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Abbot's Executive Order

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    Originally posted by xman59 View Post
    who's going to pay them if you get it and stay in the hospital for a month or if you die because you wouldn't re-arraign life for a couple of weeks...

    i hope your happy leaving a wife and kids behind trying to get by with no dad or husband,,, think about that for a few minutes,,, maybe they will get lucky and get forced into government housing , that should make you feel all better!
    I'm doing everything I can to keep my business running, so my employees can get a paycheck, and have insurance. Who is gonna pay their bills, or get them care if they don't have a job or insurance?

    I don't want to be out amongst the people either, and I sure don't want to spread a disease. I do all I can to protect everyone I can at work and at home. But I look after my family, and who is going to do that if I don't? The likew of YOU??? Who is going to keep the world going if we all cower in fear? The government? YOU???

    I will keep doing all I can to protect everyone I can, and I may have to sleep at my office. But I will not live my life, or make decisions, based on fear...I refuse. When LOGIC dictates that I do so, I will.

    This country has sent hundreds of thousands of men and women to certain death in the name of freedom, and they fought a decided and defined enemy to do so. And most of this country would trade it all for a false sense of safety, when they aren't really any safer than they were before. I shutter to think what our grandfathers would think of what has this country cowering now...think about it. The liberal cowards driving this kill 3X as many babies a year as this virus will, because they are inconvenient.

    I don't come close to comparing what we're dealing with now, to what they had to deal with....but it's gonna do as much damage, and many people here would rather cower and take it, than stand up and .......GO TO WORK.


      It's an interesting debate, and brings in a lot of questions.
      I see both sides of this argument.

      On one hand, there is all the quotes about 'freedom is worth dying for' -- it seems like this is a great test of that -- if not why not? Besides lofty ideas like freedom, the economic impact, can we really do this for the long run? It seems like these diseases are getting worse every three to four years. Should we be spending significantly more of our taxes on medical research instead of weapons/war -- or will that make us weak, does that jive with conservatism -- it sounds like really big government.


      On the other hand is freedom worth killing the weak for? The weak here being old folks, people with underlying conditions and just bad luck of the draw randoms.

      My guess is a lot of guys before this event would say hell yes freedom is worth it at any cost.

      It seems this is a test of that statement which I'm not sure I'm willing to sacrifice the weak (but perhaps this is a weakness in itself), or am I missing something? Granted if we get past this, and do nothing to improve our odds next time around, then letting the virus run it's course makes some point there won't be any economy left to do this dance. You either get science to ramp up and stay on top of this or you let nature make us stronger via it's mechanism.

      Anyway just my view and if it's not clear, pretty confused in general !


        Boy, you good ole boys had better take off them cowboy hats and think a bit. This ain't deliverance. This is a war. Some had better just head back to the bunkhouse...


          It is interesting the debate has come to massive deaths, or liberty. Why? Why must govt restrict our movement, or we have die?

          A free people do not have to make this choice. They dont have to worry about govt restricting movement.

          The choice to remain virus free does not require the loss of liberty. Thats just the choice of the subject.

          If you do not want to get the virus, quit your job, go in your house and lock your doors. Dont come out till its over. You will almost certainly not get it.

          If you want to risk it, do.what you want. Dont go whining when you are dying from it.

          Thats what free people do.

          If you are in healthcare and dont want to get it, quit and go lock yourself in the house or work at Walmart. Thats what free people do.

          It is very telling when so-called conservatives are so happy to have govt restrict their movement.

          Do not misunderstand me. This virus appears to be a nightmare. I dont want to get it. I sincerely feel for those going through it. I am so sorry this is happening. But allowing govt to restrict our movement "for your safety" is FOOLISH!

          If you dont want to get sick restrict YOUR movement.


            Those who know history KNOW that times like these are EXACTLY how citizens lose freedom, dictators come to power and wars are started.

            Even in our own history, the last time we lost a huge portion of our freedom, our economic liberty, a massive institutionalization of socialism was the depression. All in the name of "saving the people".

            And we do it all again and again like fools......

            Then we go vote for a guy tht calls himself a conservtive and feel all warm inside....


