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A person has to be willfully ignorant to not see the constitutional crisis we are in

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    This has to do with the $130K payment to the **** whore. Apparently Cohen refinance his apartment to pay her. If he falsified on the refi application what he intended to use the money for that would be considered bank fraud. This per Judge Napalitono (sp?)


      Originally posted by Charles View Post
      This has to do with the $130K payment to the **** whore. Apparently Cohen refinance his apartment to pay her. If he falsified on the refi application what he intended to use the money for that would be considered bank fraud. This per Judge Napalitono (sp?)
      That seems odd.... you can do a cash out refi and not have to tell anybody anything. People do it all the time to start businesses, pay for college, etc...
      something seems off.


        "We're going to be releasing that tomorrow, along with a significant reward, asking that the public come forward, asking to identify this individual," Michael Avenatti told CNN's "New Day," adding that his team is "close" to identifying the man who allegedly threatened Daniels.
        Daniels alleged in an interview last month that weeks after she agreed to sell her story to a magazine in 2011, a man walked up to her in a parking lot and threatened her and her infant daughter, saying, "Leave Trump alone. Forget the story."

        Meanwhile the P Star is meeting with a sketch artist to paint up a picture of somebody from 7 years ago (supposed to be released today). If they are close to knowing the persons identity (or have actual factual evidence) why would you go through this crap shoot of a process to pencil out a composite? And how exactly does a drawing on a note pad prove anybody threatened her, much less committed a crime?


          Originally posted by Charles View Post
          This has to do with the $130K payment to the **** whore. Apparently Cohen refinance his apartment to pay her. If he falsified on the refi application what he intended to use the money for that would be considered bank fraud. This per Judge Napalitono (sp?)
          The orders came from Mueller and he had no authority to request the Southern dist. of NY to look into the matter. It has nothing to do with Russia or the election.

          Will Mueller request the same cort to raid the clinton compound and search for evidence of treason?, No he will not


            I don't have a good feeling about this one. All of the other mess I kinda shook it off as nonsense. This one however seems to have a little more steam behind it. These crooks (on both sides) wont stop until he is gone. He is a threat to their play house and they will go to what ever extreme they need to get him out.


              Originally posted by Triple 7 View Post
              I don't have a good feeling about this one. All of the other mess I kinda shook it off as nonsense. This one however seems to have a little more steam behind it. These crooks (on both sides) wont stop until he is gone. He is a threat to their play house and they will go to what ever extreme they need to get him out.
              I don't either. I mean, what threat is greater than the internal conflict and turmoil within this country that will erupt if Trump is impeached? I'm talking turmoil that will tower over the polarization that already exists.

              That's why I keep hoping and even thinking that wiser heads will prevail and put this Russian hoax investigation to rest.
              Last edited by ttechdallas; 04-10-2018, 09:48 AM.


                Who DIDN'T get raided by the FBI...?

                -Eric Holder
                -Hillary Clinton
                -Loretta Lynch
                -John Podesta
                -Donna Brazile
                -Debbie Wasserman Schultz
                -Robby Moot
                -David Brock
                -Susan Rice
                -Huma Abedin
                -Anthony Weiner
                -Harvey Weinstein
                -Burns Strider
                -Cheryl Mills
                -Nicolas Cruz
                -Omar Mateen

                But, yeah.... Trumps Lawyer


                  Originally posted by JFISHER View Post
                  Who DIDN'T get raided by the FBI...?

                  -Eric Holder
                  -Hillary Clinton
                  -Loretta Lynch
                  -John Podesta
                  -Donna Brazile
                  -Debbie Wasserman Schultz
                  -Robby Moot
                  -David Brock
                  -Susan Rice
                  -Huma Abedin
                  -Anthony Weiner
                  -Harvey Weinstein
                  -Burns Strider
                  -Cheryl Mills
                  -Nicolas Cruz
                  -Omar Mateen

                  But, yeah.... Trumps Lawyer

                  It's a terrible situation this country finds itself in
                  Last edited by flywise; 04-10-2018, 11:37 AM.


                    Originally posted by ttaxidermy View Post
                    That is one spineless, useless, pencil neck, wussy right there!!!!!!!!!!!!
                    Totally incompetent at his position yet he still has a job somehow.. Dude is a total joke...
                    Nope. the swamp rats walked right into his office as soon as he was confirmed and told him what they had on him. If he resigns, they will expose his russian dealing. if he takes action, they will expose him. Al he can do is sit there and be a pet monkey hoping they dont take his bananas away.


                      Originally posted by ttaxidermy View Post
                      That is one spineless, useless, pencil neck, wussy right there!!!!!!!!!!!!
                      Totally incompetent at his position yet he still has a job somehow.. Dude is a total joke...
                      Nope. the swamp rats walked right into his office as soon as he was confirmed and told him what they had on him. If he resigns, they will expose his russian dealing. if he takes action, they will expose him. All he can do is sit there and be a pet monkey hoping they dont take his bananas away.


                        So fire him AND let them expose him. He's part of the problem...send him down in flames. He's no use to Trump anymore. Could you imagine if we gave Gowdy that position.


                          Originally posted by Humper View Post
                          Muller uncovers some questionable dealings in his investigation
                          Turns it over to the the southern district of New York
                          Southern district lead by a person selected by POTUS
                          They obtain warrant and fbi conducts search
                          Bingo! This is President Trumps' Justice Department following thru on this "witchhunt" or possibly "serious implications". Gonna be interesting to see what made them take action as that is NOT easily done. In other words it is a heckuva process to get this approved and action taken by the FBI. Hum, gotta be more to the story.......or I should say, BETTER be more to the story!
                          Originally posted by Pedernal View Post
                          Those are some serious actions!! The swamp is fighting back IMHO
                          Ding ding ding!!!
                          This is waaay more complicated than being described on by the network talkin heads.........or the radio guys. To get this done was SERIOUS discussions by a railcar full of folks.........not some single dude with a email account and a request form. YES, the swamp is definitely fighting BACK big time but it would appear the little puff of smoke may be traceable to a national park fire. Gonna be dang interesting tracking this one!


                            A person has to be willfully ignorant not to see this is all just wagging the dog, to tarnish the President and carry Dems to the midterms. No meaningful convictions of anyone of importance will take place, and even if they do, they'll be pardoned.


                              Originally posted by Hank Hill View Post
                              A person has to be willfully ignorant not to see this is all just wagging the dog, to tarnish the President and carry Dems to the midterms. No meaningful convictions of anyone of importance will take place, and even if they do, they'll be pardoned.
                              But it isn't the Dems doing this. It is the FBI under a Republican president and Republicans down the line, including Mueller. The NY judge who approved the warrant to conduct the raids is not only a Republican, but was appointed under Trump.

                              Something really whacked is in play here.


                                Originally posted by ttechdallas View Post
                                But it isn't the Dems doing this. It is the FBI under a Republican president and Republicans down the line, including Mueller. The NY judge who approved the warrant to conduct the raids is not only a Republican, but was appointed under Trump.

                                Something really whacked is in play here.
                                For some reason people are yelling Democrats when this bus is not being driven by them.......well, at least........not directly! This is finally being discussed in the media (I finally heard some talking head speak to it about an hour ago) but I think folks are stuck on the initial misinformation on who was driving the bus. I will definitely admit and accept there is PLENTY of blame to go around and there will be less seats at the table by the end of the week.......again!
                                I definitely EXPECT a huge action on SYRIA this week which will get the spotlight off of this subject.

