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School Shootings

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    Originally posted by tonyt79 View Post
    I like that! It must be hard on your kid every day to have to deal with that crazy stuff. I kid on that.

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    None of the kids have a clue which teachers carry. They don’t open carry. But if I had to place a number on it I’d bet that 50-60% of the teachers on my oldest sons hall are armed while at school.


      Originally posted by RdRdrFan View Post
      None of the kids have a clue which teachers carry. They don’t open carry. But if I had to place a number on it I’d bet that 50-60% of the teachers on my oldest sons hall are armed while at school.
      Are they all ex SEAL...if not Someone here may need to up meds. Totally unacceptable for responsible adults to take on responsibility without SO training.

      Soft targets are way better to avoid any chance of someone not shooting 500 rounds a week. They might shoot their foot!!


        Originally posted by Artos View Post
        Are they all ex SEAL...if not Someone here may need to up meds. Totally unacceptable for responsible adults to take on responsibility without SO training.

        Soft targets are way better to avoid any chance of someone not shooting 500 rounds a week. They might shoot their foot!!
        But a armed person with no SO training still has a better chance of stopping a threat than a person with SO training that isnt armed..and a helluva better chance than a unarmed person without SO training.
        They might shoot the threat.

        Whod you want in front of you?
        Unarmed guy or armed guy with no SO training?


          Originally posted by RdRdrFan View Post
          None of the kids have a clue which teachers carry. They don’t open carry. But if I had to place a number on it I’d bet that 50-60% of the teachers on my oldest sons hall are armed while at school.

          That is what I meant, no kid knows who is carrying. It has to be so rough on those kids to not even know they are being protected.

          And I apologize to texansfan. I got in trouble calling him out

          Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


            Originally posted by texansfan View Post
            None of us have the answer

            And I'm sorry but a 16 year old kid could EASILY neutralize your 62 year old mom

            You're making your mom out to be eligible for Seal Team 6 training. Just stop

            Create a less viiolent society (ie social welfare programs) and we will see less mass shootings

            I don’t know what kind of women you hang around with, but you are obviously not spending time with the women I hang with. Saying a “16 year old kid could easily neutralize your 62 year old mom” is ridiculous. Give that mom any type of weapon in the form of a stick, a firearm, hell, a stout coffee mug, and my moneys on her.
            And she don’t have to be a “seal” either. That’s also a ridiculous assertion. With 30 minutes of training, ANYONE, even that 62 year old mom, can be taught to use a handgun to stop a threat. I’ll bet Even you could.


              Originally posted by texansfan View Post
              None of us have the answer

              And I'm sorry but a 16 year old kid could EASILY neutralize your 62 year old mom

              You're making your mom out to be eligible for Seal Team 6 training. Just stop

              Create a less viiolent society (ie social welfare programs) and we will see less mass shootings

              We tried that. We have more social welfare programs now than at any time in history.


                Originally posted by texansfan View Post
                Oh Jesus man
                Your mom is not Rambo.
                Cut it out.
                If your mom doesnt flinch when someone is buzzing .223 by her head she needs to be an army ranger.

                I'm just saying it takes VERY SPECIAL ppl to be able to move FORWARD when bullets and a wave of people are coming at them

                Ive been in stampedes on Bourbon street and its something else.

                I don't trust your mom who teaches kids how to write cursive for a living to fire a weapon under duress.

                I want highly special trained folks doing that.

                I'm not talking about ANY woman
                I'm talking about those that have an education degrees and spend 11hrs per day chading little kids around making paper airplanes.

                Do you have any idea how many teachers are in this country?

                Ask TEACHERS hoe many want to hold a gun?
                How many teachers are mentally capable of KILLING SOMEONE???
                There is a post event mental aspect of this

                Cops go in kniwing they may have to kill someone
                They deal with Bad hombres all day everyday.

                A 5th grade teacher doesnt think about killing ppl.

                I'm not a hero.
                If someone is shooting AT ME I'm going to take cover
                I'm not Rambo

                I thank my family, friends and the military for taking thise bullets.
                Because I cant.
                If I was forced to I would
                But I'm not volunteering to get shot at

                Thank god not everyone would run away like you would. Your opinion of teachers, female teachers in particular, is noted. Your horrible experience of running on bourbon street is interesting, but really doesn’t compare to being in a threatening situation. Have you ever been placed in a life and death situation? Doubtful, but you have told us how you would react.
                The truth you are missing is that many people, regular people with no training, more than not, stand up to protect people. Many get killed for it. They did in THIS shooting. They do in ever shooting. Unarmed people, TEACHERS, got between this shooter and others. If you think for one minute it’s better for them to be unarmed while doing that, then that being able to defend themselves and save others, then that says all I need to know about you. You stated your opinion very clearly. This is mine.


