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    Originally posted by 100%TtId View Post
    And what's with all these people who keep saying "I don't like him" ?

    Why should that even be a consideration?

    You're voting for (hiring) someone to do a very difficult and demanding job. It's not like a marriage that you hope to last forever. It's gonna be 8 years max. If he can get the job done why should anyone give a **** about whether he's likeable?

    If the job involves cleaning up DC, fighting terrorism, negotiating with dictators, and keeping the economy growing, I want someone who's a mean, nasty SOB because that's what the job requires.

    These snowflake soyboys and girls vote their "feelings" and want to elect a Mr. Rogers or Captain Kangaroo type because he is "likeable".

    Spot on Get that man a beer!


      Originally posted by Arrowthreat View Post
      I guess I'm in the minority here, but I don't like Trump. With that being said, I voted for him, and will most likely vote for him in 2020.

      I didn't like him before he ran for president, and don't care for him now. I do agree with most of his policies though. If he would get off Twitter and stop throwing a fit every time someone called him out, he would start gaining even more traction with voters. He does not conduct himself in a way that I would want my kids to look up too. He is not what a leader should be. He is a narcist who probably couldn't relate to any of us on this forum if we were just sitting around a fire with him.

      But, his foreign policy has been outstanding, and I really admire his strength towards the 2nd amendment. Despite what you want to think, Trump most definitely has helped the economy. But to be honest I'm getting tired of people saying "well he's not a politician". The President is most definitely a politician. He was friends with the Clintons for years prior to the 2016 elections. He completely flipped on them when he was running against her. I don't know of a more "politician" move than that.

      However, I do enjoy how he is not politically correct at times, but he crosses the line. As a country, we shouldn't accept that from our leader. If he would carry himself like a president, I think he would be one of the best presidents we have had in a very long time. His work ethic seems to be strong, and he has definitely done more than any other president has done for this country since probably Reagan.

      My 2 cents

      This is like saying I hate the chef but love the food that comes out.

      Sure he could be better by not offending people with his harsh words... But as long as his policies are right and he's doing what he said he would...Isn't that really all that matters?

      I just don't understand why people can't or don't look at the outcome to decide. Instead they look at the man and how he tweets to decide if they like him.


        Originally posted by LFD2037 View Post
        When he won POTUS, we didn't truly know what his plan was or what he'd accomplish but he won anyways. Now we, & America, do know what he's all about & that is America & Americans. It'll be a landslide this time.

        This is for you & the yank "hntr" from up north:
        Why you're so standoffish of Trump is beyond me. Besides his comments on twitter (which is his only outlet to get his true words out w/out the media misconstruing it), what is it that he's done wrong since he's become POTUS?
        Originally posted by LFD2037 View Post
        Either you didn't see my other post or ou don't have an answer but I'll ask you again:
        Besides his comments on twitter (which is his only outlet to get his true words out w/out the media misconstruing it), what is it that he's done wrong since he's become POTUS?
        Originally posted by LFD2037 View Post
        Either you didn't see my other posts asking you or you don't have an answer but I'll ask you again:
        Besides his comments on twitter (which is his only outlet to get his true words out w/out the media misconstruing it), what is it that he's done wrong since he's become POTUS?
        Originally posted by sqiggy View Post
        Sorry, but not an answer.
        Gilligan's Island Really!!!
        What is this, the 4th or 5th time you've asked?
        Still nothing but crickets!!!
        I'm glad someone took over the role of asking. I got tired of asking a while back.

        It sort of proves TDS is real. I think these people wake up every day and try to figure out what Trump did that makes him bad LOL They just know they're right and strive to prove it...Can't back out now and admit they were wrong!


          Originally posted by RiverRat1 View Post
          This is like saying I hate the chef but love the food that comes out.

          Sure he could be better by not offending people with his harsh words... But as long as his policies are right and he's doing what he said he would...Isn't that really all that matters?

          I just don't understand why people can't or don't look at the outcome to decide. Instead they look at the man and how he tweets to decide if they like him.

          That’s why I keep saying policy policy policy. Frankly I don’t give a **** about appearances.
          WHAT HAS THE MAN DONE.....

          In a matter of life and death, do you want the most skilled surgeon with the bad bedside manner? Or do you want the average surgeon who is nice?

          I don’t understand why these people cannot separate feelings from results.


            Originally posted by ttechdallas View Post
            As I have previously stated, my problem with Trump is how petty and divisive he is and my fear that his continued style of leadership will lose 2020 election. You can dismiss his tweets but the nation doesn’t.
            That's your answer?

            All I can say, I don't do tweeter. I don't know anybody that does.
            I DON'T CARE!!!
            If the man had half the backing, he would had already accomplished every promise he made by now. That's what most of us red blooded Americans CARE about. We could care less what his tweets are. He is getting things done.
            Somebody please give this man some cream!!!


