There is no political discourse anymore in Washington and free speech has gone out the window if you are a conservative. The men and women in Congress and the Senate are no longer there to do what we want them to do- what we elected them to do. Currently all the Democrats are interested in is finding some way to get Trump out of office and are working 24/7 to find a way to do it. Instead of finding a way to help the folks live their lives with as little intervention or barriers as possible, to help create a business environment so that they can thrive and expand to create more job opportunities, protect our country from foreign invaders, and keep up the infrastructure so that we can get from point A to point B they are too busy playing "gotcha". Compromise has become synonymous with "you won". It used to be "you got something I can live with and I got something you can live with" and everyone wins. Because politicians live in a bubble and generally don't have to live by many of the policies they enact they have lost touch with what the American people are dealing with everyday. Obamacare is the greatest thing, according to the Democrats, just needs a little tweeking... They are not the ones dealing with high premiums or high deductibles and shrinking medical options. This is the only way they should be involved in our health care- do away with regulations that hinder our ability to buy insurance from whomever, allow insurance companies to provide insurance coverage like ordering a meal at a restaurant- basic coverage for healthcare and add "alacarte" items such as OG/GYN coverage, coverage for children up to a certain age, etc.- allow folks with pre-existing conditions to join into high risk pools to help lower their costs, allow some subsidies for "proven" low income folks to help with their coverage, and address the high cost of prescription meds and hospital procedures. How long must I continue to pay for MRI technology.
We are a nation with borders, not just a piece of land between Mexico and Canada. Many argue that we are a nation of immigrants and we are but we have become a nation of refugees. Immigrants come here for a better life and want to assimilate into our culture- speak our language and obey our laws. Refugees come here as an escape and want to keep their language and in many respects live by their own laws. Look at the Muslim communities in Minnesota that want to live by Sharia law. Once we allow this to happen we have lost our identity as America. We have made it too easy for folks coming into our country to not have to assimilate.
And for God's sake, will someone please tell Trump to stop tweeting a reaction to every stupid thing that gets said which leads to more distractions. He was elected to office because he said he wanted to protect our borders- a wall isn't necessary or even feasible in many places, repeal and replace Obamacare, streamline our tax structure, and eliminate regulations that are strangling the growth of business to the point they leave the country. Period! Every day his focus should be on those items and remind every lawmaker that is why he was elected- if you aren't spending time on those items then promise to support the Republican candidate that will be opposing them in the next election and see if they want to work on what the American people want.
Rant over.
We are a nation with borders, not just a piece of land between Mexico and Canada. Many argue that we are a nation of immigrants and we are but we have become a nation of refugees. Immigrants come here for a better life and want to assimilate into our culture- speak our language and obey our laws. Refugees come here as an escape and want to keep their language and in many respects live by their own laws. Look at the Muslim communities in Minnesota that want to live by Sharia law. Once we allow this to happen we have lost our identity as America. We have made it too easy for folks coming into our country to not have to assimilate.
And for God's sake, will someone please tell Trump to stop tweeting a reaction to every stupid thing that gets said which leads to more distractions. He was elected to office because he said he wanted to protect our borders- a wall isn't necessary or even feasible in many places, repeal and replace Obamacare, streamline our tax structure, and eliminate regulations that are strangling the growth of business to the point they leave the country. Period! Every day his focus should be on those items and remind every lawmaker that is why he was elected- if you aren't spending time on those items then promise to support the Republican candidate that will be opposing them in the next election and see if they want to work on what the American people want.
Rant over.