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Thing Are Going To Get REALLY Bad Before They Get Better....

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    Originally posted by flywise View Post
    I don’t think our number of dead will be anywhere near 100k but if it is well it is.
    Destroying the greatest country/ economy ever known to man to save a few people is stupidity.
    How many people die if America’s ability to thrive is Diminished? A **** ton more than 100k

    the models have been spot on so far. Not sure what the future holds. If we just open back up like business as usual, that virus will burn through the country like a wildfire. Probably kill a quarter million folks. Many of whom will be our doctors and nurses who then won’t be around to take care of those left. You saved your small business but you lost a spouse, a child, a parent, or a friend?? America will recover at some point. Probably a lot faster than anyone expected.

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      Originally posted by ACCURACYINC View Post
      At what point is the cure worse than the disease??
      At this point I'll say from day 1.


        I'm going back to my thread. There's "a lighter side" around in there.


          Originally posted by Rcole1310 View Post
          The country was already done financially. This will just speed it up a bit. Look at the debt. We can’t even pay the interest on the debt, let alone the principle. At some point, there was going to be a reckoning. The whole world economy will retract so it may all just be relative.

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          This is my thinking as well. Our economy "seemed" strong, but like any business that grows too fast, wasn't very sturdy. Too much student debt, too much corporate debt and too much personal debt. What if.....our government saw an opportunity to retract the economy without it seeming as if it crashed on its own, which it would soon have done anyhow, and they used the COVID19 opportunity as a smokescreen. Our economy was due for a correction. What better opportunity to hide the fact that it was crashing.

          ....thoughts from a college dropout.


            If the housing market crashes which it looks like it will, it’ll be a long tough road for us in the turf business. Got to say though the last 3-4 years has been incredible. Good luck to everyone and hoping for a quick recovery.


              Definitely makes you wonder where the bottom is!

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                There is going to be a big change. Corporate America making billions off everything is going to slow down. People are seeing that 500% markup on everything and won't stand for it. Our food chain is terrible we get 70% from other countries mainly produce.


                  Issue the malaria pills, have those susceptible quarantine, everyone else practice social distancing and go back to work. For sure see what happens in Sweden. Before you get angry at me I am in the high risk group, but I want my children and grandchildren to grow up in a prosperous country.


                    My work has slowed for the week. But, that's a good thing. However, if this keeps up Ima be busier thAn a one legged man in an azz kicking contest

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                      Originally posted by ACCURACYINC View Post
                      At what point is the cure worse than the disease??

                      About 3 weeks ago

                      Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


                        I just read on the internet that Hollywood made $5000.00 last quarter. Since it's on the internet it has to be true. I hope it's true. I am tired of the folks in Hollywood telling us all what to do and how to do it, then watch them not do the stuff they say everyone should do..


                          Originally posted by Rcole1310 View Post
                          The country was already done financially. This will just speed it up a bit. Look at the debt. We can’t even pay the interest on the debt, let alone the principle. At some point, there was going to be a reckoning. The whole world economy will retract so it may all just be relative.

                          Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
                          I feel this also, I think the fed had interest rates so low before the crisis because a normal for good times interest rate would cause government to bleed red.


                            Originally posted by BrandonA View Post
                            I agree 100% .. how do you kill a snake? Cut off its ****ing head!!! That’s what we need to do and how we need to fix the problem. Kill the virus everything takes care of itself
                            Do you realize that is what they have done? Except they did it without addressing the virus. “They” cut the head off the snake by demolishing the US and World economy because we can’t let 100,000 people die from a virus. But we don’t even pay attention to the 600,000 people that die per year in the US because of preventable heart disease and diabetes and obesity. But let’s shut the world economy down because 200,000 Americans (older americans) might die because of a virus???? Lord forbid that we allow unhealthy people be accountable for their actions. Let’s crash the world economy because we can’t stand that.

                            The virus is bad. No denying that. But we can’t sacrifice the world economy to save 100,000 or 200,000 or even 500,000 lives. It makes no logical sense. I don’t care if the hospitals are overrun. I don’t care if people die. It is not worth the sacrifice that 10’s of millions of Americans are “making” to “save” the lives of hundreds of thousands of predominately elder Americans with preexisting conditions.

                            A large majority of the population wasn’t given the option to close their business. They were TOLD to close their business. That is NOT RIGHT. The government has now told us that we can’t go to church, we can’t congregate, and now we have curfews and such. How many more rights are we going to let them take away?!

                            Sunday is Palm Sunday. And we can’t congregate. And we can’t go to church. Next weekend is EASTER!!! And according to the government, we can’t even get together with family to celebrate. Anyone else see a problem with this?!


                              Hypothetical question: Would anyone here be willing to give up their life to save the global economy? Or your elderly family member’s life?


                                Originally posted by woodsman View Post
                                Hypothetical question: Would anyone here be willing to give up their life to save the global economy? Or your elderly family member’s life?
                                There are a few guys on here that I'm willing to give up their lives to save out country.

                                I'm ready to go back to my real world work area. Working from home is getting old......and my wife is finding too many honey-do's too!