              Originally posted by ttechdallas View Post
              As I have previously stated, my problem with Trump is how petty and divisive he is and my fear that his continued style of leadership will lose 2020 election. You can dismiss his tweets but the nation doesn’t. The WH itself has characterized his Twitter comments as official statements by the president of the United States and the National Archives treat as “official records.” Some people think he is talking to them and like it, but he is talking to the world and undermining his and US' credibility.

              2020 is going to be a close election and I would rather Trump grow up, shut up and do his job well rather than engage in the divisive, childish actions that some cheer but even more criticize. I disagree with the notion that his behavior is the reason he has accomplished what he has. There is nothing that wouldn’t have happened had he just performed his duties as a reasonable, respectful leader.

              Now my question is what in the world is wrong with the people who can’t accept that people have a problem with Trump without assuming they are RINO’s, democrats or liberals. Is their litmus test for Republicans absolute defense of Trump and everyone else is a Dem?

              Let that sink in and maybe you’ll understand why some of us are so critical of his leadership and want him to change. Some of you would make the Republican party so exclusive we’d never win another election period. Not altogether unlike those on the far left who are unwittingly undermining their own party's chances in 2020.
              So you feel he’s a bad POTUS, is doing a bad job, hasn’t helped America or Americans, is divisive and shouldn’t win 2020 because of his tweets. EVERY bit of good he’s done, and there’s been a lot, goes out the window because of some harsh (albeit true) words on tweeter.
              Got it.
              That’s the same mindset of every person who doesn’t want him to win 2020. All that share your mindset would rather see this country fail and move backwards than they would see the POTUS and this country succeed. Seems anti-American, petty and selfish to have that mindset to me but that’s your right.




                  After a good nights sleep and much constipation I have concluded that most of those that don't like Trump is because they are jealous that they don't have the testicular fortitude to be like him.


                    Originally posted by muzzlebrake View Post
                    After a good nights sleep and much constipation I have concluded that most of those that don't like Trump is because they are jealous that they don't have the testicular fortitude to be like him.
                    So very glad that I do not fall into this category. I will keep my compassion, empathy, tolerance and kindness. I know very well that society takes all kinds to operate so I also have learned not to hold these attributes against anyone who lacks them as well. We are all put together differently.


                      Originally posted by Barrett View Post
                      I will keep my compassion, empathy, tolerance and kindness.
                      Ask Europe how that’s working out for them.


                        Heck, ask Austin how that's working out for them. They now have the homeless sleeping in the streets and on the sidewalks, in Texas. FUBAR


                          Originally posted by LFD2037 View Post
                          Ask Europe how that’s working out for them.

                          Those are all good qualities to have. It’s when you can’t control them that they become a problem. Just like any other emotions.

                          Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


                            I don't particularly like President Trump. I would not be very proud if my kids turned out like him.

                            His Tweets are annoying and I couldn't figure out why he was picking a fight with 4 idiots that even the other Democrats can't stand. But since his comments about those women I haven't heard anyone talking about the Democratic candidates. All anyone is talking about is Trump being a racist. He gets all the Democrats, who will never vote for him anyway, focusing all the attention on him.
                            Trump probably figures most people are voting Democrat, Republican, reality TV star or with their stomach. So far he's accomplished 3 out of the 4. He's a Republican with an economy that's great and he's a TV personality.

                            So I may not like him personally but he's done most of the things he's said he would do and I agree with him more than I do the Democrats.


                              Originally posted by Barrett View Post
                              So very glad that I do not fall into this category. I will keep my compassion, empathy, tolerance and kindness. I know very well that society takes all kinds to operate so I also have learned not to hold these attributes against anyone who lacks them as well. We are all put together differently.
                              I think we all have those qualities. The difference lies in how we implement them. Liberals like you are perfectly willing to give someone less fortunate the shirt right off of my back. Conservatives are willing to help the less fortunate earn their own shirt. You would give a man a fish off my stringer and call yourself compassionate. I would teach him how to catch his own.


                                Originally posted by M16 View Post
                                I think we all have those qualities. The difference lies in how we implement them. Liberals like you are perfectly willing to give someone less fortunate the shirt right off of my back. Conservatives are willing to help the less fortunate earn their own shirt. You would give a man a fish off my stringer and call yourself compassionate. I would teach him how to catch his own.
                                Contrary to your myopic assumptions, I am not a liberal and not everyone has the same qualities. If you think everyone shares those attributes Im not going to try and change your mind, I simply disagree. My point was that the idea of someone like Trump teaching Special Education scares the hell out of me. That is all.

