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Possible option to prevent gun violence on school campuses

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    Originally posted by MagicBlade View Post
    This! Metal detectors at the main doors!
    Metal Detectors won't do squat IMO. Most of these large high schools have more than a dozen entry points.

    What is the plan when the MD goes off? Gunman has already made entry and is firing shots.


      Blake, I spent / was stuck 6+ hours in the truck today listening to various news station & interviews...I pray Santa Fe is now the turning point & TX may actually lead the way to what I hope is a start in the right direction.

      Theses are (imo) & should be considered terror attacks / addressed as's going to take leadership from each local / state & Fed working together. There is no X marks the spot that works for every school unless we tear them all down & rebuild them with the same footprint / plan in regards to make them hard & that is not going to happen. There was some good discussion happening today & hope / pray we can get there ASAP.

      I have one kid that has two years left in public school & to say I'm nervous being in the valley is an understatement...discussed my concerns with Michelle & she stated after Parkland our HS went from 2 unarmed security to 3 armed local PD. However, my concerns lie with size & access from 4 sides. The school encompasses 2 very large city blocks that while are completely gated off, still have & need multiple access entrances for period change for the kids to get where they need to go. IMO, we are not anywhere near hard enough to stop a determined shooter.

      I don't want to be 'that Dad' as I honestly do feel what available resources are being attended to, but feel inclined to visit with admin if its only to help me sleep. If Santa Fe can be hit?? We had nut jobs back in the 80's that should not have been in school with the rest of us. I've always let mother hen take the reigns when it comes to school concerns, but this has reached a whole new level. I probably should have gone back to my tunes today after the first hour but got sucked in. I'm really spooked when I step back & consider the gaps in the layout of my old school & not sure what else to do.

      While I agree nothing is fool proof, pretty comfortable gains will be made long term...what is eating at me is the short for the next two years.


        Originally posted by Buff View Post
        If they would drag that kid out in front of the court house and hang him in the nearest oak tree, leave him hanging until the crows had picked his bones clean, it would give the next useless thug something to ponder.
        This and never post their names or faces on TV. Just make them disappear forever.

        Sent from my SM-G892A using Tapatalk


          Originally posted by Randy View Post
          As long as God isn't allowed in schools

          Until the mental health crisis is acknowledged

          I see no end of these school attacks in sight

          I firmly believe he farther away from the farm/ranch/rural lifestyle the farther from reality our culture becomes.
          God is in every school.

          Every Christian child or teacher in school is free to let their Christian light shine and minister through their actions. They can reach out to troubled peers, talk to their teachers and parents about witnessed bullying or as an administrator take appropriate actions to help bring attention to at risk children and not turn a. Blind eye to going’s On hoping that someone else will solve a problem or help a child.

          So can Muslims, Buddhists, agnostics, or anybody else


            Originally posted by BigWes View Post
            Blake, I believe you are on to something, especially the parenting part. As for providing security to the schools so as to stop our schools from being the soft targets that they are, I believe your suggestion is legitimate and there are many other good solutions out there, but those in charge of schools do not want to divert the necessary funds away from their pet projects and college style/size football stadiums.

            One other thing that is a factor and bugs the crap out of me is the fact that we criminalize and punish kids that wind up in some kind of physical altercation because they stood up to a bully or someone who is in the wrong. I was told, just this morning by an AP at my kids school that it doesn't matter what the situation is, both parties to any fight will both be punished. I knew this was the policy prior to this meeting, have always had problem with the policy, but in light of this morning's events, it just rubbed me way too wrong. I was respectful, but told her I completely disagree with the policy and that I was not going to allow my kids to be forced to be victimized and that if they were in trouble at school for defending themselves or someone else from someone who was in the wrong, I would have their back. I'll add that I also told her that if my kid starts it, they would be severely punished. I don't put up with that and have always taught them to be kind to everyone around them.

            In this environment, when we don't allow kids to stand up for themselves or for another person, we take any power the kid has away from them and put it all in the hands of teachers/administrators. This is not giving kids an opportunity to learn how to deal with adversity. Taking away their ability to defend themselves puts them in a position to always be a victim and at some point, they are going to snap. When they snap, they decide they are going to take the power back and who knows what they're going to do. Sadly in many cases lately, they are deciding to shoot up a place where they have been the victim. In their mind, consequences be ****ed. They aren't worried about it, because in their mind, if they live, they were able to inflict the pain they wanted to and if they die in the process, they don't care, because their life wasn't worth living anyway. Life as a perpetual victim is no life at all.

            Sometimes you gotta punch a bully in the nose.

            I'll stop before my rant gets too long. I feel like I could go on for a while about this, but I have work to do.
            I have really offended a few folks when I took this position but I believe it is right. My son has told our granddaughter the same thing you said to the AP.


              Originally posted by BigWes View Post
              While I'm not opposed to the public hanging, these kids who do this don't give a crap about the consequences. You think they don't know there's a good chance they are committing suicide by cop? Most of them have been marginalized their entire life and weren't able to fight back at any point so they are going to take down as many as they can when they decide to end it all themselves. They know they're going to get attention, even if they die in a shoot out. A public hanging would be the same effect - notoriety and revenge in the same swipe.

              He looked pretty whupped when he was Arraigned at county today. Hope he’s locked up for a long time.

              Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


                We can talk all day about metal detectors, armed people in schools, schools that are on total lockdown all day every day, etc.... What I want to know is what is happening to our society and way of life? Why is our society so sick? Are we raising generations of sociopaths? What is the root cause of this illness that we are infected with?