                  Originally posted by texansfan
                  Sooooo what do you foo in a stampede?

                  You can hear shots fired in the distance and a wave of people are running towards you.

                  You run AT THEM and towards the shooting?

                  Talk about internet cowboys.

                  My thoughts on teachers and females???

                  I swear some of y'all have never been outside of a small Texas town.

                  A great chunk of this country want to ban all guns.

                  You think that will be divided ewually among genders or do you think women are more fearful of guns than men are?

                  All those Hillary voters 100 million of them, you think they will vote for guns in schools?

                  Just tone down the bravado.

                  And did you serve in the military?

                  Why not?

                  I didn't enlist.


                  I don't like to get shot at.

                  So you were running from gun fire on bourbon street? That caused this “stampede” you seem to think is comparable to a school shooting? When did that happen? Exactly? And you label us “Internet cowboys”?
                  And you failed to address my comments about how you feel about teachers, or females in general being far less capable to defend themselves... nice dodge. Your bigotry towards women is noted.
                  I don’t live in Texas.
                  A SMALL chunk of this country is run by liberal democrats that don’t care about personal freedoms or laws written to protect rights, and would act exactly like you say you would.
                  In those areas I just mentioned, I DO think it would be equal between who is wanting to ban guns, because gender means nothing to liberals. They say that on every issue, so that’s what THEY believe, from bathrooms to pronouns.
                  Hillary voters will vote the way Hillary wants them to, but Hillary lost. What does THAT tell you?
                  I didn’t enlist. I went to college. It was a mistake. I would have done better to have enlisted. I would be retired now, and although I feel my contributions to my community and country have been adequate, I, like many, feel as if I could have done more. As for YOUR reason for not enlisting, you have already established your disdain for placing yourself in any kind of threatening situation and you certainly can’t be asked to place yourself in harms way to protect another person, or child. You made the right choice.
                  Don’t ask me to turn down the “bravado”. Speaking frankly to someone like you is not bravado.


                    You don’t have to be a Rambo to protect people when bad things happen.

                    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


                      Originally posted by Artos View Post
                      Are they all ex SEAL...if not Someone here may need to up meds. Totally unacceptable for responsible adults to take on responsibility without SO training.

                      Soft targets are way better to avoid any chance of someone not shooting 500 rounds a week. They might shoot their foot!!
                      Almost every school district is hiring & now we want teachers to work security lets see how far that goes


                        You have a member here who gives an example of teachers who are obviously not forced, but willing to be sheepdogs for their kids...they would not be working security but at least a **** fighting chance of fending off an active shooter.

                        How ANY of you could be against a teacher willing to stand between your kids & ability to fend off the wolf vs nothing but a body blocker / target and a defenseless helpless sheep is absurd!!

                        It's working so well now...


                          How many schools do we have across our Country? About 100,000
                          The NCES Fast Facts Tool provides quick answers to many education questions (National Center for Education Statistics). Get answers on Early Childhood Education, Elementary and Secondary Education and Higher Education here.

                          How many teachers get attacked or assaulted each day/year? Over 1,000 per day and over 200k per year.

                          You guys can figure out the rest.


                            Originally posted by stykshooter View Post
                            Almost every school district is hiring & now we want teachers to work security lets see how far that goes

                            Work security? Don’t they do that NOW? Everyday they show up for work, they are working security for someone’s children. Every single day. If some of them WANT to carry concealed, let them. If you don’t want that between your children and a mass murderer, then your priorities are skewed.


                              You don’t have to be a trained “seal” to defend yourself, you just have to want to. Texasfan thinks women like this don’t exist. I can assure him, they do.


                                ...all you have to do is be a member of the NRA to see monthly stories in the first couple of pages of American Rifleman / Hunter of the MANY non-rambo Americans defending their own & other lives with firearms. A LOT of them women & seniors who have made the choice to not be a victim.

                                Sadly, these are tucked on the back pages of the news where those apposed never get to see the alternative to an outcome of soft targets. Infuriating the concept of self defense cannot be accepted & am at a loss on how to explain this common sense solution in a way that can be absorbed with these actual case studies.

                                Originally posted by Lostacresranch View Post

                                You don’t have to be a trained “seal” to defend yourself, you just have to want to. Texasfan thinks women like this don’t exist. I can assure him, they do.