              Originally posted by Dale Moser View Post
              I'm doing everything I can to keep my business running, so my employees can get a paycheck, and have insurance. Who is gonna pay their bills, or get them care if they don't have a job or insurance?

              I don't want to be out amongst the people either, and I sure don't want to spread a disease. I do all I can to protect everyone I can at work and at home. But I look after my family, and who is going to do that if I don't? The likew of YOU??? Who is going to keep the world going if we all cower in fear? The government? YOU???

              I will keep doing all I can to protect everyone I can, and I may have to sleep at my office. But I will not live my life, or make decisions, based on fear...I refuse. When LOGIC dictates that I do so, I will.

              This country has sent hundreds of thousands of men and women to certain death in the name of freedom, and they fought a decided and defined enemy to do so. And most of this country would trade it all for a false sense of safety, when they aren't really any safer than they were before. I shutter to think what our grandfathers would think of what has this country cowering now...think about it. The liberal cowards driving this kill 3X as many babies a year as this virus will, because they are inconvenient.

              I don't come close to comparing what we're dealing with now, to what they had to deal with....but it's gonna do as much damage, and many people here would rather cower and take it, than stand up and .......GO TO WORK.
              Times like these make it clear who fights and lives and dies as a free man. Who stands tall and handles his business how HE deems is best for his family.

              And those who cower and beg to be protected at any cost, ready to sacrifice their own right to self determination for the promise of protection. We see it even here, on a forum of supposedly freedom loving americans.


                Originally posted by miket View Post
                Times like these make it clear who fights and lives and dies as a free man. Who stands tall and handles his business how HE deems is best for his family.

                And those who cower and beg to be protected at any cost, ready to sacrifice their own right to self determination for the promise of protection. We see it even here, on a forum of supposedly freedom loving americans.
                That sounds great Wallace Now convince my company, to convince our clients, to let everyone go back to work.


                  Had another theory that I have now way of proving....

                  how much does Public Transportation have to do with the virus spread? Look at the areas with highest numbers...lots of folks in tight spaces. I have been to London, Phillidelphia, New York and New Jersey....public transport is a huge deal in those places.

                  .....and God Bless America.


                    Originally posted by miket View Post
                    It is interesting the debate has come to massive deaths, or liberty. Why? Why must govt restrict our movement, or we have die?

                    A free people do not have to make this choice. They dont have to worry about govt restricting movement.

                    The choice to remain virus free does not require the loss of liberty. Thats just the choice of the subject.

                    If you do not want to get the virus, quit your job, go in your house and lock your doors. Dont come out till its over. You will almost certainly not get it.

                    If you want to risk it, do.what you want. Dont go whining when you are dying from it.

                    Thats what free people do.

                    If you are in healthcare and dont want to get it, quit and go lock yourself in the house or work at Walmart. Thats what free people do.

                    It is very telling when so-called conservatives are so happy to have govt restrict their movement.

                    Do not misunderstand me. This virus appears to be a nightmare. I dont want to get it. I sincerely feel for those going through it. I am so sorry this is happening. But allowing govt to restrict our movement "for your safety" is FOOLISH!

                    If you dont want to get sick restrict YOUR movement.
                    Originally posted by miket View Post
                    Those who know history KNOW that times like these are EXACTLY how citizens lose freedom, dictators come to power and wars are started.

                    Even in our own history, the last time we lost a huge portion of our freedom, our economic liberty, a massive institutionalization of socialism was the depression. All in the name of "saving the people".

                    And we do it all again and again like fools......

                    Then we go vote for a guy tht calls himself a conservtive and feel all warm inside....

                    Preach it! I am absolutely amazed at how many people believe the Govt knows how to take care of them better than they do. Im not just taking about this situation but in general. The govt will never take care of me and mine better than I do......the govt will never spend my money better than I do. Yet Govt seeks to control all of us and confiscate as much of our money as it can.


                      Originally posted by JayB View Post
                      Had another theory that I have now way of proving....

                      how much does Public Transportation have to do with the virus spread? Look at the areas with highest numbers...lots of folks in tight spaces. I have been to London, Phillidelphia, New York and New Jersey....public transport is a huge deal in those places.

