and other countries.

                  So either I'm way smarter than our government or they knew it was coming.
                  Heck a lot of us on TBH were talking about this a month before it appears our government looked into it...

