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Passenger forcible removed from flight

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    Passenger forcible removed from flight

    I did a search but didn't see anything on this yet. Pretty crazy video, not real sure what to think. Basically a flight was overbooked and after nobody volunteered they tried to force a passenger off. The passenger refused to give his seat up so he was dragged from the plane.

    I saw that earlier.............just a crazy story. Gotta be more to this deal...I assume!


      I saw that on tv. It didn't make much sense probably more to the story maybe ??? If not it's gonna cost them more than a $400 voucher.




          Lawsuit pending


            Meh...I go through the same thing every morning getting the kids ready for school.


              They picked on an old asian man thinking that he'll go quietly. Man they were wrong. Hope he comes back and sue their pants off.


                I read the airline needed to dead-head a crew to the next destination and there were not enough takers on the vouchers offered as the flight was overbooked to begin with. Apparently, a couple passengers were selected randomly and this guy was one of them. He refused to exit the aircraft.

                On the surface, pretty cruddy deal to force a passenger off the plane post boarding. I'm sure a lot of people would have been ****** too. Perhaps not to that extent of needing to be forcibly removed though!


                  I can guarantee you that if I had paid for a seat on that plane and didn't want to take a later flight, they would have to drag me out kicking and screaming too...not any passengers fault united didn't plan ahead!


                    Ok, a little more info.
                    Flight overbooked by 4 people. They needed 4 seat for United employees that needed to get to another hub. United went in and chose 4 folks to leave the flight. The guy was a doctor needing to get to Louisville to see patients in the morning....oops.......bad move!!!! This wont end well for United Airlines.


                      I am pretty sure that I would own that airplane after that!


                        They should have started offering cash or vouchers and just upped the number until they got enough takers. Dragging a guy screaming from the plane isn't the best PR move an airline ever made.


                          It was handled poorly to begin with and only got worse as it went along. I don't think that Delta will be happy in the end and from the way the guy was treated I can see a lawsuit and a public relations nightmare for them.


                            They should have chartered a private jet to fly the 4 crew members. That's a bad move for United. Hope that guy sues the dog out of them.


                              He must have drawn shortest straw....seriously though must be more to it than just random selection & he gone

