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Tribalism and divisiveness

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    Originally posted by txpitdog View Post
    People don’t like admitting to themselves they’ve been duped. People don’t like setting their ego aside to observe objectively if there’s a different way. That’s what the government is counting on.

    United we stand, divided we...they already got us. We gotta figure a way to take it back.
    And folks continually play into it unknowingly or out of "i am on the winning team" mentality!
    Originally posted by Pedernal View Post
    Ignorance is influencing our elections more than anything including the Russians. Both political parties are primirly full of "deadbeat" SOBs but they have the American voter fulled, divided and at each other's throats too much to notice or do anything about the politician's inept job performance.
    More and more are seeing it.............slowly!
    Originally posted by txpitdog View Post
    Tribalism and divisiveness. See how quick it grabs hold?
    Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
    Yep, your point is well noted and observed!
    Originally posted by Leemo View Post
    Would love to go fishing
    ??? Saw that statement on another site.


      Obama was a mob boss type President and Bush was completely inept. What tribe does that put me in?


        Originally posted by rtp View Post
        Obama was a mob boss type President and Bush was completely inept. What tribe does that put me in?
        Not sure but we are in the same one..


          Originally posted by Landrover View Post
          And folks continually play into it unknowingly or out of "i am on the winning team" mentality!

          More and more are seeing it.............slowly!

          Yep, your point is well noted and observed!

          ??? Saw that statement on another site.
          I’m in a tribe that only wants what is mine, what I worked for
          Nothing more , nothing less
          Help people that can’t help themselves, not those that won’t
          You can’t afford something, ask your benevolence committee at the Church
          And my list goes on........


            Originally posted by Leemo View Post
            I’m in a tribe that only wants what is mine, what I worked for
            Nothing more , nothing less
            Help people that can’t help themselves, not those that won’t
            You can’t afford something, ask your benevolence committee at the Church
            And my list goes on........
            "Would love to go fishing" , clarification was my only question? Is that what you typed above means in the scenario presented by another TBHer?


              Originally posted by Landrover View Post
              "Would love to go fishing" , clarification was my only question? Is that what you typed above means in the scenario presented by another TBHer?
              No.........didn’t see any other post, my intention to the reply was, I have better things to do than argue with Liberals, hence I’m going fishing


                Originally posted by rtp View Post
                Give me one example of what Trump has done to incite racial division in this country. Talking about illegal immigrants is a legal matter not a racial issue. The liberals are the ones into identity politics, making everyone a part of a tribe. It is a fact, not an opinion that Obama stirred up racial tension every chance he got. Black Harvard professor, Trayvon, Ferguson, Mo., etc, etc, etc.
                I'm still waiting on that example myself... I call like I see it and I haven't seen it yet.. Did I miss something?? Jussie and the drunk Indian don't count.. They tried though..


                  Anyone surprised??

                  Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


                    as much as I'd like the 2 parties to get along, the dems are too far gone.
                    - supporting 40 week abortion, killing babies.
                    - socialism
                    - green deal
                    - pro Argentina mob
                    - take guns from the legal Citizens, yea Chicago
                    - FBI and CIA once highly respected, now gone mob
                    The decision is fairly simple for me.
                    Happy Presidents Day !!! Red White and Blue !!!


                      Originally posted by Leemo View Post
                      No.........didn’t see any other post, my intention to the reply was, I have better things to do than argue with Liberals, hence I’m going fishing
                      Oh, gotcha! Have fun fishing, wish i did not have to make a obscene tax payment in addition to make sure 34 people will continue to receive paychecks. I thought the debate was good on this post as the OP presented a non trolling (not fishing) question. Post pics of your catch.


                        There was a time I would have considered myself as independent.

                        Those days are long gone.

                        I can’t for the life of me understand how anyone could associate themselves with the group that want to feed the lazy, climate change, take my guns and most of all kill 9 month old babies.

                        I will not vote for a dem for county road commissioner because he has associated his self with folks that support whatto me is totally insane.

                        That that somehow makes me a racist is the price I will pay to be on the side of babies