                I have plenty of ideas of what's wrong with our children. It is just hard to fathom how far we have fallen even since the 80's/90's. I was in high school in the 90's, graduated in '95. Pre cell phone, internet, social media, etc.... I would have never even thought something like this was possible when I was in school. What has happened over the last 20-30 years to make it possible for these things to become so common?


                  Quit glorifying it and keep it off of the **** news. All these little sick turds want is attention and they’re getting it.


                    Bring God back into schools. Say the pledge of allegiance and be proud of it. Have family movie night and eat dinner as a family. Ask your kids how their day was. Be a parent not just a friend, and dont be afraid to use a belt.


                      Most of what everyone has posted already I agree with. All these things are the symptoms not the problem. The problem with this and with the decay of society in general is one word. Satan! Where God is not welcome Satan will thrive and he is good at filling our hearts with evil just a tiny bit at a time. We have let God be removed from schools, sports, politics, movies, family institutions and most other aspects of our lives. From the movies we watch, the games we play, the social media we consume and the politics we are filling our minds with garbage every day and letting our hearts grow cold. Satan has taught us all how to be self centered. That’s why so many parents don’t spend time with their kids. To busy seeking their own pleasure. It’s easier to dope a kid than to spend the time and discipline to help him/her learn how to cope with life. It’s better for the doc’s finances to prescribe a pill. It’s easier for the school counselor to excuse the behavior rather than face an angry parent. That kid with the now twisted mind says “I was wronged so I will feel better if I make someone else hurt. “. That kid that Satan has fed a steady diet of evil from movies, video games to social media now has a heart so cold and evil that he will do anything to anyone for his own “needs”.

                      The only way to fight evil is with good and the only way to fight Satan is with God. No amount of guards and protection or anything man can do will completely prevent evil from happening. We must ask Jesus back into our everyday lives and stop letting our souls be filled with the evils of this world.

                      Not saying it’s as simple as inviting God back and that we shouldn’t try to fix the problems we see. We do need to do many of the things already suggested here. I want to arm well trained teachers. My daughter is one. Definitely more armed guards and stop advertising as gun free zones. Post that this school is armed and ready to defend any attack. Never show face or mention name of the evil killers until they are hanging in a tree. Spend more time with our kids and less on the phone and tv. There is a lot we can do but most is pray for our nation.


                        Allow people to carry in school. Killers go in to these places because nobody will kill them back. If someone was shooting at me I wouldn't want to wait even 5 minutes for someone to come by with their gun and take care of the problem.

                        I watched a house across the street from my high school burn down during after school suspension once. Sometimes help really isn't much help when it shows up. They just come clean up the mess when the smoke clears.

                        The problem is the parents in my opinion. For example the kids that shot up Columbine. If your kids are writing down sick thoughts and making movies to scare their classmates or making pipe bombs and sawing the barrels off of shotguns in the garage you might want to ask a few questions or pay closer attention to what's going on. That's a pretty good sign a kid needs to be medicated or put in a room in a penitentiary where they can fantasize about murdering people and not actually have the means to do it.

                        Violent movies,video games or music aren't the problem I'm convinced of that. I liked all of that when I was a kid and I had access to firearms. I never threatened to go to school or anywhere else to kill people. Because I was raised by people that would kick my *** if I even thought about it. I mean that literally. I ain't talking about a paddle to the butt. My grandpa is the type of guy that would have heard that nonsense but one time and I'd be picking myself up off the ground.

                        But I was raised differently. I was treated as an adult to some degree from a young age. I knew what death was and that guns would be a quick way to get that way. I still remember my brother and I playing in the basement and a shotgun was leaning in the corner. My grandpa said "You boys don't pick that shotgun up,it's loaded. If it goes off and you're in front of it you'll die." Now days kids go get guns out of curiosity and they don't understand the repercussions of pulling the trigger. They don't have respect for human life because nobody has enough respect for them to teach them right from wrong.
                        Last edited by okrattler; 05-19-2018, 02:47 AM.


                          country concerts, boston marathon,military base,gay bar in florida,schools, new york sidewalks,airports, pentagon,twin towers.
                          no matter where you are, or what preparations you make, some evil piece of trash can harm you.

                          Benjamin Franklin once said: "Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety.

                          enjoy your freedom while you still have it.


                            Originally posted by Buff View Post
                            If they would drag that kid out in front of the court house and hang him in the nearest oak tree, leave him hanging until the crows had picked his bones clean, it would give the next useless thug something to ponder.
                            This and outlaw the media from covering the story. That gives the cowards the attention the crave.

                            Allow the schools to inform parents but stop the 24 hour news circus.

                            Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-N920A using Tapatalk


                              As much as i despise the media... first amendment is pretty important.
                     is the first thing us non-leos look to for information... hopefully most of us look at many sources and try to parse a glimmer of fact out of all the data available..

                              Now rules, concerning murderers names , being stricken from all media , writing them out of history would be nice.. but that would be impossible.

                              I want this guy forgotten. I want no one to repeat his name.
                              Since for some ****in stupid federal law hes not eligible for the death penalty..i want him to be thrown in gen pop with the roughest group ever and subjected to real bullies who will dismantle him in every conceivable manner possible every second of every minute of the rest of his life.
                              He wanted attention.
                              Give it to him.


                                Can u get a gun into an airport? Very hard. It's sad, but schools need to be set up the same. The only way I see it.

                                Sent from my MotoG3 using Tapatalk