                      .....and God Bless America.
                      Great question.....I have a friend/business collegue who recited the levels of effectiveness in slowing the spread of this illness he read in a journal to me a few days ago. Currently we are at level 3 with SIP. I cant remember what the percentage was but it produces a very low transmittal rate. Stage 4 was to stop all mass transit. This is supposed to drop the transmittal rate to near zero.


                        I work among folks. I am around the sick and transients. I’m fortunate I get to go to work. I’ve said all along. It’s a nasty bug. Wash your hands. Don’t cough one people. Go to work. Go about life. And the other half that want to lock themselves in a closet go ahead. You have the right to lock yourself in a closet just like I have the right not to. I don’t agree with the government making those decisions for a man but I also don’t open my arms to Socialism


                          Originally posted by Dale Moser View Post
                          I'm doing everything I can to keep my business running, so my employees can get a paycheck, and have insurance. Who is gonna pay their bills, or get them care if they don't have a job or insurance?

                          I don't want to be out amongst the people either, and I sure don't want to spread a disease. I do all I can to protect everyone I can at work and at home. But I look after my family, and who is going to do that if I don't? The likew of YOU??? Who is going to keep the world going if we all cower in fear? The government? YOU???

                          I will keep doing all I can to protect everyone I can, and I may have to sleep at my office. But I will not live my life, or make decisions, based on fear...I refuse. When LOGIC dictates that I do so, I will.

                          This country has sent hundreds of thousands of men and women to certain death in the name of freedom, and they fought a decided and defined enemy to do so. And most of this country would trade it all for a false sense of safety, when they aren't really any safer than they were before. I shutter to think what our grandfathers would think of what has this country cowering now...think about it. The liberal cowards driving this kill 3X as many babies a year as this virus will, because they are inconvenient.

                          I don't come close to comparing what we're dealing with now, to what they had to deal with....but it's gonna do as much damage, and many people here would rather cower and take it, than stand up and .......GO TO WORK.

                          It just ain’t always that simple, Dale.
                          My post history proves that I’m as constitutional as we come! There are just more variables at play here. If our government became tyrannical to the point of “GO TIME”, I would be one of the first in line. But this is a different beast. You guys can also see my opinion has evolved on COVID19. As I see more and more spread, (yes, relatively speaking - spare me the other deaths by other means info) and I talk with those who have personal experience with this ailment, either themselves or family, I’ve started thinking differently about this.

                          Sure I could go to work. But I have 4 young children at home with 3/4 having underlying health conditions. However it’s just not worth it to me. Providing for my family is about way more than financially. IN FACT, the most impactful provisions one can give their family are not in the Financial way at all. This is also about protecting others who may be more susceptible. I do not want myself or my family spreading contagion either.

                          Before anyone asks - yes I’m getting paid while at home. But before you go thinking that influences the way I think about this , check back in with me in a few weeks. I’m 100% commission and if they shut my jobs down- I’ll quickly see the other end of this conundrum we are all facing.


                            Originally posted by miket View Post
                            Those who know history KNOW that times like these are EXACTLY how citizens lose freedom, dictators come to power and wars are started.

                            Even in our own history, the last time we lost a huge portion of our freedom, our economic liberty, a massive institutionalization of socialism was the depression. All in the name of "saving the people".
                            Highest tax rate per year.
                            Attached Files


                              Originally posted by KyleW View Post
                              Can’t tour any new apartment complexes or houses because of it, apparently finding a place to live isn’t essential. Not happy about this being statewide.
                              Our house is currently on the market. We're not getting many, but we're still getting a few showings.


                                One thing to remember, the “models” being used to estimate the potential number of deaths are based on the conditions in NYC. That in itself is a fallacy and not applicable to 95% of the CONUS.

                                I truly believe it’s fear mongering by our government to scare people into thinking a $2.2 trillion stimulus package and soft tyranny is/was necessary.

                                I’m just amazed at the so called conservatives that are falling for it.

                                Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro

